43 Random Bits of Trivia That Ask Your Brain to Crash But Fully Intend to Overstay Their Welcome

Tell your brain to get its spare room ready
43 Random Bits of Trivia That Ask Your Brain to Crash But Fully Intend to Overstay Their Welcome

This list’s suitcase looks a little big for “a weekend on your couch,” and we fully understand your apprehension. We can assure you that it’s a great house guest. It makes polite little piles of its folded laundry, it chips in for groceries and even helps your kids with their homework. 

With the knowledge it contains, you’re basically getting a free top-notch tutor. And with such memorable facts, you might want it to stay with you for life. Let us know and we’ll help build a guest house out back.

Dimples made easy – with a 1936 invention.

CRACKED DIMPLES WITHOUT SURGERY-JUST A SPRING-LOADED CONTRAPTION. to order! These aids to beauty can be produced as the result of a new invention by Isabella Gil- bert of Roches- ter, N. Y. The device consists of Isabella Gilbert invented a spring-loaded contraption in 1936 that promised to give people dimples, requiring a serious commitment to use it.

The Atlantic 

Reebok had to recall a line of shoes because it was named after a mythological rapist.

In 1997, Reebok released a line of athletic shoes for women named 'Incubus.' Reebok CRACKED.COM They immediately had to recall 180,00 pairs of these shoes after news stories broke out that Reebok had named women's shoes af- ter a mythological demon that violates women in their sleep.

Snopes / Wikipedia

Long Island Cat Rings Doorbell For Help After Going Missing.

A lost cat from Long Island returned home and rang the doorbell. CRACKED.COM Lilly the cat went missing af- ter her family moved to a new neighborhood, and then suddenly appeared on their Ring camera one day, ringing the bell. This would make her smarter than most of the Long Island population.


Norwegian chessmaster leaves game on second move against accused anal cheater.

A Norwegian chess master left a match against the anal cheater after one move. CRACKED.COM Hans Niemann V Magnus Carlsen opened conven- tionally, but Carlsen abruptly left the table af- ter his first move against Niemann, presumably to fulfill the bare minimum of a contract obligation.

The Guardian

Volcanic activity heats Iceland.

Most of Reykjavík, Iceland is heated by volcanic activity. In 2008, natural hot wa- ter was used to heat roughly 90% of all build- ings in Iceland with geo- thermal heating systems for both residential and industrial districts. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Meerkats are cute and murderous.

Meerkats kill more of their own kind than any other animal. The team kill average among all mammals is just 0.3%, but meerkats blow that out of the wa- ter with a staggering 20%. We wonder if this includes humans. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


A Bengal tigress has the most human kills.

The individual animal with the most human kills ever was a tiger called the Champawat Tiger. Champawat, from North- ern India, adjusted its hunting strategy to kill people after a tooth injury left it unable to hunt nor- mal prey and was shot af- ter an estimated 436 kills. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Tiny seahorses will permanently change their color after birth when they find a coral to hide in.

Pygmy Seahorses change color after they are born to match the first coral they find. CRACKED.COM The seahorses, which are only the size of a fingernail, are born a dull brown but - no matter the color of their parents - they will change to match the sea fan coral they attach themselves to for bet- ter camouflage.


The Cast Went To Dodgeball Boot Camp

The Cast Went To Dodgeball Boot Camp CRACKED.COM In preparation for the film, the entire cast ran indoor dodgeball drills at a boot camp. Stiller said the practice consisted of the cast gathering at a gym a few times a week playing dodge- ball. The game was physically exhaust- ing for many of the cast, Stiller added, It's a game for the young. It's one thing when you're eight, but when you're 38, it gets really exhausting. Af- ter three or four minutes, you're fried.


Heiress Used Fake Psychics to Scam Mom Out of $140 Million in Art.

An heiress convinces her mother that her $140 million art collection was possessed. GRAGKED.COM Sabine Boghici, the daugh- ter of a wealthy Brazilian art collector, used fake for- tune tellers to scam her mother out of family heir- loom paintings, saying they needed to be re- moved from the home.

Daily Beast

Roman slaves had iron dog collars.

Roman slaves wore iron collars with messages like a modern dog collar. CRACKED.COM One reads: I have run away; hold me. When you shall have re- turned me to my mas- ter, Zoninus, you will receive a solidus.


Yellow-white chocolate is of better quality than pure white.

More yellowy white chocolate is actually of better quality than fully white chocolate. CRACKED.COM White chocolate is white because it doesn't contain cocoa solids. Instead, it is made from cocoa but- ter (the fatty part).

Culinary Lore

Athlete Loses Race in Colombia After His Penis Came Out in The Middle of The Run.

