33 Outrageous Claims Submitted to Insurance Agents

‘A couple in rural Oklahoma sideswiped an elephant’
33 Outrageous Claims Submitted to Insurance Agents

It seems that the concept and function of insurance eludes some of us, as evidenced by the customers who have called in and gotten angry after finding out that homeowners insurance isn’t for bankrolling their home improvements. But beyond such dunderhead requests, there are completely wild claims that puzzle everyone involved, like the guy with a life insurance policy who technically died for a few minutes during surgery, yet still wanted to collect even after he was resuscitated. While that’s not really how it works, you can’t blame him for trying. 

Other insurance agents have put their calls on hold to disclose the most outrageous claims they’ve seen — from the very legitimate to the, well, not so legitimate.

dinosaur_chunks 9y ago I used to work for a Fire/Water damage restoration company. We show up to a water damage job. Turns out, this guy is trying to turn his 1 story house into a two story house and has hired some Amish guys to do the job. At this point, Pretty much the entire house is roofless, as in, you look up anywhere from inside the house and see sky. When the Amish dudes finished working the day before they didn't cover up the house. It rained that night. Soaked the entire inside of the house. Insurance covered it.
 9y ago Had a claims assessor telling me about the time someone claimed a car ran into their garden wall and knocked it down. Apparently as he showed up to confirm the damage the guy was just starting to knock the wall down with a sledgehammer. Share 1K ...
kitjen 8y ago A customer tried to claim on his payment protection insurance for his own death. Не had a heart attack and while being operated on, died and was brought back. So he wanted to claim for his own death. 1.1K Share ...
 8y ago I do liability insurance. Customer calls and states that she had snow damage to her roof. I start to tell her that she would need to call her Homeowner's people for snow damage. She tells me that she's not finished yet. She already called her Homeowner's, and they sent an agent out to appraise it, and he slipped on the ice and broke his leg. Now she needs to know if that falls under our liability or if she needs to make a second Homeowner's claim. I immediately transferred her up the chain because I had no
 9y ago I started off in claims for a major home insurance brand in NZ. Client calls in and says our bed broke. Without a proximate cause I can't lodge a claim and if it's wear and tear there is no claim since that isn't covered. Conversation goes around in circles for a while longer and eventually they ask to go to a supervisor, fortunately the sup is my friend sitting behind me so I get to hear his end of call. They were having group sex on the bed, 5 people. A 6th person decided to join the
thebloodofthematador 11y ago Used to be an insurance agent. We'd get people calling all the time because they wanted us to pay for them to have some work done on their house. They claimed it was adding to the safety or value of the home, so they wanted us to cut a check for replacing their siding, adding a porch, redoing the basement, landscaping, stuff like that. Needless to say we do not write checks for home improvements-- insurance is there to protect what you already have, not to improve on it. 36 Share ...
brotree 5y ago I used to work claims for a company who rents vehicles out. I had a claim where a driver rented a vehicle and stated his vehicle lost its brakes and power steering and crashed into 2 parked vehicles hard. Не made the allegation where the rental vehicle was faulty and acused the rental company of failing to maintain their vehicles. I had the claim investigated for possible fraud and sent to SIU and sent out an Slu investigator out. Turns out, it wasn't fraud, the driver's wooden leg got stuck between pedal and brake and took out
StreetWasabi 5y ago I was once auditing claims and was inspecting a motor claim for hailstorm damage. When I looked at the block for diagram of accident (which is normally an overhead sketch of a motor vehicle accident), the insured had drawn a side- view of a car (as a child would draw a car) with lots of circles in the air around it... I have a picture somewhere, which I could dig up... 6 Share ...
got-to-be-kind 11y ago A woman got rear ended at 10 mph. Then tried to get us to pay for 112 chiropractic visits following the accident. Chiropractor turned out to be her brother-in-law. Big fucking nope from us. 87 Share ...
CincyGamer 5y ago Spent 8 years as an insurance agent (mostly personal lines, property/casualty). I've seen all sorts of major claims, but it's the minor ones that stand out to me for some reason. One time, I had a client asking if his home insurance will pay to have leaves cleaned from his gutters. When I explained how insurance works in the nicest way possible, the man fired back what's the point of paying for insurance then?! Stuff like this always annoyed me. This man wasn't elderly or disabled. Не simply expected us to do simple maintenance around his house.
sarafromj 5y ago Person was terminally ill. Decided to fly to a country across the world for a bucket list type deal. Was too sick to fly back on a commercial flight. Wanted their insurer to fly them back home in a private plane. 12 Share ...
Scarecrow119 5y ago Not an insurer but use to working in customer services for a phone company. A lady called wanting a new phone because it instantly started to downpour and broke her phone. I just asked if she had insurance. Turns out... nope 7 Share ...
 0 5y ago I once investigated a reported stolen vehicle. Guy reported it to the police, his insurer, etc. We (insurer) have to wait 30 days to see if the vehicle is recovered. Day 2 the guy calls and tells me he found his car...he just forgot where he parked it. The level of his embarrassment was palpable even through the phone. 367 Share ...
marya123mary 5y ago My friend got this claim at USAA....People going to a dinner at a friend's small farm/ranch. Pulling up there was a thunderstorm approaching. Several goats jumped up onto the hood of their car from fear from the thunder causing dents. 7 Share ...
noniktesla a 5y ago A man in a beer truck accidentally drove through an art gallery because he wasn't used to his new prosthetic leg yet and accelerated instead of breaking. Nobody was hurt though. 21 Share ...
