23 of the Most Chaotic Good Things People Have Ever Witnessed

‘Tipping a waitress 40%, but 10% of it was loose change’
23 of the Most Chaotic Good Things People Have Ever Witnessed

mom being a “guerilla gardener” isn’t only the most mom thing ever, but it’s an undeniable act of chaotic good. A Redditor explained that their mom, along with a gang of her “pensioner mates,” goes out at night to plant flowers, sow seeds and tidy neglected public land in the area. How wholesome! 

Other Redditors have remembered the people they’ve known who committed wild yet selfless deeds, and we should all take inspiration from the dick graffiti do-gooder. Mother Teresa who?

FalloutScrolls85 6y ago Many, many years ago on a hot summer day, I witnessed someone walk up to a car in a grocery store parking lot, wait for several minutes, then smash two windows with a rock (or a brick...was hard to see from my angle) so that the dog inside didn't die of heatstroke. Не then stormed inside of the store. I was just waiting for my mother to come back, and when she did, she told me all about how she heard some guy on the other end of the store yelling at FULL VOLUME. 4.7K ...
OzzieBloke777 6y ago Restaurant. Down a cook. Down two servers. Getting busy. Both cook and server doing their best. One mother from a table steps up, talks to server, and suddenly she's delivering plates to tables, taking drink orders and filling/delivering for a solid half an hour until another server rocks up for work. Hope like mad they got their meal comped. + 3.4K ...
Polkadottuba 6y ago help robbers lift a couch down the staircase. then once they got to the bottem he asked their names and called the police 3.8K ...
waser78 6y ago When I was in highschool, there was one kid who was about a foot taller than everyone in the class and built like a rhino. Не would beat up kids every day for no reason and would get away with it because no-one would do anything about it. One day we had a casual teacher spot him from across the school beating on some younger kids. This teacher ran at him and hit him like a train. Flipped this kid like an egg. The bully left the school a few weeks later and the teacher lost his
 6y ago My two cousins (4 and 6 respectively) were picking on my sister, due to the very deserved fact that she didn't have a certain Barbie doll (forgot which kind) that they did. Cousin walks over, about 9 years old, takes the doll, snaps it in fucking half, walks away, sister sitting there smiling away. My two cousins later apologized to my sister, but my older cousin still laughs about that, even 3 years later. 7.4K ...
Hiredgun77 6y ago Back in the day I went to Blockbuster to get a copy of the DVD extended edition of Lord of the Rings. It was a big deal at the time and I was worried it would be sold out. Stoner clerk told me that they were sold out but that the only one we have is the copy my boss told me to put aside for him. But he's always telling me to put customers first so here ya go. Thank you stoner clerk. 5.9K ...
everdancing 6y ago Was working at a coffee shop. This lady was on her phone and it was time to order. Generally I handle this by going lawful evil and asking, as loudly as possible as many applicable questions that require more than a yes/no answer as I can think of. On this particular day the tall man behind her just starts screaming HANG THE PHONE UP AND ORDER! then berates her publicly for being rude. It was everything I had ever wanted to say. Не scared the crap out of the rude lady too. 5.3K ...
Badwolf09 6y ago . Edited 6y ago 9 There was a playground by my childhood home that was broken and fenced off for several months. I set it on fire and after it burned down they replaced it within a few weeks + 9.3K ...
skooley 6y ago Edited 6y ago . A friend was working in the ER when she was going to school and a woman came in who had her arm broken when someone stole her purse. As that woman was being checked, a man came in who was hit by a truck after the driver saw him stealing a woman's purse and running away. Purse was returned. + 14K ...
SgtSaucepan E 6y ago Tipping the waitress like 40%, but at least 10% of that in loose change + 9.5K ...
PantomimeWitch . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago I remember a few years ago there were some rogue vigilantes that spray painted images of dicks into pot holes that had gone unfixed for too long. The potholes were fixed shortly after thanks to their dick-graffiti! I'll try to find the article if anyone's interested.
 6y ago One of my friends stole a ladder from a garage to help a kid down from a tree and then put it back + 18K ...
needs_more_zoidberg 6y ago e Edited 6y ago When I was still in my medical training in Westwood, I often saw a middle-aged gentleman putting coins into expired meters. The one time I saw a meter maid try to approach him and he ran off giggling. A few months later I saw him at a stop sign in a Maserati. Basically the definition of chaotic good.
avec_serif 6y ago . I knew someone who once played a extended prank on a friend where he filled up his gas tank. When the tank was low he'd steal his keys, sneak out, go to the station, fill it up, bring the car back and put the keys back. Took him months to figure out what was going on. + 32K ...
CarolinaFiasco 6y ago My mum. She's a guerrilla gardner. She's in her early 60's and she goes out at night with a gang of her pensioner mates and plants flowers, sows seeds and tidies neglected public land (like roundabouts and grass verges). I'm pretty sure she knows who's been yarn bombing round here too, but she refuses to grass them up. + 22K ...
SkyCaptainBags 6y ago e I was at a party and someone wearing kilt was forcing sunscreen on everyone. Не would say hi in the nicest voice and offer you one of his beers, but only if you put sunscreen on. Не was the coolest + 19K ...
Axfried 6y ago Edited 6y ago I worked in a Starbucks as a student. One day, one of our regulars came in crying as she found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her. Our shift supervisor took out a full chocolate cake, dropped it on the counter from a height of about 2cm and said oh no, I dropped it. Can't sell it now. Handed her the cake, a fork and a canister of whipped cream while I made her a free drink. Не then proceeded to tell people that we were out of cake for the day. 10
AngledLuffa 6y ago Was out running in a park and saw some kid's dog running away from him straight towards me. It didn't look like they were playing, but that the kid was actually struggling to get his dog back. I roared and charged straight at the dog, who immediately ran back to its owner. + 2.8K ...
 6y ago My late best friend was SUPER into drinking whiskey and snorting coke. Не got his tax return and decided to drink a fifth and do an 8 ball... And disappeared. About 6 hours later we hear something by the trash cans, and it's Pat with two full bags of litter, he walked the entire neighborhood twice picking up all the trash including the cigarette butts. + 7.4K ...
rkskr 6y ago I remember in middle school there was a lunch lady who would ever so slightly overcook cookies or pizza or fries from the snack line so that she could say that they were not suitable to sell and then she would give them to the kids who were getting the shitty meal because they had no money in their lunch accounts. + 5.6K ...
geopolit 6y ago Was at a market in Mozambique with a guide. Guide asks stall seller if he has any really fresh pangolin (illegal as hell and endangered). Seller shows him a box with two live ones. Guide turns to me and yells run, punches the seller, grabs the box, and books it across the market toward where we had parked. Не released the critters later that day. It was an interesting trip. + 45K ...
WakaFlakkaSeagulls 6y ago Edited 6y ago Kid I went high school with was a 2 time state champion wrestler. Не was terrifying, built like a brick shit house by the time he was 14, by the time he was 18 he was a solid wall of muscle. Не was also a vicious prick, highly aggressive, and a big time bully.....to other bullies This kid would beat the ever loving shit out of anyone who fucked with someone that couldn't defend themselves. If he saw a bigger kid fucking with a smaller kid, they were toast. Dude was the fucking superman
EmergencyLychee 6y ago My friend and I saw some graffiti that said 'Hector is a pussy'. (Neither of us know a Hector) Friend adds 'destroyer' to the end. 3.1K ...


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