32 Strange Things People Found in Their Homes

‘A knife on my wife’s vanity’
32 Strange Things People Found in Their Homes

Not everything can be explained. One Redditor understands this all too well, recalling the time they slipped on blood that wasn’t theirs in their hallway. They said they were “pretty creeped out” after giving themselves the once-over and ensuring that yep, they were definitely not bleeding and had no cuts anywhere on their body. Where did the blood come from? They’ve yet to find out. 

Another Redditor remembers the time they found an exact replica of their vintage watch behind the fridge. No, they hadn’t misplaced their own watch — they were wearing theirs, which they’d inherited from their great grandmother. But by some wild coincidence or glitch in the matrix, there was another one right there in their kitchen. Eerie stuff. 

These are the creepy kinds of stories Redditors have shared about the strange or inexplicable things they’ve encountered in their homes, and each one has the makings of a modern day Twilight Zone episode.

WheresWaldoFTW e 8y ago Dead bird in a shoe box in my freezer. Never owned a bird. Nobody else in my house has owned a bird. I still have no idea how or why it was there. 21 ...
Cathlulu 8y ago Underneath my mattress the lining of it is sort of tearing off. Once I was looking under my bed and saw a doll nested between the lining and the springs. I made my little brother take it out and throw it out. Scariest part is I've never seen nor played with that doll. 31 ...
mach0927 8y ago My parents house. Small empty space behind closet. Opened up and found a belt that was just the right size go around someons neck. If I member correctly my dad did research and found out some guy from the mob lived there long time ago. 44 ...
RedditDevil2 e 8y ago A half decayed tooth in a glass that I was drinking from. It was not fun discovering it because it fell into my mouth. It did not belong to me either. + 43 ...
sculptorsandvandals 8y ago A framed photo of a duck wearing sunglasses randomly turned up in our kitchen one day. No idea how it got there. 51 ...
 8y ago в Edited 8y ago A porn-magazine from 1970s (lots of moustaches, armpit hair and wooly jumpers). I think it was under the floorboards and the guys who did woodworm treatment found it. I can't explain it otherwise - it is not very likely the builders, who all had smartphones, would bring such a retro thing with them. 56 ...
Rookyboy e 8y ago At some point I found like a Chinese farming hat in my closet. Like the pointy round ones that are made of straw. I'm Canadian, White and have no idea where it came from. 71 ...
 8y ago A random cat. She was behind the couch one morning. No idea where she came from. 73 ...
supernovasauce 8y ago Found a post-it note in the linen closet in our bathroom that said DO NOT PUT ANYTHING ON THIS SHELF. Asked my husband what was up. Не didn't write it. I don't recognize the handwriting. Okay... + 146 ...
fatestpigeon . 8y ago A live fish in our pool, nearest neighbor is half a mile away + 215 ...
DO_NOT_GILD_ME . 8y ago I found a plastic shopping bag full of empty, label- less pill bottles stashed in a crawl space with what I think was a penis pump. + 234 ...
hberries 8y ago I found a blank video tape that was in a sleeve/box with what I recorded on the tape. Only the tape had some family's home movies, including a wedding. I had no idea who they were. 249 ...
 e 8y ago I recently found a very long blonde hair. Just one. A single hair. It was just lying there. It's been over a year since I've invited a woman to come inside my apartment for the night. How did it get there? + 708 ...
TheVeganFoundYou 8y ago Found under a rug in my grandparent's house: a necklace emblem shaped like an Easter Island head... it smiles on one side, frowns on the other. + 747 ...
Fallout4Enthusiast 8y ago Brother and I found a secret basement in our house. Crawl in to find bullet casings all over the ground and a newspaper clipping tacked to the wall with an old lady's face on it. It was her obituary, but she had died only a few years before we found it. Nobody in the family knew her, and we had lived in this house for almost a decade at that point. We boarded up the opening after that. 1.1K ...
cay_h o 8y ago I found a really tiny mug (the size of a thimble) on the floor in our bathroom with the name Leslie on it. My husband and I have lived in our house for 3 years. We have no idea where it came from. + 1.1K ...
oryomai1 8y ago I came home from a night out with friends. My roommate was home already asleep. I woke up the next day and found a glass with flowers in water. Figured it was from his boyfriend (who he had been out with that night). The glass sat there for a few days before I finally asked when he was going to get rid of them. Не looked at me and said Hm. I thought those were yours. Не asked his boyfriend; I asked my friends. No one remembers getting flowers that night. This was 8 years ago, and
