35 of the Dumbest Things People Had to Explain to Customers

‘A chicken is an animal’
35 of the Dumbest Things People Had to Explain to Customers

While people often lament being the bearer of bad news, it seems that it’s not good to be the bearer of any news at all. Any sliver of information may give someone a shock — like the vitamin store worker who had to gently inform a customer that chickens are animals, and therefore, you’re not a vegetarian if you consume them. The entire conversation started because he was explaining the ingredients in a supplement, when out-of-nowhere, the customer insisted that a chicken was “not an animal,” but a fowl. 

This is the kind of moment where, as a service worker, you’re immediately aware that many pieces of information have escaped this person over the course of their lifetime. When the assistant manager stepped in to try to reason with the customer, she left in a huff, and later lodged a complaint against the store, which is exactly the kind of reaction you’d expect from someone that stupid. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times they had to explain common sense to a customer, and you have to hope that these people eventually transition to solely making purchases online.

TEAMTINU . 7mo ago Dumbest thing, or customer, I had to explain is that there is no such thing as lo cal or lo calorie honey. It's fucking local for cryin out loud. FACK. 89 ...
 7mo ago . I took a phone call and answered all the questions that she scrolled by on our google profile. She said, I will call back later and see if you're busy. What's your phone number. I replied, the exact same number you dialed that lead to the conversation we are having now. 107 ...
Paksarra 7mo ago . Former retail worker. My state taxes sugary drinks, but not juice. Some guy got angry about the 6 cent tax on his 99 cent jug of orange drink. I had to explain that water with sugar and orange flavoring wasn't orange juice to a grown man. 101 ...
bunbeck13 . 7mo ago That the lamp she was trying to return did not have a defective cord, but had a protective plastic cap over the plug that needed to be removed. 99 ...
burner46 7mo ago Retail banking: Had to explain to a costumer why the balance that was printed on his receipt from Friday afternoon after a deposit wasn't the same the next morning after he bought a pair of jeans. + 176 ...
Valhalloween 7mo ago I used to work in a high-end liquor store that had a massive wine section and one day a lady came into the store and asked me where our grape wine was. I did not know how to respond. So I asked her some questions like was she looking for a specific type or brand, like a Chardonnay or a Cabernet, Pinot Grigio, Mad Dog, ripple? Ma'am, unless the label says it is made from some other kind of fruit, this is all grape wine. But she just kept repeating that she wanted grape wine and got
QueenOfCaffeine842 7mo ago . Edited 7mo ago A coupon for a free gift with purchase, mailed out in April, said now - May 15th. Customer came in June looking for his free gift and was pissed we didn't have it anymore. Не kept saying but it says now! 122 ...
randypriest 7mo ago That the ice cream they'd brought in for a refund was: 1. empty 2. they didn't have a receipt 3. it was the own brand of a different supermarket 125 ...
Witty_Commentator 7mo ago e I've had to explain to customers that their coupon has to actually be for the product they're buying. Yes, a $3 coupon for a skin care product is a good coupon, however I cannot apply it to your cereal purchase. 115 ...
andsusie e 7mo ago The elevator had a sign that read 'out of order', Customer asked if it was out of order on all of the floors. + 168 ...
buffalotrace 7mo ago I once had a lady that wanted fresh dried fruit. I took her to the dried mango, banana chips, etc. no they wasn't it. I took her to the raisins and figs. Nope. Outbid ideas, I took her to the fruit preserves. Oh there it was. Grape jelly. She wanted grape jelly. 181 ...
Extreme_Succotash_82 o 4mo ago Where are the exits in this store?! I point to the doors that are almost right in front of us. You can go out those too!? 1 Reply ...
webeparrots 4mo ago e The price shown on the large tag directly in front of the TV is the price. It is the only price. 1 Reply ...
Alternative_Belt_118 e 4mo ago That hair dye is gender neutral and that male hair dye doesn't exist. And no they weren't looking for beard dye, they were looking for hair dye with a man on the box + 3 Reply ...
Fit_Concern6966 4mo ago в You don't need extra batteries for solar lights because they are charged by the sun. She told me that it was impossible and asked for a manager, only to be told the same thing. 7 Reply ...
Lavendercoffeeskies E 4mo ago That we have no control over that fat content of Hormel Bacon bits. Forever my favorite, ridiculous customer encounter. 2 Reply ...
WindowsXP-5-1-2600 4mo ago We had a lady, ALREADY IN THE STORE, ask for a manager to verify that the doors won't set off her pacemaker. Lady, how'd you get in the store? 7 Reply ...
