36 Highly Obnoxious Things Done by Wedding Guests

‘Booing the best man during his speech’
36 Highly Obnoxious Things Done by Wedding Guests

Oftentimes, a wedding goes poorly not because of the people getting married, but because of the guests who, for whatever reason, try their best to make the day all about themselves. Take, for instance, the Redditor whose sister-in-law asked them to postpone their wedding “a year or two,” because she was planning to get pregnant. She also had specific requests about their wedding cake, citing “religious reasons.” After informing her that this wouldn’t be happening, she ended up not attending the wedding at all. Obviously, this was a blessing. 

Other Redditors have disclosed the most bizarre and obnoxious ways guests stole the spotlight on their big day, including a yearning groomsman, a hungry officiant and a foiled dress heist.

AcrolloPeed 7y ago One of my groomsmen forgot his vest, so he asked my soon-to-be father-in-law if he could borrow his (we were all wearing the same suit) so the groomsmen would all look alike since it didn't matter if the FotB had a vest. My FiL went along with it for the sake of us all looking alike, but he's never been a big fan of that friend since. + 650 ...
 7y ago Someone replied to a plus one (at our child-free wedding) with a list of 8 cousins under the age of 21. Written on a post it note. With the plus + scribbled out and 8 written instead. + 405 ...
dvan94 . 7y ago e As my father-in-law opened the door to walk down the aisle with my wife, one of his cousins came up from behind and asked them to stop for a picture. 399 ...
clocksailor 7y ago The day before the event, husband's grandma asked if any part of the wedding was going to be outside (it was). She asked what would happen if it was cold (in May). I told her she should bring a jacket. She said, incredulously, But I'm 80 years old! To this day I don't know what she expected me to do to make the weather not chilly or her not 80. 373 ...
Assholecasserole2 7y ago 9 We had a guest who said he did not need a plus one, so we didn't plan one for him. When we received his rsvp he requested 2 meals, so we figured he was bringing a date, NBD. Nope, he actually wanted 2 for himself. At $150 a plate 370 ...
peanutbuter_smoothie 7y ago - My family canceled their hotel reservations to rent a big house together. Nobody told us and so we got stuck paying $800 for the hotel shuttle that was completely empty. 555 ...
BookPherq 7y ago . My matron of honor's husband left just as the reception started, and came back an hour later with his grandmother and little brother, who were not invited. They were all dressed up. They ate, and he brought them home, gone for another hour. 838 ...
jetjetters 7y ago My in laws refused to attend unless we got married in their midwestern state. My husband and I met and live on the east coast. We married in our city, giving his family 6+ months notice. They did not attend. 1.1K ...
Motuwe 7y ago e At my sisters wedding, my dad bought everyone at the wedding a round for each guest to cheers to during the speeches. Someone on my brother-in- laws side ordered himself an £80 bottle of wine. 1.2K ...
rastascoob 0 7y ago While my Wife and I were taking pictures with guest and some were still getting their meal my grandmother cut our wedding cake and began serving it. We never even saw what it looked like. 1.4K ...
Pure_Tomatillo_8409 1y ago e Someone rsvp'ed no because they are having furniture delivered to their house that day... the rsvp date was 6 weeks before the wedding and you schedule it yourself! + 179 Reply ...
1StoolSoftnerAtaTime 7y ago My brother's wife asked me to postpone the wedding a year or two because she was going to try to get pregnant the following year. She also insisted the wedding cake be vegan for religious reasons . I was fine with providing a vegetarian meal option for the few guests I knew would want it. But the cake? No. That's your religion, not mine. She ended up not coming anyways. I'm fine with that. + 3.8K ...
Cogwork . 7y ago . My MIL tried to manipulate my wife into letting the MIL'S boyfriend walking my wife down the aisle instead of her father + 3K ...
PhatedGaming 7y ago My grandmas (both of them) left the room when we did our toasts because we used actual champagne. We offered the non-alcoholic sparkling juice stuff for them, but that was not acceptable because it LOOKED like alcohol. They were so offended that we were drinking they refused to participate and returned once the toasts were done. + 3.3K ...
noah_970 . 7y ago e My wedding, drunk fucker of a coworker swiped his finger through our wedding cake for a taste before we even cut it. + 2.4K ...
halibot 7y ago . Mother In Law asked us if we could reschedule our wedding closer to step brother's so she could come into town once for both. Our date was booked a year previously during the time of the request. + 4.4K ...
weddingsaccount в 1y ago . What's the weather like there? ...you want the bride to Google the weather for you? + 240 Reply ...
jamaicannotcrazy o 1y ago . The best man's wife asked if she could bring a plus one. Honey, you are the plus one! + 417 Reply ...
jn29 10y ago 0 At my wedding my mother in law stood up and declared this marriage between H and what's her name will never last. I am what's her name and after 13 years I'm still pissed (and happily married). + 124 ...
