30 Hilarious Things People Feel Self-Conscious About

‘I forget how I normally walk and it gets weird’
30 Hilarious Things People Feel Self-Conscious About

We all know what it’s like to become Too Aware™ of ourselves. Sometimes it arrives in the form of seeing an elderly person and spiraling about our mortality. Other times it’s less serious stuff, like, “I think my arms look weird when I walk.” There’s no way to escape these thoughts, all we can do is accept the fact that everyone is plagued with them. 

Redditors have copped to the funniest things they’re self-conscious about. If you feel like an insane person when you’re running, pumping gas or looking at your own reflection, know that you’re not alone. We may be neurotic, but at least we have each other.

Milkelly_White E 12y ago My skinny jeans have a little bit of extra material at the crotch that makes it sound like I have walking farts. 11 ...
thirteenfortynine 12y ago When I shop, I turn all products in my basket face down so people won't know what I'm buying. 22 ...
MagnusOdesseiron 12y ago e I like to walk around my room when I'm listening to music, but I stop when I know someone is near so they won't think I'm crazy + 20 ...
 12y ago Swallowing. Not even with drinks or food or anything. Just swallowing my own spit is a problem. I somehow save up all of my saliva and then have to swallow it all during the loudest, most uncomfortable silence ever. And I am positive that every being in the room can hear/is judging me based on my salivary glands. 7 ...
Myworldrocks86 12y ago . I always feel awkward crossing the crosswalk in front of a bunch of cars that are waiting. Its like they are all looking at me, so i pull out my phone and pretend to check a text message. 4 ...
cal_mofo 12y ago When I yawn in public and then 2 seconds later people look at me, not having seen me yawn. I look like I'm crying. Oh god, they must think I'm a huge baby for fucking sobbing! But, I'm not sobbing, people! I just yawned 5 seconds ago WHY ARE YOU STILL JUDGING ME YOU DON'T KNOW MY NON-EXISTENT PROBLEMS 23 ...
 12y ago o I never poop in a public restroom because everytime I've done it I worry everyone will hear the poop hit the water and judge me. It sounds rediculous but it's a real thing. + 51 ...
EekaNumber3 12y ago At my work, there are quite a few long hallways. I always freak out about whether or not I should make eye contact with people walking towards me, especially if there's just one. I mean, it would be creepy to just stare at them the whole time they're walking up, say hi, and keep walking, but I feel like I'm being rude if I stare at the floor or refuse to acknowledge his or her existence. More often than not, I just pull out my phone and pretend I'm reading e-mail. + 40 ...
kittyy 12y ago I try so hard not to pee loudly if I'm at someone's place that I'm not super close with or if they're at mine. I'm female so I can't aim at the porcelain, really. Sometimes the water level is low and it hits the porcelain and not the water, but some toilets that's totally unavoidable and I get SOOOO self conscious. Does this make me a total weirdo? I've been like that for years. + 34 ...
TheFlorence 12y ago e I get paranoid when I swim that the life guards are judging my poor crawl form. 38 ...
 12y ago looking at my reflection. i notice other people doing it in store windows or whatever and i wonder if i'm doing it too much and if that's vain and then i end up having existential panic for the rest of the day + 184 ...
ladyplay 12y ago - ugh. i can relate to like 99% of these comments. I often worry about being accused of shoplifting. I've never stolen a thing in my life but clerks talking to me or staring at me make me feel judged. If I leave a store without making a purchase I make a special effort to exit extra-casually, slowly, and unsuspiciously. lol :( 87 ...
dancelikepunky 12y ago o My least favorite is when my nose whistles when I'm laying down close next to someone before bed or during a movie. + 77 ...
chimchim1 12y ago i always think that people are looking at me when i walk down the street. then i wonder, wait, did forget to put on pants? did i forget to put on a bra? is something weird on my face? WHY ARE THEY LOOKING?? but they aren't actually looking. nonexistant audience... 90 ...
longnails11 . 12y ago . In Walking For Fitness (college pe credit) we sometimes to jumping jacks. I think I may be the worst jumping jacker ever. I know no one is looking at me because they are all staring into space miserably during it, but I just feel awful doing that particualr movement in front of others. + 66 ...
Super_Witty_Username 12y ago I hate running in front of others, especially on my college campus. I used to run track for my university and every time I run in front of someone or in front of old teammates I feel this need to prove myself, like everyone I pass thinks I'm slow and they're judging me. 236 ...
hashinmypieandmash 12y ago When I'm walking along and there's music in the background, say like in a shopping mall for example, I feel weird if my steps match the beat of the song that's playing. I feel like everyone is watching me like 'look at that knob goblin, thinking they're in an 80s montage or something, so I either deliberately speed up or slow down so I'm not keeping the beat with my steps... 308 ...
_lawlipops_ 12y ago Edited 12y ago A When I go to get gas, I always try to make my total to the nearest dollar. If I am aiming for $20.00 but accidentally put in $20.03, I will add in a bit more gas to make it a weird total, like $20.67. That way, it doesn't look like I tried to make it to $20.00 but failed. I suppose that I fear looking like an inaccurate gas pumper. This is normal, right?! + 246 ...
 12y ago e When I'm walking somewhere in public and I suddenly have to turn around, I make sure no one is looking and do it as fast as I can. + 286 ...
chrismuthadamnsipe 12y ago I never let other cars see me turn my lights on in my car. If it's getting dark while I'm driving I wait until no one is in front of me to turn them on. No idea why. + 426 ...
 . 8y ago My eye contact. I always feel like I'm doing it wrong. + 2.2K ...
MrSnek 8y ago e Edited 8y ago What my face looks like from the side. The majority of the times I see my own face is head on in a mirror, so whenever I see myself from the side I think I look weird. Also I have bad posture, neck sticks too far forward. Edit: My highest rated comment is about my face looking funny. Thanks guys. + 2.8K ...
cherry_valance 12y ago I hate walking outside and realizing I am the only girl in shorts. I feel like people will look at me and be like WOW DIDN'T THAT SLUTTY LEG GIRL REALIZE IT'S NOT SHORTS WEATHER TODAY + 947 ...
 12y ago e When I am in a movie theater I sometimes find myself chewing slower on popcorn so everyone's not distracted by my chomping. + 827 ...
rustysqueezebox 12y ago If im breathing too loud when i have headphones in + 941 ...
tastosis 8y ago e When a girl smiles at me and I can't tell if when I smile back if it looks genuine or forced. I feel super awkward about it 917 ...
Neccesary 12y ago e When I'm walking I always freak out about what to do with my arms. + 735 ...
 12y ago Sometimes my jeans bulge near my crotch. I always worry people think its a boner. + 962 ...
MissMyCookie e 12y ago E When I'm in public I sometimes start to think about how I'm walking. Then I forget how I normally walk and it gets weird. + 1.5K ...
TheGhostOfSagan 12y ago o Related to driving... If I'm in the far left lane and someone is about to get on my ass, I move over slowly, to make it look like I'm not intimidated by their fast as fuck car. 4 ...


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