 8y ago A can of sardines and a single lubricated condom when we tore down a wall between the kitchen and dining room + 2.6K ...
 8y ago My thermostat moved. It can't move though. Like, I tried to slide it back, and it obviously won't go because it is attached to the wall. But one day I woke up and found that it had shifted over a few inches. 1.5K ...
 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Found a knife on my wife's vanity. Not a bad one, I actually wanted to keep it, but instead we gave it to the police and installed a security system.
Growsomedope 8y ago A toy lightsaber. This was right after the latest star wars came out. I live with my wife and my dog, no kids. The dog is never outside unsupervised, and the thing just showed up one day. I think my wife is a jedi. + 3.6K ...
PerilousAll 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Found the toilet seat up one day when I came home from work. Was a single female living alone at the time. + 4.1K ...
maggot_brain79 8y ago I found a latex Richard Nixon mask in my closet. No idea where it came from. Now I use it to make impressions and scare the shit out of drunk friends. Sometimes I mow the yard with it on to make my neighbors wonder what the hell is wrong with me. + 4.5K ...
psychoplatapus . 8y ago One time I found a French inspired powdered wig in my closet that I have NEVER seen before in my life. Safe to say I am still really confused. + 7.6K ...
_52hz_ 8y ago Smith & Wesson revolver in our futon. No idea how it got there or who's it was when found. Called the police and apparently it's not of great concern, they got the serial and told us they'd contact us if it turned up stolen or used in a crime. Never called back. Gave it to my grandfather, now he keeps it in his car. I've told this story before and people are critical of me for giving my grandfather a possibly stolen revolver, but he's the retired sheriff of my hometown so he knows the story as
jamcan162 . 8y ago A box of corn starch with an expiration 1989. Our house was built in 1991. I keep it for, well, not sure why really. And my wife wants us to throw it out. + 5.9K ...
 8y ago I found an EXACT clone of my watch behind the fridge when I moved it to clean. It's literally the exact same watch I was wearing on my wrist which is weird because that watch was my great grandma's. It was bought some time in the 1940s and has an unusual art deco design. By some crazy coincidence the previous renter must have had the same exact vintage watch. + 1.9K ...
Lost_first_username 8y ago . Edited 8y ago When my parents bought this house, it came with this quite long cable attached to the wall in my room. At the end of the cable, there is a button. It's a red button. Nothing happens when I press on it. I have no idea what it is. Edit: I realized a lot of people want other people dead. Also, I had to click it!!! My imagination was building up and I just had to do it. + 1.6K ...
Stecman 8y ago One day I left my garage door opened for 10-20 minutes while I was doing yardwork in back. I came back and someone had obviously been in my garage but only my Cusinart Ice Cream Machine was stolen. Funny thing is that the machine was stolen but the bowl that you needed to make ice cream was in the freezer. They didn't get that so they wouldn't be able to make ice cream with it. Fast forward 8 months later and my wife got me a whole new ice cream machine. Now I have 1 ice cream
dishragcologne 8y ago One morning my wife found a note in our kitchen that read I was in your house. It's been over 4 years and we still don't know if it was a friend messing with us or some creeper. The dogs were immediately fired. + 9.1K ...
thebachmann 8y ago I was going back to my bedroom after a shower, and I slipped on my bedroom floor (hardwood) and landed square on my ass. I was dazed for a second, but when I grabbed my bed sheet to get up, I smeared blood on it. I was pretty creeped out, because I had no idea where it came from. I looked myself over, no cuts or scrapes, nothing. But for some reason there was blood all over my fingers. I looked on the bed, and the blood was only where I'd smeared it, so it wasn't like
goldenbear_69 8y ago Recently found a chess piece in my master bath just sitting on the counter. Nobody has used the bathroom besides my boyfriend or me in months. Neither of us have any idea where it might have come from. We don't own a chess board. Kinda feels like the beginning of a psychological thriller. 33 ...


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