30 of the Highest Things People Did While High

‘Went to Chipotle and tried to order a footlong’
30 of the Highest Things People Did While High

Smoking weed is easily one of the most fun ways to become unaware of the fact that you have a functioning brain. Dumb movies become hilarious, stupid ideas seem genius and rational thinking is nowhere to be found. It’s incredible. 

I feel bad for people who have negative reactions from marijuana, because they’ll never understand how it feels to forget to pull down their underwear when peeing. Wait no, that’s not a good one. Uhh, they’ll never know what it’s like to get on their laptop, FaceTime themselves through their iPhone, and have a solid 10-minute conversation with themselves. Hmm. 

Okay, well, Redditors have remembered the highest things they ever did while high, and on second thought, maybe we should all stop smoking.

SmokeySB . 5y ago Eating yoghurt with a fork in front of my parents. My dad waited for about 10 minutes to say that a spoon might make it easier. + 15K ...
16beanz e 5y ago Was hot boxing and used my windshield wipers to try and clear the smoke. 26K ...
nirbles . 5y ago Was watching a korean drama when I had a whole freak out when I realized Holy shit!! I suddenly understand korean! I woke my bf up and made him watch with me as I translated for him. Не laughed at me for 5 minutes before he told me I was just actually just reading the subtitles. 2.3K ...
DopestSoldier . 5y ago Got up to leave my bedroom and knocked on the door before opening it to go out. + 23K ...
visualcriiminal e 6y ago e First time I ever got high I ate a piece of plain cinnamon bread and cried for 10 minutes because of how beautiful it tasted 965 ...
brycential 5y ago I was fucked up looking for my hotel in atlantic city. Somehow got there and woke up the next morning to just 'hotel' being in the search bar of my spotify. That was my best effort 7.2K ...
DFroody 5y ago o Made a cup of tea with cold water and proceeded to put the entire concoction into the microwave. When I discovered that the door wouldn't close because the mug was too big, I tipped a bit of water from the mug and tried again. + 1.9K ...
ArtymechgunDoc . 5y ago Went to let the dog out and I walked out instead and left my dog inside + 13K ...
coldbrewoolongtea e 5y ago - one time my eye was really dry so I stopped drinking my water and started slowly pouring water into my eye, all of it while I was sitting on my friends bed, leaving just a bit so I could still have one gulp + 4.5K ...
bestintheapt . 6y ago e Went to Chipotle and tried to order a footlong 1.1K ...
beagz4eva 6y ago e Ate all of the berries out of a box of crunch berries. + 950 ...
daibz 6y ago 0 Went to order food couldn't say the words so I just pointed at the signs. The person helping me was cracking up the whole time. I looked high as fuck with a stupid grin on my face. + 1K ...
ronniequeen 6y ago One time I was in college and I was stoned and my brother was cooking bacon for our munchies. I kept telling everyone to shut up because in the back of my mind I heard little tiny soft beautiful music. Kind of like a symphony. I was like I'm so high. It was the bacon sizzling. The bacon sizzling sounded like a freaking symphony to me. 1.2K ...
phishvincent 6y ago Edited 6y ago Not me but a friend. We have a popular chicken finger shop called Raising Canes in our college town. Now those of you familiar with canes know that they only serve one thing, chicken fingers. All you can decide other than that is how many you want and whether you want fries, cole slaw, toast and sauce. My roommate, high as hell, sat in the parking lot for a solid 20 minutes deciding just how many chicken fingers he wanted. When he finally came to his conclusion, he proceeded to pull into the drive
Nomotive54 0 6y ago - I've put my TV remote in the freezer several times when getting my Ben and Jerry's. + 2.4K ...
marzv 6y ago © I went to pee and forgot to fucking pull down my underwear 2.1K ...
HoobityDoobity 6y ago . Donated $50 to Wikipedia. I was confused when sober me got the email the next morning. Apparently, when I'm high I'm very socially conscious. + 2K ...
notnominal 6y ago . Topped my macaroni and cheese with shredded cheese. Congratulated myself for being a genius, high fived myself, took it into my blanket fort and fell asleep while eating it. + 2K ...
 6y ago . Edited 6y ago . First time I was ever high. Walked back to my dorm. I decided that I needed to talk to myself, in a tangible sense. Went on my laptop and facetimed myself through my iPhone. Had a full on conversation with myself (with feedback) for a solid 10 minutes. 1.3K ...
 6y ago When I lived with my parents I would take a blunt walk. One time it was like 11 at night and I was on my way back home after smoking. Remind you I was walking. So I see this stop sign and literally stop walking. Stood right there for like 5 minutes wondering when it will turn green. Then I was like fuck it I'm just going to run it. It didn't hit me till I got home that it was a fucking stop sign. I cracked myself up for a while. + 2.9K ...
alexthegreatmc 6y ago I made buying hot dogs at a gas station feel like a fucking heist. I was super paranoid and one of the clerk's was stocking the buns. I approached slowly thinking just be cool, just be cool.... So I'm using the tongs to grab the bread and I'm fucking shaking cuz I'm super nervous. Takes me forever to make a hotdog. I approach the counter to pay and I'm trying so hard to look normal because I think they're going to call the cops. I don't make eye contact, I avoid small talk, and get out immediately.
ZombifiedPie 6y ago . Went downstairs to pour a glass of milk for myself. My parents happen to be in the kitchen. So in my best sober impression I pour a glass quickly and leave. Halfway up the stairs I realize I took the gallon and not the glass. At that point I had to commit. + 4.6K ...
dcredneck . 6y ago 0 Edited 6y ago e I had the munchies and walked to a Subway nearby. On the way back I see a car in the driveway and wonder who it is. Turned out it was the pizza I ordered and immediately forgot about.
Psychic_Bias 6y ago e I caught myself saying goodnight as I blew out my scented candle. Laughed like an idiot for 15 minutes. + 4.9K ...
PYLON_BUTTPLUG 6y ago o Multiple times: peeled banana, threw good part in garbage, walked away with peel + 5.3K ...
CiaranDotCom 6y ago e Smoked a bong after getting my tonsils out when I was told not to. Thought I couldn't taste the old vanilla ice cream I was eating and that I had fried my tastebuds because I smoked too soon after the surgery, this made sense at the time. My dad walked in the kitchen as I was pouring the salt shaker in my mouth to see if I could taste at all. + 2.5K ...
 6y ago I was on skype with my best friend and as she was talking to me I just sat there watching her because I thought I was watching Netflix. + 4.9K ...
jademenagerie 6y ago Edited 6y ago At this point in my life I had agoraphobia, and while high, mustered up the courage to go grocery shopping for what was probably the fourth time in my life. Great idea. I'm so fucking stoned that I decide to try the deli counter for the first time ever, and I see this little container on the counter. I start to panic, and scramble to find a tip for what my high mind decided was a tip jar. I get my order, smile at the deli person, and make eye contact with her as
doesthismakemesmell 6y ago . Edited 6y ago A friend and I cut a block of cheddar into little cubes, melted half of them and dipped the rest of the cubes in the melted cheese. So good.
BlackDavidDuchovny 5y ago e One time I came back inside from a back porch smoke and put my lighter in the sink. My reasoning was I'll put it in the dishwasher later. + 17K ...


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