33 of the Weirdest Things a Guest Has Done in Someone’s Home

‘Threw a steak at a window’
33 of the Weirdest Things a Guest Has Done in Someone’s Home

There should be some sort of database to keep records of people who do weird things in other people’s homes. Surely, if everyone knew that an adult woman had a propensity for pretending to be a cat — to the extent of knocking glassware off of tables — no one would ever invite her anywhere. She’d then have to do some soul-searching, reckon with her behavior and become normal. It’s a relatively simple solution! 

Unfortunately, no such database exists, which is why Redditors far and wide gathered to disclose the weirdest things a guest has done in their home, including a guy who got very aggressive with a couch.

formerlygolden 6y ago My cousin, 12 at the time, peed the bed and shoved the urine-soaked sheets into a closet, which we used to store our Christmas decorations. All of this was discovered 5 months later in December. I still remember the smell... 85 ...
3EyedCat_TheUntamed 6y ago Sunday, 6pm: Friend of my husband sitting on our couch in boxershorts and MY bathrobe after spending the weekend with us and not wanting to leave, while his girlfriend is crying in the kitchen over a fight they had about that it is now time to leave. 40 ...
 6y ago Straight up opened the fridge and took stuff to eat without asking. It's fine... they can have whatever they want... but I would've asked first. Who the fuck even does that? 87 ...
cassycakesokc 0 6y ago KING Friend hooked up with my roommate on our couch in the middle of the night. Then she used my cardigan that was laying on the arm of the couch to wipe her vag with afterwards... then just left it on the floor. My roommate was courteous enough to let me know two days later before I picked it up & threw it in the trash. + 301 ...
pessimistsky 6y ago My sisters friend stayed with us in the basement for about a week in which time she snuck in her EX boyfriend more than once in the middle of he night without us noticing. She then had unprotected sex with him in our guest bedroom and got pregnant from it, leading to them getting married. Like 2 weeks before the wedding she told my sister she couldn't be in the wedding party because she betrayed her so deeply by having the flu the weekend of her bridal shower and it would be 'best if you didn't attend
epic_child 6y ago I once had a friend lock themselves in my bedroom. Picked the lock and was like hey don't do that okay? Had another friend who was staying on my couch for a while and when I went to work she would get in my bed and sleep there all day. + 148 ...
Kapparooo . 6y ago Threw a steak at a window + 469 ...
Jessimyre e 6y ago Took my washing basket when they left. 62 ...
thequirkyblackgirl . 6y ago Caught my mum's friend sticking her used chewing gum under our bookshelf. When she saw me staring, she said Oh, I was going to remove it later. I just needed a place to put it. And then she handed it to me to throw away... + 232 ...
nookyeler_fudge . 6y ago Picked at his peeling sunburn and left copious flakes of skin all over the couch and in the bed. I think he was reptilian. 124 ...
Batkratos 6y ago Edited 6y ago We were hosting a group of teenage boys for a youth group convention. My mom served a family style breakfast, with bacon, hash browns, and eggs each piled high on seperate large plates. One of the two boys we were hosting sat down, and promptly finished the entire plate of eggs, meant for 6 people, by himself. We played it cool at the time, but we still joke about the kid that ate 12 eggs in one sitting. 142 ...
Spyaspyro . 6y ago One of my friends ran herself a bath at my housewarming party. 130 ...
HockeyKong 6y ago My brother's friend came over once, took out a switchblade, and started stabbing our couch. When my brother yelled at him to stop, he just looked up and said Its cool, I do it to my couch all the time! and went back to stabbing the couch. My brother had to confiscate the switchblade. + 526 ...
xxwatchmerun 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Says she was a vegan, so only brought with her some seeds, nuts, etc. but cooked and ate MY pork chops before I got home from work. She had no company over.... so it was HER! + 675 ...
Lalakowski 1mo ago When I was about 9, my mother was frequently visited by a friend who I already didn't like at the time. Once she forgot to lock the bathroom and then I caught her squeezing our shower gel into a plastic bag. When she stole my first Nokia, my mother finally ended the friendship. I guess that's why I only let a few people in 227 Reply ...
Squacamole 1mo ago My SIL came to my house for Thanksgiving for the first time. She absolutely gorged herself saying how good all the food was. Then in a lull in conversation at the table she announced Well, I'm gonna go throw up. and she got up to go to the bathroom. Um, what? We all thought maybe we misheard her and no one said a thing.... She came back a few moments later, and made herself another heaping plate of food and ate it all. Then they left early before dessert. I asked my MIL later if she really
bzsbal 1mo ago An old coworker I haven't seen in years came over with her toddler son. She came over because her teenage daughter was looking to make some money cleaning house and/or yard work, and was going to give me an estimate. My husband and I are child free, and therefore our home is not child proofed...at all. We collect antiques. She let her toddler run in our house. It was like she was just completely checked out and this was her me time to not deal with her kid. Не was an absolute terror. I had to tell
