31 Satisfying Times People Got Revenge on Lunch-Stealing Coworkers

‘I filled the cupcakes with shaving cream’
31 Satisfying Times People Got Revenge on Lunch-Stealing Coworkers

Having a tasty lunch to look forward to is sometimes the only thing that gets you through the first half of the workday. Which is why, if you make your way to the company fridge and see that someone has stolen that lunch, it’s enough to make you consider going on a John Wick-style rampage to catch the perpetrator. 

The following Redditors got their revenge by executing master plans like filling cupcakes with shaving cream or putting laxatives in Gatorade. So beware lunch thieves — that sandwich you’re stealing from a coworker might be laced with dog food.

wabudo 1mo ago Made a tomato based sauce with lots of fresh basil and mixed a tablespoon of Da Bomb hotsauce to it. The dude suffered bad. + 686 Reply ...
No_Goose_7390 1mo ago I was sitting chatting with someone in the break room. She was eating and I wasn't. She asked why I wasn't eating lunch. I told her because she was eating my lunch. She froze mid-chew. It was beautiful. Not revenge but she was mortified, caught in the act. Now I think about how young and broke we all were and I have a little more compassion. + 489 Reply ...
GothPenguin 1mo ago Informed them that my medication was mixed in with my food, told them that I wasn't exactly sure what my seizure medication would do to someone who didn't have seizures and that they may need to visit the ER. Basically I lied. I was on meds and they were the kind that you sprinkled over something soft that you didn't chew to take them but they were in my purse waiting for me to take them with yogurt. The thief had taken my clearly labeled sandwich but left my yogurt alone. + 825 Reply ...
Ok-Cheetah-9125 1mo ago I never got revenge but I did get him to stop. It was baby sister's idea actually. I placed a clean, still in the wrapper, tampon on the top of the food in the paper bag. Не never touched my stuff again. + 1.8K Reply ...
iptvrocketbox 1mo ago Back in the day, someone kept stealing my Diet Cokes out of the office fridge. So I took a Mentos and put a needle and thread thru it, and carefully strung up the Mentos in the cap of a soda bottle. Sure enough it got stolen and when the thief opened it, the Mento fell in the Diet Coke and the whole thing exploded all over him, his desk, keyboard, monitor etc. There was a big commotion around his cubicle and I went over to see what was going on, knowing full well what had happened. I
OhAces 1mo ago I had yogurt tubes in the freezer that kept disappearing one at a time during night shift. I had a few boxes of them, I took them out of the freezer and left them in a drawer for a month and then put them back in the freezer. They all got eaten over the next few weeks, I never heard if someone got sick by the internet told me they start to spoil in only a few hours. 90 Reply ...
moheagirl 1mo ago This happened to a friend of mine. She would leave her sandwich in the communal fridge. Every day it got taken. Finally she got a plastic bag printed with mild on it. Nobody touched that sandwich again 88 Reply ...
 1mo ago I made a blindingly hot curry. The funny part is that he had me dragged into the facility manager's office for 'booby trapping' my lunch. I ate a forkful like it was no big deal and then pointed out to the manager that, if he was okay with stealing from his coworkers, then he'd definitely be okay with stealing from the company. They started doing random bag checks after that and that guy always got his back checked when it happened. 105 Reply ...
Spin_Me 1mo ago We had an employee who stole food & drinks all the time. Let's call her Erica since that's her name. She had a habit of stealing my single-serve yogurts from the fridge. I used a syringe to inject ghost chili oil into a strawberry fruit on the bottom cup. What she thought was strawberry juice instead made her mouth burn, her eyes water, and made her vomit. I stayed late at the office that evening, fished the offending yogurt cup out of her trash, and deposited it in her top drawer so that she knew that someone
l3atou 1mo ago I made a salami sandwich generously spread with Vegemite. Buddy ol'pal must have though it was bbq sauce or else.. Never came back for my food ! And for Aussies out there I'm not saying that stuff isn't tasteful but to the unprepared European taste it's quite awful. 81 Reply ...
PoopPant73 0 1mo ago I left my lunch on top on my truck in the Florida heat then placed it in the fridge. It didn't take long to identify the suspect... 58 Reply ...
xs-murdoc 1mo ago I left 2 pieces of pizza in the fridge. I removed the cheese layer carefully and dumped a ton of salt on top of the sauce and put the cheese back on top. 67 Reply ...
Wild_Department_8943 1mo ago Wasabi! Got a burger off the truck. Cut out the middle and filled it with Wasabi. horse radish) Put it back in the little foam box and wrote My lunch, do not take. SOB tried to down it in two bites. You could here him screaming from the far side of the building. Took him out in an ambulance. Не was unharmed. ROFLMAO Не was fired. 65 Reply ...
Backbeatking 1mo ago A co-worker of mine noticed someone was drinking his lemonade. Went to the men's room and filled the container with a liquid that appeared to be lemonade, but was not. 39 Reply ...
