22 Wild Freak-outs People Witnessed at the Gym

‘He’s in jail for manslaughter now’
22 Wild Freak-outs People Witnessed at the Gym

Steroids are incredible — they have the power to make already annoying men even more aggravating in the blink of an eye. 

No one knows this better than gym goers. One Redditor remembers the time they witnessed roid rage unfold so intensely that a guy crapped his pants while bench pressing, and another will never forget the dude who threw a 60-pound weight through a mirror and into the wall of an adjacent mirror. He’s in jail for manslaughter now. 

Other Redditors have added their roid-rage stories to the pile, and if you’re ever feeling insecure about your bench weight, at least you’re not one of these guys.

thewerdy 7y ago I worked at a gym for a couple years, but unfortunately I did not witness this episode. So apparently some guy was throwing down the dumbbells when he worked out with them, so an employee asked him not to do that. Не completely ignored the employee and turns back to his workout. So he keeps on throwing down the weights, and the employee returns to confront him more directly, threatening to kick him out if the guy didn't acknowledge the employee. So the guy gets pretty upset and basically tells the employee to fuck off. About 10
ChrisFromSeattle 7y ago Saw a guy getting ready to do squats (around 315lbs) and while slapping himself in the face, said loudly to himself Don't be a pussy. Little bitch, COME ON! Proceeded to do his set while insulting himself with, Bitch. Pussy,. Fuck-nugget. etc. I couldn't do my set for a while after that from laughing too hard. 10 ...
tyrs 7y ago In the 90s when Roids were a bit more common - I saw a guy punch another guy in the face for cutting him off going to the water fountain (AGAIN EVERY TIME!) and boom massive sucker punch. Yes, the cops were called and he went away in handcuffs. Honorable mention - a guy bending a locker door because someone changed his combination lock on him. 9 ...
throwinaway123838 7y ago I worked in membership and I had a woman freak out because I wouldn't give her 10 free guest passes. (We sold packs of 10 passes or members received 2 free passes when they renewed. No one ever got 10 free guest passes.) She stood up, slapped her hands on my desk and said I WANT MY GUEST PASSES! I quietly told her she would have to speak with the owner, which enraged her even more. She then stormed out of my office. I don't know if she ever got her guest passes though. 8 ...
reddextor . 7y ago I worked at a planet fitness and one time we accidentally changed the channel for FOX news. People lost their shit. Quoting one member he didn't need PF trying to censor his political beliefs + 7 ...
Barrrrrrnd 7y ago I used to go to an LA fitness and in the locker room there was a big sign stating how bad steroids were for you, and all of the problems they can cause, and that they are not allowed in the gym. Right next to it there was a hole that someone had punched in the wall. 7 ...
danisaurrusrex 7y ago Wasn't an employee, but I once walked into the gym at off hours, and saw only one guy in the room. Went to a machine, saw a water bottle kind of off to the side, asked the dude if someone was using it. Не said he didn't think so. Proceeded with my workout. Halfway through my second set, some dude walks in and zones in on me, storms over and picks up his water bottle. I stopped and asked if he was using the machine. Не rolled his eyes all dramatically, said OBVIOUSLY he was, and then
poopwithjelly 7y ago Worked in a boxing gym and the owner was a pro. Guy on roids was trying to behead members and he took it upon himself to put him in his place. Last round I ever saw the guy, he - owner - was shifting for 30 straight seconds and dipping under wide punches while lighting the kid up for every uppercut and hook you should take in your life. Kid took off his head gear, punched a wall, screamed, hit a heavy bag for 15 minutes, then left and never came back. It's too bad. I wanted to see if he
PEACEMENDER 7y ago This one guy, whos usually pretty even tempered, was doing vertical push ups. Не lost his balance slightly got super pissed then punched the floor. Не shattered a shit tons of bones in his hand. Same guy round raged and threw a 60 lb dumbell at the mirror, where it went through the wall and into the adjacent shower. He's in jail for manslaughter now. + 23 ...
 7y ago I'm probably too late to this freak show but I have one back from high school. This kid on my football team always would lift before the game and he had some pretty intense anger issues. For a high school kid he lifted some great weights with little to no form. Well we are in the middle of a football game, halftime. Coach is giving us the usual pep talk and this dude starts lifting like he's insane. Не couldn't get the weight right as coach broke our ending huddle so he proceeded to tear a water
