27 of the Worst Cases of ‘Main Character Syndrome’ Ever

‘A friend of mine faked bulimia to get attention’
27 of the Worst Cases of ‘Main Character Syndrome’ Ever

Garden State unleashed all sorts of evil into the world, with “guys searching for a manic pixie dream girl” right at the top of the list. Seriously: one Redditor had an ex who had a hard time separating the Zach Braff film from real life. He accused her of not being quirky enough, telling her that she was supposed to “take him by the hand and show him the world.”

Other Redditors have recalled the people they’ve encountered who believed they were the protagonists of reality, and one thing is for certain — we need a cure for the crying selfie epidemic.

Padunn816 6y ago I know a girl who shamelessly pretends to have OCD/ be bipolar even though she obviously isn't and people call her out on it and when we do she always posts shit on social media like I have been betrayed by those who I trusted my scars may never heal and then next week we back to being friends 276 ...
onwardsaioshima 9y ago My best friend's mom died recently. Her dad and mom has been divorced since she was young, and it was evident he cheated on her with his current girlfriend. The girlfriend went to the funeral against the mom's family's wishes, invited her own friends (who didn't kbow the mom), talked through the entire service, and made a scene at the reception. She wanted attention because her boyfriend's dead ex-wife was getting more attention than her. 82 ...
 9y ago Friend of mine literally faked bulimia to get attention. + 2.4K ...
SheZowRaisedByWolves 6y ago Edited 6y ago The most hated gf out of my group of friends was upset that no one noticed her new haircut at my friend's going away to the military party. So what did she do? She got a hold of the pizza we had ordered (we were all outside) and threw it in the pool then went home. We were broke recent high school graduates who poured ALL of the money we had into that pizza just to watch it fall apart in a pool. + 985 ...
Cherrry-bomb 6y ago One time I was with a group of people getting high. This kid takes two or three hits and immediately starts stumbling around, pawing at doors, and the most painful to watch-humping the floor. The worst part was that it was HIS weed and he smoked all the time! + 1.7K ...
 E 9y ago There's an extremely irritating girl in my English class who makes up her own quotes every day, and then writes them on the board signed with her name. I want to punch her. + 462 ...
Ser_Bron 9y ago My cousin's girlfriend's son decided he wanted to play guitar and sing a song at my dad's funeral. No one else was playing music or singing. Не gets up halfway through the funeral and starts singing. He's horrible. At the end of his song he actually plugged his New CD that he just so happened to have a bunch of copies of in his car. What a shitlord. + 4.6K ...
froggiedoodle 6y ago One of my coworkers just faked a pregnancy. Shopped an ultrasound and everything. Then she told me it wasn't true. She thinks she's ok and doesn't need counseling after I told her she should probably go talk to a peofessional. I started distancing myself from that point on. 839 ...
 6y ago A girl in HS would fake sneeze because she could not go more than a minute without saying something. I suppose she got off on the attention when people said bless you + 726 ...
shroomie19 6y ago In high school, a group of us were at walmart. A friend got down on all fours and was crawling around and meowing at strangers. She even rubbed up on a dude. + 4K ...
m3ngnificient e 6y ago . Edited 6y ago One of my friends used to take selfies while crying in public and post them on FB, talking about how lonely she was. + 4.5K ...
allprocro 1y ago In my 20s I worked with a girl around my age. One night she called me crying, her bf had gotten up and left her to move back home and she said she really needed a shoulder to cry on. I went over and we talked for several hours and she said she really appreciated it. About a month later I was dealing with some depression and texted her around 9pm telling her how I was feeling and that I could really use a friend to talk to. She messaged me the next morning stating I need
killznhealz 1y ago Had an employee tell me I ruined her day and was inconsiderate because I asked her to do something while she was at work. It was the 12th anniversary of her grandma's death... 53 ...
wert989 1y ago . Edited 1y ago A former friend of mine and I say that as someone who used to work at a call center and retail/customer service for most of their working life. Dude would do so much mental gymnastics to justify committing fraud and to cheat and steal from other people on top of many other things that if it was an Olympic sport - he'd take home all 3 medals without technically competing.
topherthepest 1y ago At my wedding, one of our invites brought her roommate as her plus 1. They decided to pre party and she got shit faced drunk and started yelling how she wanted the day to be about her. She was escorted out. 159 ...
cory140 e 1y ago Old mayor of our 10k town rebuilt a corner of a road into a roundabout because he was tired of car lights shining on his property... 155 ...
Reckless_Secretions 1y ago My mother narrates every single thing she does. All day, every day. She'll walk into whichever room I'm in, start talking to me while completely ignoring the fact that I've got my earphones in/watching something/very obviously working or even sat on the toilet with the door shut handling my business. I'll have to tell her I'm busy or walk out while she's talking. I've told her about this several times but she consistently ignores me. It's not even like she's telling me her fun plans for the day or week. That would've been more acceptable than this
Riman424 1y ago Some guy took the microphone during the school talent show and said,No one is here for this shit. They're all here for me. 175 ...
middaymeattrain 1y ago One of my exes thought he was the main character of some cringy Garden State-type movie and that I was supposed to be his manic pixie dream girl. I'll never forget one of the arguments we had in which he was frustrated with me for not being more ~*~*quirky*~*~. Не said, You're supposed to take me by the hand and show me the world! which sounds like a bad joke, but trust me when I say he was being serious. + 596 ...
TornadoGhostDog 1y ago This woman I know actually refers to some people as NPCs. Obviously she doesn't believe it literally, but she does treat people accordingly. She has also referred to some of her behaviors as hot girl shit. + 596 ...
Beth_Harmons_Bulova . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago My father won't let my mother eat pizza on her own birthday because he doesn't like it, won't even let her eat it while he eats something else, she's just not allowed to have it period. + 932 ...
moog7791 1y ago My son born 3 months early experiencing numerous health issues with his life hanging I the balance. My narcissistic MIL complaining that the SCBU nurses weren't being 'nice enough to her'. + 182 ...
Smellmyupperlip 1y ago The husband of a friend of my told her he didn't really care for interacting with their two twin boys, and would just wait for them to grow older and would be able to talk about his pretty specific interests. They're no longer together. + 1.3K ...
middaymeattrain 1y ago One of my exes thought he was the main character of some cringy Garden State-type movie and that I was supposed to be his manic pixie dream girl. I'll never forget one of the arguments we had in which he was frustrated with me for not being more ~*~*quirky*~*~. Не said, You're supposed to take me by the hand and show me the world! which sounds like a bad joke, but trust me when I say he was being serious. + 596 ...
 1y ago A mother at school demanded that the break for the whole school should be postponed because her daughter is not hungry yet at the set time + 430 ...
DreamQueen710 1y ago When someone I knew was having a meltdown and told me, I don't remember saying that to you, so it doesn't matter if it's different than what I'm saying now because whatever I say is correct. Do you understand? Which basically confirmed what I was trying to accuse them of: making shit up to fit whatever argument they were trying to have so they can always be right. + 1.2K ...
VaultDweller17 9y ago e Edited 9y ago I discovered this yesterday, my old 'best friend' using the fact that I got bullied and have social anxiety, by saying it all happened to her and she tweeted her favourite celebrities my story in order to get a reply from them, when none of it happened to her.


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