xscumfucx e 1mo ago Shit in the shower/bathtub. They were not taking a shower/bath. 345 Reply ...
HuuffingLavender 1mo ago Edited 1mo ago My cousin and her new hippy boyfriend drove from Arizona to my place in New Orleans. It was a small apartment, when I opened the door he said, Nice to meet you, and pushed past me to the bathroom. Where he delivered one of the smelliest dumps I've ever experienced. The smell was pure rotten and quickly filled my entire apartment. Mind you, there was a window in the bathroom, as well as a vent, matches, candles, poo-pourri, and room sprays. Then he asked me to find him an old oak tree that would
RatTeeth . 1mo ago My uncle, who was visiting, spilled a pop on the coffee table and used a throw pillow to mop it up. + 456 Reply ...
czapatka 1mo ago In my 20s a friend of a friend came over and she would always pretend to be a cat. Not in a cute way, but in a I'm gonna pretend to slowly push stuff off of your countertops and tables with my paw. The first time it was a little funny because we were high and it was something innocuous like a pile of papers, but she kept doing it and doing it. On a couple occasions she actually pushed glassware off my table, shattering it so I finally had to ban her from my apartment. +
DiscoLibra 1mo ago Our redneck friend was staying with us for a night. Не said our shower drain was clogged and got pliers and just ripped the drain cover up. This was an apartment, so the drain cover was like fused into the tub. Sharp metal was sticking up from him bending it open. + 624 Reply ...
Initial-Web2855 1mo ago She ate all my food within two days. I'm talking 24 pack of sodas, 2 bags of chips (with dip!) a loaf of bread, three sticks of butter, all my dessert cereals. I didn't have the heart to say anything about it; I think she has a very serious eating disorder. + 584 Reply ...
_JungleJohn 1mo ago Someone I was seeing for a while told me, months after the fact, that she had taken a dump and was unable to flush it. She took the shite out of the toilet and placed it in the bin. The kitchen bin. + 1.1K Reply ...
BMagni e 1mo ago Use the laundry machine more than 50 times in a single month after we told her she used it too much after one week and 20 uses + 763 Reply ...
Livid_Parsnip6190 1mo ago A guy I dated used to put on a hat to make a phone call. When I asked why, he said because he usually would go outside to smoke a cigarette while making a phone call (he tried not to smoke around me because I didn't like it). Не also put on sunglasses to brush his teeth. I didn't get a good answer for that one. + 1.2K Reply ...
luhfalchi 1mo ago my mom told me the woman who babysat me when i was like 3 years old would change the place of our entire furniture to her liking Imao my mom would get home and our whole living room would be diferente and the woman would just say well i i like it better like that and my mom would be yeah but that's my house, not yours???? + 1.3K Reply ...
alwaysmyfault 1mo ago Guy from high school stayed at my house a few years back. It was someone that I wasn't close with, but someone I knew, and he gave me a sob story about how the pipes in his house burst and got everything wet, so he needed a place to crash for the night. When he got to my place, I showed him how to use my Firestick so he could watch TV, and then I went to bed. I woke up in the morning to a bunch of emails from Amazon. Thanks for Signing up for HBO
TrippleDubbs 1mo ago My ex mother in law. She had to pee in the middle of the night, but her son (my ex) was in the only bathroom. Instead of knocking she got a glass out of the kitchen, went into the garage and squatted to pee into the cup. I had heard the garage door open and got up to see what was going on and startled her, causing her to spill her cup of pee all over the floor. + 2.1K Reply ...
Maleficent_Scale_296 . 1mo ago We had a couple over for dinner. Had a good time but they stayed and stayed. Around midnight they asked where they should sleep. We lived in a small one bedroom apartment and were puzzled so delicately asked them if they wouldn't be going home? They said since we'd given them alcohol they wouldn't be able to drive. Four adults, one bottle of wine, six hours. We were nonplussed. Gave them a couple blankets and pillows and said they could sleep on the couch or floor. We did not invite them again. + 2.9K Reply ...
oGsBathSalts 1mo ago I was emptying your dishwasher and I didn't really know where anything was supposed to go, so I went ahead and rearranged all your cabinets in a way that makes sense to meeee... I knew my MIL staying with us was going to be a problem, but this was a level I was not prepared for. Like really, you couldn't just open cabinets until you found the cups and put them in there, and so on? + 4.6K Reply ...
strangeloop414 . 1mo ago . Edited 1mo ago Had a neighbor stop by. We gave him a beer and he popped the top off and casually tossed it (ETA: the cap!) on the floor like it was completely normal. + 1.2K Reply ...
 6y ago I once had a boyfriend's friend who I didn't know very well staying with me because he had urgently needed a place to stay at the last minute. I got home from work to discover that he had shaved his beard with my bikini trimmer, without asking! I was totally disgusted and told him to find someone else's couch to crash on. + 125 ...


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