forneusFQ 8y ago Very wealthy individual who was also an art collector and spent a lot of money at art auctions. Не bought so many paintings he completely ran out of wall space in his mansion and had to rent a warehouse to store all the crates full of paintings that wouldn't fit in his home. Then he ran out of room in the warehouse. This led to him storing approximately $4 million worth of paintings, one of which was from the 16th century and valued at $500,000 by itself, in a garage directly below an old toilet. Inevitably one
PYTN 5y ago We just had a customer who had her 3rd 50k theft loss in 3 years. She's definitely getting company canceled by corporate. And likely investigated too. Share 185 ...
simplify_that_shit . 8y ago i saw on a work comp claim that the claimant dislocated his shoulder while swimming at a staff meeting. I thought that was so cool. I wish my staff meetings could be in a pool. Turns out he was a lifeguard so it all made sense and i lost hope for cool pool meetings. 777 Share ...
BlueMacaw 8y ago A few years back, a couple in rural Oklahoma were driving home from church and sideswiped an elephant. Collisions with cows and deer are fairly common here; not often you have a run in with an escaped circus elephant. 227 Share ...
tghre 11y ago I work in insurance sales but I've heard a few claims stories. A very common one is when a customers freezer breaks down (we also cover what you had inside the freezer) they always seem to have 5-6 kilos of lobster, 10 kilos of sirloin... 27 Share ...
wildescrawl 4y ago Had the claims for two trucks from the same small town come in. The trucks were the same year, make, model and everything other than color and mileage. I thought they screwed up one form and sent a corrected one which is why we had two. It was very confusing for a while trying to figure out which of these was the correct form for the wrecked truck. Then I found out in a town of about 1000 there were two brothers who bought the same truck (different colors) on the same day then almost exactly 1
PM_ME_UR_HEDGIE . 4y ago A library called claiming their lost and found cart labeled Free Stuff had been stolen. Share 145 ...
dmac1090 2y ago I handled a road rage incident where my insured was forced to the shoulder of the road with the other participant/claimant stopped in front of him. Claimant gets out of his car and proceeds to stab my driver in the neck 4 times. As my driver flees the scene to get medical help he clipped the other vehicle causing minor damage to their rear bumper. The attackers girlfriend/passenger proceeds to file a bodily injury claim for whiplash and a PD claim. The claim was immediately denied of course and the attacker's insurance accepted liability. 23 Reply Share
avengere 2y ago Had a married woman pick up a man at a bar, take him back to a motel and she did the deed with him. Woke up found he had stolen her $90,000 Brand new Escalade and left his stolen motorcycle (Upgrade baby) instead. I was on the phone with her husband as he was picking her up from the motel room and he did not seem like he was having a good day for some reason. Не kept referring to the guy as her friend 12 Reply Share ...
angel_inthe_fire 2y ago Customer claimed she hit a washing machine that fell off a cop car in front of her on the highway. Same customer also later filed a claim for cut brake lines due to little people knowing she was a warlock. Called a co-worker an evil Wiccan for denying her mechanical failure claim. Same customer came to our office to complain about a claim and then accused one of my co-workers of sexually harassing her despite multiple employees being present during this interaction. Finally non- renewed. 38 Share Reply ...
wuh613 2y ago Did claims in Chicago early in my career. A girl picked up a dude at a club. Не was driving her jeep and she was giving him road head on the way to her place. Не crashed into another car for some reason and then fled on foot. The police report was pretty funny. She didn't even know the dude's first name. No wonder she was so sketch on details when I took her statement. 8 Reply Share ...
sioopauuu . 2y ago Lady needs her pipe under her concrete, unfinished basement floor repaired. She wants us to pay for the excavation of her basement floor. We said no, that is not something we pay for. Told me I was the devil lol 7 Reply Share ...
points1928 9mo ago paid about $7k to an insured maybe a decade ago who had custom made from Europe leather bondage gear and toys stolen out of their car outside a club that was hosting some kind of special night for that kind of thing. Had a 5 page list of stuff and a picture of them in it when they turned in the claim. 8 Share Reply ...
Natsirk99 9mo ago My BIL had to file a claim because he dropped his phone at work and a coyote chewed on it, peed on it, then chewed on it some more. It was covered as a natural disaster. 21 Reply Share ...
Unique-Drop2020 9mo ago I have one! Auto claim - Policy holder bought a BRABD NEW car for his brother - and was in the policy holders name. Brother works for a major tech company in their Al dept. Car was never added to any policy. Several weeks later, brother decides he's going to test his employers self driving Al on his car and purposely ran a red light to see if the Al would avoid the crash. It obviously did not and we denied coverage as it had been more than 30 days since they bought the vehicle. 7 Reply Share ...
MimosaQueen1122 9mo ago Not crazy but had a car theft. Insured was not forthcoming. Found out they had paid time with a prostitute, was married, and the pimp stole the car. Didn't want to tell the story cause they didn't want their so to know but had to report the stolen car. Police report was false, so filed for divorced, claim went to SIU. Was a big ol' mess till they came clean 45 Reply Share ...
RottenRebelScum 9mo ago Man and gf in rented moving truck. Woman tries to stab man driving. Truck hits 5 cars that were parked and unoccupied. Turns out gf had rented truck with another persons information. 7 Reply Share ...
Beerlnsurance 2y ago When I worked in personal lines a guy tried filing a claim for medical payments because he accidentally shot himself in the hand while driving. Wonder what he was doing with the gun... Share 11 Reply ...


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