35 Disturbing Things People Learned About Someone on the First Date

‘She had never heard of The Beatles’
35 Disturbing Things People Learned About Someone on the First Date

First dates are all about making an impression, so it’s fascinating to see what kinds of impressions people are intent on making. For example, one Redditor went on a date with a woman who loved mustard so much that she brought her own packets to the restaurant and squirted them into her mouth at the table. Another went on a date with a guy who “seemed normal,” but by the end of the evening, he was showing her a detailed list of all of the women he’d slept with and asking if she “wanted to be added” to it. 

Other Redditors have shared tales of the first dates they’ll never forget, including that of a guy whose mother was a little too supportive.

e 5mo ago Wostnicknameever I went on a single date with a woman. I learned she'd dated, separately, both my bother and cousin. Coincidentally. + 6.3K Reply ...
aspiringsensei e 5mo ago Someone told me she really wanted a Jaguar when she was in high school, but her dad bought her a prius instead. So she crashed it on purpose. And then he bought her another prius. And she crashed it again. I guess he learned his lesson afterwards and bought her a Jaguar. + 5.1K Reply ...
Gerreth_Gobulcoque e 5mo ago Gal and I had a good night and thing were progressing and right at the last second she tells me she had a felony conviction because in her capacity as a social worker for at-risk youth she'd had sex with one of said at-risk youths. + 6.8K Reply ...
Charming_Resist_7685 5mo ago . Edited 5mo ago Не told me he was a gambling addict and when I asked if he had tried to stop, he said he didn't get much out of his meetings at Gamblers Anonymous because the other people there were low stakes grandmas playing bingo and he was more of a high roller so he couldn't relate. + 2.6K Reply ...
urfavouriteredditor 5mo ago She was french. She taught english. In England. She hated england and the english. She didn't read books. She didn't like films or music. Oh, and she thought disabled people couldn't feel pain. A fact she shouted at me in a packed restaurant after I told her she was wrong. She thought the date went well and wanted to go on another one. + 2.5K Reply ...
RedWum 5mo ago Not me but my friend matched with a woman online and after they talked for a few days she said she has to tell him something and it might be a deal breaker. Не Googled her name immediately and turns out that she served time because she was a teacher and slept with a student. The mugshot was unmistakeable. So then he talked to her and she brought up something else entirely that wasn't that bad (like she lived with her parents or something). + 4.7K Reply ...
generouscake e 5mo ago e Edited 5mo ago Said casually after hookup, I have to get up early tomorrow, because I have a court date for hitting my ex-wife. + 6.7K Reply ...
Charming_Resist_7685 в 5mo ago Edited 5mo ago Не told me he was a gambling addict and when I asked if he had tried to stop, he said he didn't get much out of his meetings at Gamblers Anonymous because the other people there were low stakes grandmas playing bingo and he was more of a high roller so he couldn't relate. + 2.6K Reply ...
AshamedClassroom413 5mo ago Met a guy, he was cute and nice, spent some time on a bench in the park after having some coffee at a nice Cafe. We talk for 30 minutes, share hobbies, talk about stuff and really enjoy ourselves. Guess what, at some point the dude asks if he can show me something. AND IT WAS A LIST OF EVERY GIRL НЕ EVER HAD SEX WITH. Asked if I wanna be added to that list? wtf weirdo. Like the dude literally had names and all, besides showing on the first date, it was creepy as fuck, even
ApplesauceBitch47 e 5mo ago Girl i professionally saw a few times asked me out, we went out and for the first time I saw her with short sleeves on and she had a big confederate flag tattoo on her forearm + 1.8K Reply ...
ABOT Last_Amphibian6067 5mo ago She told me, her brother was in Jail for throwing his GF out of moving car. Only to follow up later with staring into blank space and telling me she couldn't tell me what was there, because they would kill me. Most memorable night ever. OMG 660 Reply ...
 5mo ago Went out with a girl who had never heard of the Beatles. Born and raised in Canada. How does that even happen?? Obviously not on par with the would-be serial killers everyone else is describing, but it still confuses me years later. 891 Reply ...
zande147 e 5mo ago She told me her favorite movie of all time was the Live action The Last Airbender film. 1.9K Reply ...
