26 Local Rumors People Heard As Children That Ended Up Being True

‘The building down the way was a cult’
26 Local Rumors People Heard As Children That Ended Up Being True

Rarely does town gossip turn out to be true. People add their own details for dramatic effect, and eventually, the gossip reaches urban-legend status because no one can confirm its accuracy. But sometimes, local rumors aren’t embellished at all, they just sound fake. Like the tale about a student who was actually a cop in disguise. As it turned out, he was an undercover cop, and he ultimately busted a kid for selling handguns at school. 

Redditors have recalled their local tales that were proven to be true, including a football team that had a few underground players.

Roganvarth 1y ago That There was a nuclear shelter underneath the soccer field accessible from the storage room under the woodshop. Was pretty cool to explore it when we told the new shop teacher the rumour and they got curious about it too. Turns out it was unfinished and unplumbed, no hardware or rowdy vault doors but the concrete had been laid for the bones of it all so just a bunch of big tunnels and rooms. + 2 ...
thrwawaythrwaway_now 10mo ago Rumour was, one of our hs phys ed teachers was a roaring drunk. Totally true: about ten years after i had last attended he got busted sleeping in a storage room in the school. He'd go straight from last call at the bar, break into the school, & have a nap 'til awoken by the PA system doing morning announcements. Cops figured out just who it was breaking in all the time and basically stood back & let him get caught by custodial staff as he got increasingly bold. 269 Share ...
No_Variety9420 10mo ago When I was a kid (in the late 70's) there was a rumor that an old weird family were retired circus folk and kept an elephant in their barn, we all thought it was just an urban legend, until one day there was news reporters and all kinds of police activity at the residence and the elephant was taken away in a truck lol Share 49 ...
epicsoundwaves 10mo ago e We joked that a few houses down was the drug house, until it burned down from a make shift meth lab lol Share 45 ...
insertitherenow 10mo ago That a kid at our school had fake testicles because they got removed in an accident. Turns out it was true. 45 Share ...
RedditlsAShitehole 2y ago That one of our teachers was in the IRA. Не was. 273 ...
googlyevileye 2y ago e Dr Palermo the band teacher never received his doctorate in music like he claimed. It was weird, he use to force all his students to address him as Dr but when he came back from his leave of absence we all called him by Mr like nothing happened. + 6.8K ...
fessuoyfessouy 10mo ago A teacher in high school got incredibly sick & rushed to the ER. She was sweating, vomiting, had server diarrhea & fainted. It all happened so fast & everyone was confused. There was a rumor that one of the students poisoned her because she got sick after she consumed an energy drink he gifted her. 3 years later & he was actually convicted of attempted murder & got 25 years in prison. (Не was 18) turns out he put cyanide in the drink & gave it to her. Не claims to be innocent to this day though.
AwesomeInTheory 10mo ago A serial killer lived in the park* near where I lived. Turns out that it was very true. His name was Charles Ng. = the park was a rather expansive natural space and not like a small plot of greenery. 68 Share ...
Relevant-Document566 10mo ago Our school was a convent run by a catholic missionary. Some boys in 9th grade were punished and temporarily suspended for spreading a rumor that one of the nuns involved in running our school, was seen socialising with a teacher (who was a non-catholic) outside of school. For those of you who aren't aware, catholic nuns are sworn to a life of celibacy. Well its been almost 15 years since I graduated high school, and I just found out they're happily married !! Turns out those poor boys were punished unjustly! 114 Share ...
snootyvillager 10mo ago There was a teacher at my school that kids would claim was insanely rich. Like he lived in a giant mansion near the oceanfront and he only taught because he just genuinely loves being a teacher. Не was pretty private so he would always say you shouldn't ask people about their finances when kids would just ask him. So senior year he has the seniors over for a year-end awards ceremony and superlatives type dinner deal Yup, super rich and lived in a huge mansion by the ocean. Said he inherited all his money from his parents
SL1Fun 2y ago Athletics coordinator was fudging documents on kids' addresses so they would be able to go to our school instead of others in the district. We won like five state championships that year. + 1.7K ...
