40 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Gained Sentience and Immediately Filed to Unionize, But We’re Doing Our Best to Break Them Up

All we’re saying is, 40 separate facts are a lot better than one big, highly confusing fact
40 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Gained Sentience and Immediately Filed to Unionize, But We’re Doing Our Best to Break Them Up

The creator of the keyboard made a space bar for a reason, people! Try typing any old sentence without spaces. It’s insanely confusing. So when these facts started getting all Voltron on us, we had to break them up right quick! 

They’re a little pissy with us right now, but we know what’s best for them. Years from now, when they look back on this list, they’ll see that we were right.

Each Fact As Good As The Last!

Lupita Nyong'o's father is a hero of Kenyan liberation. Peter Nyong'o fought Kenya's tyrannical government in the 1980s, when corruption was rife and

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Until 1890, it was impossible to keep your vote a secret in US elections. US elections were hugely public events and entertained large crowds who watc

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CRACKED.COM MYTH: The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th. It was drafted on June 11 and 28, presented to Congress on July 2, and revised on July 3 and 4. It was adopted by the Congress on July 4th. However, John Hancock didn't lay his big ol' signature down until August 4th.


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40 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Gained Sentience and Immediately Filed to Unionize, But We’re Doing Our Best to Break Them Up

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CRACKED  ON ACTIVISTS ALLIANCE HRIST OTOFET PRIDE DAY GAY LIBERATION 1970 In the first ever Pride march, the police had their backs turned to the para

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CRACKED CO Flossie Wong-Staa became the first researcher to successfully clone and map HIV. Her work paved the way for the development of HIV blood te

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Brad Pitt's brother helped millions gain access to water. TJAV Doug Pitt is an expert in how to effectively drill for clean water, and has worked with

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CRACKED THE RED RANGER KILLED HIS ROOMMATE WITH A SWORD. Ricardo Medina Jr., best known for his role as the Red Ranger in the Power Rangers Wild Force series, pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter of his roommate Joshua Sutter in 2015. ER RANGERS BA POWER MORPHIC DAI 20 POWER MO POWER MILA


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Mary J. Blige CRACKED.COM She requires every venue she performs at to install a factory-fresh toilet seat.


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CRACKED IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION A lot of the money the U.S. spent to fix up Iraq, which was around $60 billion, was misused, according to a report to Congress from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Up to $60 billion


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Taste receptors are neatly grouped. We often think that the taste receptors for salty, sweet, bitter and sour are only located in certain parts of the tongue, but that's not true. Actually, these receptors are spread out all over the tongue. CRACKED


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In 2013, Alec Baldwin chased down a TMZ paparazzo and called him homophobic slurs. HARRI HARR de INSTON AMERICA So MSNBC first suspended his talk show Up Late with Alec Baldwin for two weeks, then cancelled it. Funding for his radio show dried up, AT&T cancelled a paid speech of his, and his bank didn't renew their contract with his charity foundation. CRACKED.COM


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Pepsi was once the 6th largest navy in the world. L'Est CHIN Y VIII MITH IN IV . F WIL HE VI VII - IV - XI VII WILL ... es hwep ПЕПСИ-КОЛ ПЕПСИ ПЕПСИ-КОЛА - ЗОВАРНЫЙ E ПЕПСИ-КОЛА SPAR RANBER ТОВАРНЫЙ il AOR - - NET НИ the - DE 13 11 17 .. 33 : DE 12 ЛЬНИЙ 179 11 21 = 37 27 13 15 17 10 The USSR had restrictions on transporting rubles outside of their territory, so they made good on a $3 billion contract in 1990 with 17 submarines, a frigate, a cruiser and a


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McDonald's Onion Nuggets Onion Nuggets Before the Chicken McNugget, there was the Onion Nugget. Introduced in the 1970s, they were clumps of onions deep-breaded and fried. CRACKED.COM


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CRACKED MARIE ANTOINETTE SAYING LET THEM EAT CAKE Marie Antoinette supposedly said this when she heard peasants were very hungry. But it's likely that something like this phrase was actually said by Maria Theresa, the Spanish princess who married Louis XIV a century before Marie Antoinette's time.


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PUNISHING WINDS CRACKED.COM Venusian winds are faster than the speediest tornado on Earth. The intense winds that swipe across Venus reach up to 450 miles per hour (724 kph), so if the 1km walk under the sea isn't enough, any gust of wind would completely wash you away.

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Paul Newman never stopped hustling. N aky 2a3 44 6e oo as At6 the A As A4 6- A tan AL4ta Color nti Of Money CRACKED COM Paul Newman finally won an Oscar for The Color of Money, which was actually a reprisal of his role from The Hustler, 25 years earlier.

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Se7en. Ei8ht? Nein. The movie we know as Solace was once rejiggered as a sequel to Se7en, called Ei8ht. Anthony Hopkins' character in Solace would have been Morgan Freeman's Se7en character.

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JASON SCHWARTZMAN PHANTOM PLANET CRAGKEDCOM Remember 'California,' the earworm theme song from The oc? If that's stuck in your head for the rest of th

AV Club

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FINN WOLFHARD THE AUBREYS Wolfhard wanted to name the band after his cat Audrey. But the Audreys already existed so the d became a b. Wolfhard's plans


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40 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Gained Sentience and Immediately Filed to Unionize, But We’re Doing Our Best to Break Them Up

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Nick Kroll's father recovers dictator plunder. MOFFLY MED IWICH DIS ENV ZFNE MEDIA Filr Jules Kroll runs a detective agency that tracks misappropriate

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Steven Spielberg's father revolutionized computers. Arnold Spielberg designed the GE-225, a mainframe with unprecedented processing power that helped

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Stewart Copeland's dad helped found the CIA. POLICE Miles Copeland was an intelligence officer who, along with other notable spooks, assisted in setti

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VARSITY GAMES used to have all=male cheerleading teams. CRHUN ALTHough allowed to participate since the 20s, women were uncommon on squads until the

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At the first Super Bowl, the halftime entertainment was a marching band. SUPER BOWL CRACKED CON

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When Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson got married, Samuel L. Jackson got them a wedding gift of 10,000 BEES. Though the couple had asked for no gi

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When her three brothers died in battle in WWIl, Roza Shanina quit her job as a kindergarten teacher and joined the Red Army. She became a sniper, made

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Monkee Michael Nesmith's mother invented Liquid Paper. LiQl Mid Pa Bette Nesmith Graham created the office staple after the advent of electric typewri

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40 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Gained Sentience and Immediately Filed to Unionize, But We’re Doing Our Best to Break Them Up

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A South African man was carjacked in 2012. Lynn Peters Follow @onebadvillynn Be on the look for DSSo41GP my boyufriend has just been hijacked and is i


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