45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Are One Call Away If You’ve Been Injured

Our favorite cannibal — revealed!
45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Are One Call Away If You’ve Been Injured

Have you been injured in an accident while driving or at work? 

If so, these 45 trivia tidbits are ready to ensure you and your loved ones recover a sizable settlement. They’ve been taking on the big insurance companies and winning for people just like you for a very long time. Big insurance companies like the Philadelphia Contributorship, the first-ever insurance company in the U.S. that was co-founded by Benjamin Franklin and is still in operation today. 

These 45 trivia tidbits will chew up the Philadelphia Contributorship and whatever’s left of Ben Franklin and spit them out if that’s what it takes to see justice served for you — and they’re just a phone call away!

The munchkin myth - dispelled!

MYTH: A munchkin killed himself on The Wizard of Oz People often say that a munchkin killed themselves while they were making The Wizard of Oz, but that's not true -- it's just an urban myth. CRACKED


Chris Brown smartly piped down

Chris Brown went on a Twitter rant against people who attacked him for hitting Rihanna. Indigo It was three years after the incident, and he tweeted things like GROWN ADULTS!!!! That sh- happened three years ago! TWITTER GETS WACK REAL FAST! CRACKED.COM


It's not your Minecraft anymore, dude

CRACKED.COM Since selling Minecraft to Microsoft in 2014, Markus 'Notch' Persson has devolved into paranoid white nationalism on social media. In response, Microsoft scrubbed all references to Persson from Minecraft's title page, and disinvited him from the celebration of Minecraft's 10th anniversary.


"Why is he taking notes at a funeral?"

Mystery shoppers even work at funeral homes. All kinds of businesses use mystery shoppers, including funeral homes. Which may result in a shopper pretending to have a terminal illness. CRACKED.COM


Everyone knows Connecticut's nickname is 'the Connie state,' anyway

Myth: Connecticut is nicknamed the Constitution State because the Constitution was signed there. WRONG. Connecticut got its nickname from the state'

He couldn't do this all day

Chris Evans Could Chris Evans be your Mystery Date? One of Evans' earliest gigs performer was to be Tyler in the 1990s board game Mystery Date. Не even made it on the box cover of the game.

Source: People

Rule of thumb: kick Thomas Gibson back

Thomas Gibson is an alleged shin kicker. CRIMINAL MINDS CRACKED CON His bad behavior finally caught up with him after kicking a writer/producer in the

Source: Variety

The American Express Black Card was a myth before it was real.

Prior to 1999, the mythical American Express Black Card was just a myth. AMERICAN EXPRESS 3763 9 Valid Thru GRACKED.COM 02/12 NG CHUN KEUNG The myth became so pervasive that AmEx decided to capitalize on it and actually make a black, ultra-exclusive credit card.

Money Tips

Yeah, nobody cares

Hey corporations, Instead of turning your bad behavior into glossy apology ads, WELLS FARGO FA KELLS. Domino's Piza Alloy Don't Allow Don't Allow U on

Roseanne is fully gone

Fallen Celebrities Then vs. Now ROSEANNE BARR got eanoel culture'd paid for the consequences of her own dumbass, racist, pro-MAGA opinions THAT ENDED UP RUINING A SUCCESSFUL CAREER, and her own sitcom killed her off and changed its name. Well, we always knew it as Lame Married with Children anyway. CRACKED.COM


The hologram Bible will outlive the human race. As God intended.

CRAGKED.oOM HOLY BIBLE Researchers from the University of Southampton have developed a nanostructured glass they call Superman memory crystal. A dis

The lie was probably started by Big Ham

MYTH: TURKEY MAKES YOU SLEEPY. FACT: IT'S THE BIG meAL THAT Does IT. Science-y types will claim that turkey makes you sleepy because it contains tryptophan, which eventually becomes seratonin and melatonin, the sleep neurochemicals. But turkey doesn't contain enough to affect your tiredness level. The reason you're sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner is because your very full body needs to focus on digestion. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2014/11/ CRACKED.COM 24/no-turkey-doesnt-make-you-sleepy-the-science-of-thanksgiving-feasts/


More Hugo is never a bad thing

CRACKEDC COM Do you like Hugo Weaving? Then you might enjoy Mystery Road. It's a fantastic example of a gritty crime drama film, and Weaving himself n

Don't be the unfortunate cop who pulls him over

You used to be cool MEL GIBSON was once a Hollywood darling. It's near-impossible to imagine now, but Gibson was once the go-to movie star for the blockbusters, the rom coms, and the funny, lovable Lethal Weapon movies. Now, he's primarily known for drunken, explosive, anti-Semitic rants and general awfulness. CRACKED


This knocks out like half of Hollywood crime dramas

CRACKED.COM MYTH: Found fingerprints at the crime scene? Bingo! REALITY: There are no true consensus as to how and if fingerprint forensics really work. The precision and methodologies of fingerprint forensics have been questioned and opposed by a lot of experts (even entire countries). The claim that no two fingerprints are identical has still not been proven, but the error rate has. Point is that it's not an exact science, and shouldn't be believed to be.


