40 Random Bits of Trivia Stomped Out to Us by Clever Hans, the German Genius Horse

We’ve all heard what monkeys can do on typewriters, but no one has ever inquired about a horse’s typing skills.
Our curiosity got the best of us, so we took a little field trip to the stables. After 167 completely obliterated typewriters, one of those stallions actually stomped us one true fact! It really was something to behold. We typed up the other 39 facts because we don’t have the budget for more typewriters, but hey, this is a monumental day in the fact world.

Boris Yeltsin

Source: Reuters
Forever 21

The Size of Cells

Source: 15 Movie Scenes That Were Supposed To Play Out Differently

Source: 21 Long-Game Revenge Schemes

Source: 15 Impossibly Silly Predictions (Made By Serious People)


More: 6 Brilliant Clues Hidden In The Background Of TV Shows


Source: Scientific American

Maybe the Dingo Did Eat Her Baby


The Treaty of Versailles

Cabbage Patch Kids


Source: Gutenberg