A runner at the World Athletics U20 Championships lost his race when his penis came out of his pants. CRACKED.COM Italy's own Alberto Nonino, an 18-year-old athlete, was doing well in the 400-me- ter decathlon in Cali, Co- lombia until he awkwardly started tugging at his crotch to keep his starting pistol in check.

News 18

Jakarta is sinking.

Jakarta is sinking 10 inches per year. CRACKED COM This is in part due to ex- cessive use of groundwa- ter and lack of piped wa- ter. It is expected that the city will be completely submerged in the next 30 years.


Magic Johnson was the only rookie to win NBA FInals MVP.

Magic Johnson won an NBA title for multiple positions. X In the 1980 NBA Finals, Magic took over for Ка- reem Abdul-Jabbar as cen- ter, switching off to play guard and forward as well. Не became the only rookie to win the NBA Finals MVP award. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


A sinkhole swallowed an entire bedroom in Florida.

A Florida man disappeared into a sinkhole that formed under his house. CRACKED COM In 2013, a man in Florida ran to his brother's bedroom af- ter hearing him scream only to find the entire room and his brother being swallowed by a sinkhole. They were never able to find the body of his brother.


Two 747s collided on the runway, killing everyone on board.

The deadliest accident in aviation history happened when two 747s collided. GRACKED.COM During the Tenerife Airport Disaster, over 580 people died when two passenger jets collided on the runway. Factors leading up to the di- saster include unpredictable weather, a hoax call, and ter- rorist activity.

Mentour Pilot

The ASPCA founder also founded the first child protective services.

The founder of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals also created the first child protective services. GRACKED.COM The first child protective services organization in the world was created af- ter the founder of the ASP- CA realized laws protect- ing animals from abuse were stronger than laws protecting children.


Iceland was almost called “Butterland.”

One of the early names for Iceland was Butterland. CRACKED.COM The settlers first called it Snowland, although Butterland was also suggested as the grass was so rich it seemed to drip but- ter.


Just desserts have nothing to do with cake and ice cream.

The 'dessert' in the idiom just dessert means to get what is coming to you. It's been used in English since around the 13th cen- tury, but is no longer in common usage. This has led many people into thinking just desserts is referring to a savory, af- ter-dinner treat. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Merriam Webster

Sunburn affects mangoes.

Mangoes can get sunburned, ruining crops. CRACKED.COM The fruit can be damaged by the sun, getting burns that result in bleaching, le- sions, and discoloration. In 2014, Australian mango growers lost nearly a quar- ter of their crop due to sunburn.


We have cyanide-laced pills to thank for foil seals on medicine bottles.

Medicine bottles have foil seals because of poisonings in the 1980s. They were put in place af- ter a rash of poisonings ос- curred in 1982, in which seven people in the Chica- go area were killed after ingesting Tylenol laced with potassium cyanide. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Australia’s Lake Hillier is naturally a hot pink color.

Australia's Lake Hillier is naturally a hot pink color. CRACKED.COM While scientists aren't entirely sure why this is, it likely has to do with the carotenoid pigments produced by microalgae in the wa- ter.

Hillier Lake

Frozen rats testicle cells can be implanted and make sperm.

Chemotherapy-based infertility may become a thing of the past by collecting cells before treatment. GRAGKED.COM Scientists were able to take a sample of rat testicle cells that had been frozen for 23 years and produce sperm af- ter being implanted into mice. This is good news for children that undergo treat- ment before puberty.

New Scientist

The first speeding ticket was for going 8 mph.

The first person convicted of speeding was going 8 mph. On 28 January 1896, Wal- ter Arnold drove his horse-less carriage through the village of Pad- dock Wood, Kent, at more than four times the speed limit of 3.22 kph (2 mph). CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Historic UK

Buzz Aldrin got his name from his older sister.

Buzz Aldrin got his name from his older sister mispronouncing 'brother.' CRACKED.COM When Edwin Aldrin was born, his one-and-a-half-year-old sis- ter called him 'buzzer,' trying to say 'brother.' This was shortened to 'Buzz' and be- came his chosen moniker.


Cleopatra comes from a long line of incest.

Cleopatra married two of her brothers. GRAGKED COM More than a dozen of Cleopatra's ancestors married cousins or sib- lings, and it's likely that her own parents were brother and sis- ter.


Monopoly is banned in the royal castle.

The Royal family is not allowed to play Monopoly. CCADIL WA TER WORKS le CRACKED.COM There is no law against it, but the Duke of York disclosed that the game is no longer played simply because it gets too vicious and too competitive.

Source: Yahoo Sports 


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