TRex needed glasses, no, they really needed glasses

45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Are One Call Away If You’ve Been Injured
Source: Mental Floss

One in a long line of Chevy not-cool moves

Chevy Chase got SO mad at Dan Harmon, he left him a long, ranty voicemail. Не went into detail about why Community doesn't work, according to him, and said It's just a mediocre f-king sitcom. I want people to laugh, and this isn't funny. CRACKED.COM


Amnesia isn't an IRL plot point

People who suffer from amnesia don't forget who they are, but have difficulties creating new memories. DRUSDEALER FACTS: Fact B rficense 6: num Clinic

Your tongue needs no map

ThE tongue-map taught in grade-school has been proven by science to be incorrect. You can in fact taste anything with any part of your tongue. Try it

Another version of the always-oof "Do you know who I am?"

You used to be cool A drunk REESE WITHERSPOON pulls the I'm famous card. She was seemingly America's good girl, but her arrest was caught on film in 2013, and she drunkenly yelled, Do you know my name? You better not arrest me to officers. They did arrest her... for disorderly conduct. CRACKED


We'll take it

MYTH: condoms ARe 98% effective. FACT: THEY'RE JUST 82 % eFfective OVeRALL. They're 98% effective at preventing pregnancy when used perfectly. That me

Nurse Chapel, rejoice

The Star Trek MEDICAL TRicorder is a diagnostic device used to obtain a patient's vitals. C ctil The SCANADU Scout, currently under evaluation by the

Shame on you, Disney

MYTH Lemmings commit mass suicide. TRUTH Disney faked a scene in their documentary White Wilderness, where the myth derives from. CRACKED.COM


Corbin Dallas would have blown O's with the best of them

In The Fifth Element (1997), future cigarettes have a large filter and very little tobacco. BOIN Less than 20 years later, we've already moved on... C

Yeah, George Jetson

45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Are One Call Away If You’ve Been Injured

Nice pic, doesn't say 'sex offender' at all

Fallen Celebrities Then vs. Now JEFFREY JONES acted in a bunch of awesome movies НЕ WAS ALSO ARRESTED FOR POSSESSION OF, ERM, CHEESE PIZZA, and had to register as a sex offender. Не has since resumed acting, mainly on the stage and stuff like 2019's Deadwood: The Movie. CRACKED.COM


Real life is always cooler

EMPIRE TeE In science fiction, whenever a probe is launched it is basically shot like a missile and crashed into the planet. Real-life science is much

He's Cracked's favorite cannibal

Every studio cut ties with Armie Hammer. OSTAGE T WHITE MEN CRACKED.COM After a former girlfriend accused him of rape and abuse, and leaked texts revealed his apparent fetishes for rape, sadism and cannibalism, he was dropped from Billion Dollar Spy, and every other film he was attached to.


Scans over here

Supposedly,opposites attract, but in fact... A computer simulation study revealed people are actually are most attracted to faces that resembled their

Ridiculous, anybody who shaves daily knows it

MYTH: SHAVING MAKES HAIR GROW BE BACK THICKER. CRACKED.COM If shaving made your hair grow back faster and thicker, every teenage boy would look like Paul Bunyan. The reason this myth persists is because hair tapers as it grows, and when you cut it back you see the wider bottom portion.


We might just become a lion

MYTH Lions have kings (or at least alphas). TRUTH Lions don't have a hierarchy. They live in a egalitarian society. CRACKED.COM


A bunch of pee snowflakes out there

Urine is sterile. It's a myth that pee is totally clean. In reality, even healthy people have some bacteria in their urine. CRACKED


So good luck, we guess

MYTH: LOSING YOUR VIRGINITY WILL HURT. FACT: IT PROBABLY won'T. The hymen isn't a barrier that gets painfully ripped open, and it has generally dissol


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