KeDoG3 4y ago . Edited 4y ago . My AP US Gov teacher was the daughter of Phil Jackson. We all believed it and during his last Lakers game her and her family was there and shown on screen. Got a screen shot of her at the game and shared with some friends. We all knew for sure then but we never really brought it up to be respectful as she didnt like the attention for it. 1.6K ...
Potential_Hedgehog92 4y ago this was a roumour that went around my elementary school. basically my school had a lock down but they didn't tell us what it was for. one kid came in the next day and told us that his sister said it was a cow in the field in between the high school and middle school. so my second grade class went and told everyone else in the school. the next day we had an assembly that confirmed this rumor. + 14K ...
shakenbake87 e 4y ago . Edited 4y ago e There were rumors that there was a network of underground tunnels that connected every building on my college campus. Didn't believe it til I walked through them myself.
SmokeHimlnside 4y ago In my Catholic (Jesuit) high school, one of the priests and one of the nuns were very close friends. We all loved them, and we could see that they were quite fond of one another (and they made a really nice looking couple). We used to affectionately kid them about meeting in the tunnel between the convent and the rectory. A few years after my class graduated, they both left their Orders, got married, and had kids. We're all happy for them. 4K ...
MsEvelynn 4y ago Our freshman science teacher was a massive jerk to any girl, and would frequently throw the dress code book at girls for the slightest issue. Everyone said it was because he was pissed his daughter became a stripper... that ended up being true 13K ...
Telrom_1 10mo ago 1 Edited 10mo ago The park we used to play football at used to be a cemetery, they exhumed all the coffins and moved them years before I was born. We'd freak each other out especially at night saying there were still bodies buried there. One day we were playing and they were doing some grounds keeping work and they found a coffin, the state came out and found 30 more. We were actually playing on top of hallowed ground. + 6.3K Share ...
mygolgoygol 10mo ago Always heard rumours that this kid who I rode bmx with, his dad was a high ranking member of the Hells. One day we're over there, years later, chatting shit around the fire in his backyard and about 70 patched members arrived at the house for a meeting. They bought us a shitload of beer and told us to find a park to drink it in for a few hours while they had their meeting. 2.2K Share ...
10mo ago _curiouschloe_ There was a rumor at my high school that that the building down the way was a cult. It wasn't unheard of to dare people to go over there and then you'd end up being followed or sometimes invited to dinner. Turns out, it was the HQ of the cult the Duggars were in, IBLP. I was watching that documentary and my mind was blown, because all the high school rumors had been true!! 5.5K Share ...
CountChoculasGhost 10mo ago This is a little more lighthearted. But when I was in elementary school. Probably like 3rd grade? All the kids in my class would joke about how our primary teacher and our Spanish teacher liked each other. We were all little kids, so of course it was just dumb little kids joking about around. That is, until a few years later when I was in middle school and I found out my old teacher and Spanish teacher recently got married. + 8.6K Share ...
10mo ago _metamax_ There was a taco truck in town that sold weed if you asked for a side of lettuce. + 5.4K Share ...
AllThotsGo2Heaven2 4y ago . That one of the students was actually a cop. Turns out he was a cop and busted one of the actual students for selling handguns in school. If you thought 21 jump street was unrealistic think again. Cop was a 33 year old male and undercover for like half the semester. + 4.6K ...
WhyEvenTryEver 10mo ago This older kid had this lightning streak scar all over one side of his neck and down his body. The rumor was he was throwing stuff at the power lines behind our neighborhood. Turns out he was. Не was throwing copper wire at it, and it arced. He's lucky to be alive. + 17K Share ...
blow_montana 10mo ago . Edited 10mo ago A vagrant looking man used to collect cans from local parks and whatnot (imagine someone pushing a shopping cart in tattered clothing). Rumor was he was generationally wealthy and when he passed away he left a fortune to the park and rec department to update facilities.
Dev01011010 10mo ago In the science lab there was a little jar of white powder in the glass cupboard, everyone was making jokes about it being cocaine. Later that year the maths teacher was fired on account of being under the influence while teaching and hiding drugs in the science lab. 98 Share ...


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