40 Random Bits of Trivia You Can Piece Together Into Ornate Structures Like Mental Magna-Tiles

Fun for the whole family
40 Random Bits of Trivia You Can Piece Together Into Ornate Structures Like Mental Magna-Tiles

Epic Pranks

In 1985, a man rigged his computer to call Jerry Falwell's toll-free prayer line every 30 seconds for eight months. It clogged the line and cost it over $750k in reverse charges. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Stevie Ray Vaughan died in a helicopter crash a day after dreaming about his funeral.

Stevie Ray Vaughan had a dream about his own funeral a day before he died. CRACKED.COM On August 26, 1990, Stevie Ray Vaughan described a disturbing dream to his bandmates in which he witnessed his own funeral. The next day, he tragically died in a helicopter crash.

Guitar World

Stephane Breitweiser, Art Thief

One of the greatest art thieves of all time wasn't in it for the money at all. Stéphane Breitweiser stole about $1.4 billion worth of art, but he didn't try to sell it - he was just really into the art and hung it around his home. CRACKED.COM


Atom Smasher

the CALO IS RIGHT, ZOM of A SUPERITUOUS EPPORT ON YOUR - BLACK ADAM HE'S ODDLY A TEAM PLAYER. While Black Adam has his own rules and morals he goes by, he does protect those who fight alongside him-specially his friend Atom Smasher in the JSA. CRACKED.COM



The Boys

CRACKED.COM THE BOYS MOTHER'S MILK KEEPS HIS LOOK FROM THE COMICS. The showrunners wanted to keep the look and feel of the comic within the show's roots - so Mother's Milk's wardrobe has the same slogans and bands.

Source: CBR

Harmony Kendall

Buffy the Vampire Slayer FIRST APPEARANCE Buffy the Vampire Slayer Welcome to the Hellmouth HARMONY Obnoxious cheerleader to L.A. demon receptionist, antagonist to love interest. LAST APPEARANCE Angel Not Fade Away CRACKED.COM

Black cab drivers have to basically be London historians.

London black cab drivers must pass a grueling test. UK premiere, 8pm Monday 30th April Inca really 60 me ComCab The Knowledge is a multi-sequence oral exam requiring memorization of all 25,000 street names, landmarks, and points-of-interest in a 6-mile radius from London center. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

NY Times 


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