Wampoose . 10y ago Booing the best man during his speech. 419 ...
chilehead 10y ago . Edited 10y ago . At the reception the new couple were sitting there with a long line of people waiting to pay their respects. The groom's mother cuts in front and says in a really loud voice to the bride: your sister just told me to go fuck myself. What the fuck are you going to do about it?
LaCa2BoMa 3y ago My wife's aunt ignored our signs and announcements to not take photos during the ceremony and leave it to our paid, professional, photographers. That asshole aunt stood in the main aisle taking photos of my wife and her father walking down the aisle, ruining our photographer's photos of the procession. When I finally got the photos she took 6 months later, they were low resolution and out of focus. I spent upwards of 10 hours in Photoshop trying to composite one, single, decent, photo but ended up losing hope. She also got overly drunk and wouldn't stop
ahjhai52 10y ago I used to work for a wedding planner and one time a guest STOLE the bride's dress. The bride had changed into a short, more comfortable dress for her grand exit (her other dress was cumbersome and poofy) and on the security cameras in the venue you could see the guest run into the bathroom while everyone watched the couple leave and take the thousands of dollars dress out the back door. She denied it until we threatened to press charges and then claimed I was going to wash it for the bride + 2.1K ...
themcp 10y ago e The father of the bride gave incorrect directions to the reception to all of the groom's friends in a blatant attempt to make them fail to show up. + 2.2K ...
Soymilk3 10y ago . A fight between cousins. There was broken glass everywhere, and some tables were knocked over. How selfish can you be? I understand being upset, but can't you put your feelings aside for a few hours, so the couple can enjoy their special day? Sheesh + 1.1K ...
readingegg 3y ago My officiant was over an hour late, brought her adult daughter, and ate all my bacon wrapped scallops. When we asked for a refund, she wrote a letter telling us we were going to hell. I tried giving her poor reviews; she changed her business name and kept going. + 1.8K Reply ...
iron_annie Зу ago My ex MIL. One of my bridesmaids was dancing with a drink in her hand at our reception and my MIL tapped her on the arm and loudly asked if she could put the drink down while she danced because she was looking trashy. Bridesmaid told me later, because her gift to me was not tearing that woman apart on the spot. + 888 Reply ...
stlkatherine . 3y ago My mom and dad walked from table to table and quietly told everyone that they were separating. + 716 Reply ...
GoodDog_GoodBook123 3y ago e Groomsman professed his love for bride days before the wedding and then passed out from heat exhaustion at the altar. + 488 Reply ...
windywx22 3y ago My FIL. As Best Man, he carried my ring in his pocket. Не went outside to smoke his pipe before the ceremony and was fiddling with the ring and dropped it in the grass. It was night. The wedding was delayed as everyone got flashlights to help look for it. No one told me what was going on. They couldn't find it, so my MIL let my husband borrow her anniversary band, that was fancy and had diamonds in it. When the time came, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a fancier ring than we had chosen.
DedicatedPornProfile 7y ago When my cousin and her husband were planning on getting married they wanted a small wedding. Something like 40 to 50 people. Both her mother and future mother inlaw weren't having that and took it upon themselves to invite everyone and anyone they could. The guest list quickly shot up to around 700 people. They ended up changing the venue to somewhere way out of state to cut down the guest list and have the smallish wedding they wanted. + 6.8K ...
picksandchooses 7y ago - A couple showed up at the reception too late for the dinner, it was already over, so they went into the restaurant of the hotel and charged their meals to the wedding party. + 5.7K ...
1StoolSoftnerAtaTime 7y ago My brother's wife asked me to postpone the wedding a year or two because she was going to try to get pregnant the following year. She also insisted the wedding cake be vegan for religious reasons. . I was fine with providing a vegetarian meal option for the few guests I knew would want it. But the cake? No. That's your religion, not mine. She ended up not coming anyways. I'm fine with that. + 3.8K ...
 7y ago в My aunt expected us to delay the ceremony until my cousin arrived, since he had been at work. Uh no. + 5K ...
esk_209 3y ago In lieu of giving a toast at the rehearsal dinner, my MiL got up to announce that she was getting married that next Wednesday. She wore her winter-white micro-mini skirt wedding suit to the ceremony the next day. This was a quiet, Methodist-church wedding in the upper South. My husband's childhood best friend showed up with his girlfriend absolutely stoned out of their gourds (some cocktail of pot and a passel of pharmaceuticals and probably a few things snorted to top it all off). HIS mom stood at the buffet table and ate more than half of
latenightnerd E 7y ago MIL wouldn't let me be in photos with her side of the family because I wasn't real family, even though I just married their daughter. + 346 ...


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