 1mo ago The one who stole my food would loudly tell everyone about their peanut allergy any time sharing food was involved. She stole my lunch so many times shamelessly, so one day I put some peanut butter cookies in my lunch. She stopped stealing my lunch after that. 28 Reply ...
SheZowRaisedByWolves E 1mo ago Not me but a coworker crashed out when someone took his sandwich and emptied the entire fridge and employee lockers in the trash. 32 Reply ...
Emotional_Fondant_55 1mo ago Kept happening on a regular basis. Eventually, I made some pasta with a crap ton of California reapers blended into the sauce. They stopped for a while after this. 26 Reply ...
Heythere23856 1mo ago I put a hidden camera in the fridge... caught him redhanded on camera diggin through everyones lunches. Then i sent a mass email to everyone in the office with the title found the office rat! Не quit a few days later because everyone hated him and treated him bad after... karmas a bitch louie 32 Reply ...
rawwwse 1mo ago Not revenge, per se, but defense... I kept an entire Costco box full of Häagen Dazs ice cream bars in the freezer for over a month, untouched, in a covered 9X13 casserole pan labeled Enchiladas Nobody likes old soggy enchiladas. 36 Reply ...
1mo ago johnandahalf13 Made a lunch out of spoiled chicken. The security guard was out sick for 2 days. I guess he thought no one would suspect him. Even when he returned, he was pale as a ghost. 18 Reply ...
cryzen_ 1mo ago Mom TOPA Decided to bring a pb&j sandwich that was labeled peanut butter sandwich multiple times on the bag and the guy ate it and went to the ER and when he tried to get me fired it didn't work since it was labeled on the bag twice front and back but also on my lunch box 16 Reply ...
steel_city89 e 1mo ago Bit of washing up liquid mixed gently in the sauce. + 20 Reply ...
adoptagreyhound E 1mo ago I still remember a story told by one of my Aunts when I was a kid. Her lunch kept disappearing from the refrigerator at work. She made a nice looking sandwich with good bread, lettuce, tomato etc, and a good layer of canned dog food in the middle of all that. Found the thief when they started barfing mid- sandwich. You don't mess with Aunt Shirley, or her lunch. 20 Reply ...
3oh3kkco 1mo ago I had a coworker steal a mango smoothie from the fridge. Long story short, I knew without a doubt that she was the one who stole it, yet she denied it regardless. It was probably a $5 smoothie, and I couldn't have actually cared less about the smoothie itself, but was annoyed by the blatant lying about it. After she left work at the end of the day. I stole the M, A, N, G, and o keys off of her keyboard. I placed them in the fridge where my mango smoothie previously resided, strategically to spell
Dr_Dankenstein5G 1mo ago Found out who did it by waiting until everyone left for the day and walked around the entire office looking in everyone's trash cans until I found remnants of what used to be my $3 frozen microwave meal. It could've been an honest mistake, but I don't even care. The following day I took the license plate off of her car and threw it into the dumpster. + 484 Reply ...
1mo ago longhairedmaiden Only packed things he was allergic to. Soy, for example. Не didn't know my sandwich was tofurkey and didn't read the label for the bottle of Silk chocolate soy milk that carefully. 14 Reply ...
AJDrake405 1mo ago I didn't specially order the food in spite but one day I catered a huge order from a popular bbq place and didn't tell the coworker who stole peoples lunches (more than once from several people) When he came down to the break room and he saw most of the company in there enjoying the food he asked why nobody told him. I looked over at him and said we've been starving all week because someone keeps stealing lunches from the fridge, you never seem to complain about it so I didn't think you were hungry +
fangelo2 1mo ago I had some cupcakes that were stolen. The next time the cupcakes were filled with shaving cream 13 Reply ...
valhallaswyrdo 1mo ago Someone was stealing my coworker's gatorade everyday, he would bring 2 in and drink one at lunch then the other with dinner and every day the second one was missing when he went to eat his dinner. So he filled one up with laxatives and put it in the fridge after lunch. At dinner time it was missing and he checked in the bathroom to see who was having a bad day, told the guy don't steal my gatorade anymore or this will happen again. + 15 Reply ...
Jumpy-Author-4985 1mo ago I got tired of having sandwiches stolen so made a turkey sandwich and let it sit on the counter for a couple days before taking it in. Sure enough, it disappeared and someone had to leave early that day because they got sick. Never owned up to stealing it and thefts did seem to stop + 1.2K Reply ...
MattyFromTheUK 1mo ago A guy at my old job was stealing food from fridges, and was caught nicking food from the kitchens too (we were a food manufacturer company) Our Facilities Manager locked down his pass key so he couldn't access certain places without a chaperone. Toilet and in-out the building was fine, but the kitchen and canteen he needed to be let in. Не left soon after. + 887 Reply ...


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