Mr_Chuckles99 4mo ago No you cant tear open a package to look at an item when the box has 1. a plastic viewing window 2. item description and 3. a list of the boxes contents. And yes everything is locked up because people steal. Also no the phone case labled i phone 15 will not fit your samsung s23 2 Reply ...
WimbletonButt 4mo ago That they can't sue the store for them eating a spicy chicken sandwich just because they didn't read the very clear labeling that said spicy. Sorry I didn't come after you when you picked it up just to confirm that you wanted spicy I guess. Woman wasn't even allergic or anything, she just didn't like spicy and got mad. Maybe you should actually look at the food you're about to put inside you. 2 Reply ...
Brilliant_Pin_4153 . 4mo ago Why they couldnt print naked photos of her ex husband to bring to divorce court + 12 Reply ...
SeeMarkFly 7mo ago e I was a Maytag repairman. A customer brought in a multicolored felt mat and asked for a new one. I had to explain that was lint from the lint trap. 353 ...
MNJayW 7mo ago Back when printers at home were rare I had a woman come into my store asking for t-shirt transfer paper. I explained to her multiple times how to use them. Print on the paper then pin to shirt then iron. 30 minutes later she came back with the printer and paper wanting a refund because the shirt got stuck in the printer. 290 ...
chevy1500 E 7mo ago I as a walmart stocker , do not control the chemicals inside kids toys. 284 ...
Viazon 7mo ago I had to explain 3 for 2. If you bought 2, you could get a third one free. They couldn't understand it. It was really bizarre. + 299 ...
NecroJoe 7mo ago That watermelons don't grow on trees. And this was back in the days before these personal-sized seedless watermelons...back when they were like 20lbs. A woman was complaining that all of the watermelons were flat on one side and kind of yellow. I told her that was the side that was on the ground. She looked angry and surprised and asked, What do you mean, 'on the ground'?! like I was admitting to some secret that we leave the producing sitting on the ground out back, or something. 727 ...
starkpaella 7mo ago It smells like dirt because it's a greenhouse and that's where we plant the plants. Also sun loving means it loves the sun. + 895 ...
gbosnorthend . 7mo ago E Why is the front of my dishwasher blue?? ...did you remove the protective film? + 430 ...
DannyC990 7mo ago Back when checks were popular, an older lady mistakenly wrote her check to Walmart when she was actually shopping in Kmart. Instead of making the correction, she wanted to argue that she was shopping in a Walmart and that Kmart had gone out of business many years ago. + 386 ...
vagabondsean 7mo ago Back in the day I worked at Safeway and a woman walked up to my meat counter and started asking me where a specific sale item was, like $1 a pound chicken or something. I tell her that's not sale we have. And she starts SCREAMING.  YOU PEOPLE ALWAYS DO THIS! YOU BAIT AND YOU SWITCH! YOU ADVERTISE ONE THING AND THEN REFUSE TO HONOR THE PRICE! EVERYTIME SINGLE TIME I COME HERE AND IM SICK OF IT! She then shoves the store ad in my face and aggressively points at the $1 a pound chicken on
BetaOscarBeta 7mo ago I didn't make your drink wrong, Amy. You ordered a large hot drink, and immediately after paying the barista put out a small cold drink and yelled Jennifer. Then, Amy, you picked it up and took a sip before realizing it was not your large, hot drink. Shift lead sent me on break before I had a chance to fully explode. + 1.4K ...
LadyCiani 7mo ago A chicken is an animal. Therefore it's not vegetarian. Worked in a vitamin store in college and was explaining to someone that vitamin D is extracted from lanolin in sheep's wool, so it depended on if you were vegan or not. And they hit me with fish and birds are not animals. The specific thing she said: What about a chicken? It's not an animal, it's a fowl! My assistant manager told her something like, Oh well remember the 20 questions game? Is it animal, mineral, or vegetable? A chicken isn't an a mineral or vegetable. They
Le_Gazzo_Ladro e 7mo ago That if you tell the selfcheckout no i don't want my receipt. It won't print out your receipt. + 701 ...
pajmage 7mo ago - Why are you shut tomorrow? Uhh...because its Christmas day? But what if I need something? You...youre in the store now? Just buy it now? But I dont need it now! ...... + 1.9K ...
Fragmented-Rooster OP 7mo ago I spent 20+ minutes arguing with a middle aged woman trying to return a XXL stack of men's underwear (against policy once opened). I explained that if her husband had a 32 inch waist like me she needed to buy him Medium size underwear. She eventually and angrily shouted Look, he's got a huge cock and he needs XXL pants for it but these keep falling down when he wears them!!!! She would not accept my explanation that the tag size related to his waist not his junk. she raged out of the shop leaving the
ZPTs 7mo ago e Told a guy we'd have some better deals on black Friday. Offended at the totally intentional racial discrimination he was feeling, he screamed what about white Wendesday?!?! and stormed out. I really didn't get a chance to explain I just like telling that story. 67 ...


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