SheZowRaisedByWolves 7y ago Not an employee. I was doing cardio on a stationary bike at night when this shit happens. This guy is using presumably the preacher curl machine upstairs and is yelling and screaming like he got his arm cut off during child birth for every lift. No one could see him from downstairs, somehow there was no one else upstairs, but everyone was aware of him. People started yelling and berating the guy to calm the fuck down then an employee went up to set things straight. Не gets upstairs, the clanging of weights and yelling stops, and
McFreedom 7y ago When I was about 16 (25 years ago) I was replacing a bar in the rack and there were two guys having a chat there. After replacing the weight I turned and smiled and did what I thought was a friendly, joking fist pump. Well one of the juice monkeys took it the wrong way and grabbed me by the throat, lifted me up and slammed me into the wall and demanded to know what the hell my problem was. That was uncool. 202 ...
vigpounder 7y ago I had a buddy ask if he could start lifting with me. A few days in, im spotting him and giving him the typical male encouragement you got this bitch! Dont be a pussy, you got it! Не slammed down the weights and cried when someone has low self esteem that doesnt help! Не saw me and my other buddy spotting each other saying the same shit to each other. I have no idea why he took it so seriously. + 194 ...
Master_Debater_ 7y ago Don't know if this counts but a big big dude (259- 300lbs) was going for a massive bench press... didn't count how many plates, just know it was over 6 on each side, he was yelling all the way up to his max, everyone is obviously looking at this point, then he goes for the final one and just shits himself all over the bench... doesn't finish the rep needs two spotters... gets up and is so angry that he didn't finish and that people were watching that he just yells what?! What?! With shit running down
theuniversalsquid e 7y ago o Not a gym employee, but a friend of mine got roided out for a year or so. It culminated in red- faced rage and his family holding him back when he overheard another kid say that he didn't really like Iron Maiden + 130 ...
pm-ur-perkytits 7y ago Not roid rage but I think this applies. There was a guy who openly admitted to taking roid and he also sold them, he was in his 30's, not huge but pretty big and owned his own landscaping business. Не always talked to everyone in the gym so just about everyone knew him. One day while working out his face appeared on the local news channel the gym played and he was arrested for selling steroids, he went to jail and came back a few months later like nothing happened 129 ...
 7y ago My friend always told me about this one massive guy at his home gym that would yell at his muscles before lifting with them. Imagine a jacked hairy guy standing at a squat rack slapping his legs and yelling WAKE UP TIME TO LIFT. + 2.5K ...
fratwurst 7y ago There's a guy that bursts through the door every time he comes in and refers to himself as the fucking wolf when he pumps himself up before a set. + 791 ...
RealLukeNukem 7y ago This guy was in the locker room and went to get a drink from the drinking fountain. Не didn't notice that someone (my buddy) didn't turn the fountains nozzle back after filling his water bottle and this guy got his shoes wet because of it. So he starts on a tangent...' ОН THIS IS F**KING GREAT! I WAS LATE FOR WORK! CAR HAD A FLAT TIRE! FORGOT MY ENERGY DRINK! HAD TO SKIP LUNCH!....I AINT HAD A A CARB ALL DAY!!! Не is now known as 'carb guy'. + 1.9K ...
ISEAHORSES 7y ago I saw a guy get mad at his spotter for jumping in to help him when he was doing bench press to failure. Не was screaming, you ruined my whole set! YOU RUINED MY WHOLE SET!!! the guy then walked over to the wall, put both hands on the wall and just shrieked, like Hhhhheeieisigigigihibggggggghhh!!! then stormed to the locker room. Everyone literally stopped what they were doing to watch this unfold. + 3.7K ...
thatswhatshesaidxx 7y ago Not an employee but I watched some dude FREAK THE FUCK OUT on another, screaming YOURE TRAINING BACK AND SHOULDERS ON THE SAME DAY! YOURE A FUCKING MORON! I SHOULD BEAT YOU and just went on, top of his lungs for a good 2 minutes. Slammed down his weights and everything. + 1.3K ...
 12y ago When I just started working out (I was 16, and tiny) a much bigger man asked for a spot with some pretty light dumbbells. I thought that was weird but I went for it. One ОНР spot later and I ask why he needed me, and he lifts up his shirt to show me a huge (and open) stab wound in his side, just under his rib cage. At least 4. I was obviously completely shocked and just said he should go to hospital, never mind lifting. Не didn't and shrugged it off. I don't remember what


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