40 Random Bits of Trivia We Left Under Our Pillow for the Tooth Fairy (They Were Not Amused)

Considering their occupation, you’d think they’d have a better sense of humor
40 Random Bits of Trivia We Left Under Our Pillow for the Tooth Fairy (They Were Not Amused)

If you don’t want to learn what a “coffin birth” is, now’s a good time to turn back. 

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CRACKED.COM Dougray scott was too late to play Wolverine. You may remember Scott as the bad guy in Mission: Impossible 2. He remembers that as well, a

Will Smith wishes he could “Keep his name off this f***in’ list!”

CRACKED SLAPPING THE HOST OF THE OSCARS. Accosting Chris Rock over a joke at the 2022 Oscars got Will Smith banned from attending the ceremonies for 10 years, and had the world think a lot less of him.

Cafe Mom

John Travolta: Misunderstood or Misinterpreted?

Akward Awards 2015 OSCARS JOHN TRAVOLTA Travolta was the talk of the Oscars because of a moment he had with Scarlett Johansson that people misinterpreted. But Johansson made it clear that it was all very nice and she was totally OK with it. CRACKED

Via ABC News

ABC News

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze

DARK DELETED SCENES TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II THE SECRET? SPACE! The ninja turtles' powers are alien in nature. That was the secret of the ooze. CRACKED.COM

Source: IMDb

Cows are having their horns bred out of them.

Dairy COWS typically are born with horns and they are de-horned when young. Dairy farmers over- time use selective breeding to eliminate the recessive gene that causes horns in both male and female cattle. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Dairy Carrie

Nanny MUPPET BABIES CRACKED.COM In a world full of freak-schnozzed monster infants, it's very possible that Nanny's face is an indescribable Lovecraftian horror. It's also possible that she's a stand-in for the countless anonymous knees we all encountered as babies.

Guy Bluford was the first Black American astronaut in space

CRACKED.COM Guy Bluford was the first Black American astronaut in space MF43E MF43G In 1983, he was a crew member of the Orbiter Challenger. The first person of African descent in space was Cuban cosmonaut Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez in 1980.

Source: NASA

CRACKED VS MAIN ANTAGONIST MARIO LINK DA .CRACKED.co A fire A psycho breathing Pig-Man that turtle that occasionally occasionally uses sorcery to joins Mario decimate a Go-Karting. kingdom. WINNER: LINK

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel

The bassist from The Marvelous Mrs Maisel has a real-life inspiration. That inspiration is Carol Kaye, AKA First Lady of Bass, who played bass on songs for The Beach Boys, Simon & Garfunkel, Ray Charles, and others. CRACKED COM



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