Lost-In-Stress . 5mo ago They don't wash their hands after they + 1.3K Reply ...
Kyoshi-atemycabbages 4y ago Went on a tinder date to the movies when I was 18. Не picked me up in his truck and played terrible loud depressing music. In the theatre, he was on his phone swiping on tinder the whole time, then leaned over and told me that i was lucky to be out with him because all these other girls wanted to be with him. YIKES. My roommate picked me up when I excused myself to the bathroom. 4.6K ...
Dubstepface . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago Friend told me the guy not only asked for a selfie but posted on facebook with the caption my queen. First time meeting. + 13K ...
Welcomefriends85 5mo ago We watched a movie that wasn't very good. There wasn't much sexual tension or chemistry between us as we chatted in the seats while the credits rolled. We finally got up to walk out and she threw herself against the theater wall and dramatically said kiss me in a melodramatic tone. She was a terrible kisser. 531 Reply ...
 4y ago . Edited 4y ago You've actually been talking to my mother. I'm not very good at things like this. WE HAD SEXTED. Edit to explain: I'm a girl and mom was texting for her son. + 3.6K ...
Charming_Function_58 5mo ago Не told me with a full physical re-enactment, about how he'd gotten into a fistfight with a guy, and kept beating him bloody, until his then-girlfriend got scared and begged him to stop. Не also told a couple racist jokes, and told me he was in political/legal trouble with the government, for being involved in protests. (I didn't ask for details.) I had poor cell phone service in the area, but managed to get an Uber to pick me up from the streetcorner, as we were walking alone in the dark. Literally felt the need to escape,
NotGreatAtSocializin 4y ago I told this guy I played the piano, and like half an hour later he said: If I wanted you to always remember me, I'd break your ring fingers. You know, cause they don't heal well and then you'd always think of me when playing. Suffice to say, I left the restaurant fairly quickly. + 14K ...
baconkiller1 . 4y ago I just really like mustard as she continues suck mustard packets worst part, we were at a somewhat nice restaurant. SHE BROUGHT MUSTARD TO EAT. + 5.9K ...
zDemon1c 4y ago Went out with a girl one night and after dinner she drove me up into the mountains (I was new to the area) and after a while, when there were no more lights, she started talking about serial killers. I still remember her saying I used to think about getting away with stuff like that sometimes + 7.1K ...
cryptoscopophilia 0 4y ago Called their mom in front of me to say they met a real winner and how they were done with their ex. Not sure if this counts but it was really uncomfortable. + 15K ...
Jamiepappasatlanta 4y ago I have a relative in banking. I have checked out all of your family financially. WTF, what do you say to that? 1.6K ...
CR9193 4y ago Не described at length how men are all naturally as violent as those in the movie 'A Clockwork Orange' and how they actively suppress it to fit in with society... This guy also invited me to a pub and proceeded to drink water while buying me G&Ts.. needless to say I yeeted out of there real quick. 1.1K ...
anmitche 4y ago Не asked me if I'd rather go on a cruise or to a resort for our honeymoon. Then sent me a text later to tell me he showed one of his clients my picture and the client told him his girlfriend was pretty. 1.4K ...
Ziggyjkr 4y ago A one night stand once told me I smelt like his mum + 3.4K ...
Idid 4y ago Не was in the military (Canadian). I asked him if he ever did any volunteer work overseas with the military and he said, NO! I joined the military to kill people not to help people. Chugged my beer and got out of there as fast as I could. 9.4K ...
Cityofooo 4y ago Within knowing each other about an hour he told me he had never wanted kids before, but the moment we met he felt it biologically. Then he told me he wanted to be my son's step-father as well. + 2.6K ...
Arpsar 4y ago Spent most of the date talking about the dark web and how you can buy drugs and human organs and how cool it sounded. Awkward but okay. Next day called and invited me to go shooting in the desert. Noooopppeee 1.3K ...
sailorsappho 4y ago So full disclosure, I used to be a fan of Hitler. Happened to a friend of mine about 5 minutes into meeting them for the date. 675 ...
Kim_Smoltz_ 4y ago They used to be a Wiccan and kept their clipped toenails/fingernails in a bag under their bed. + 578 ...
 4y ago Within ten minutes of meeting, a blind date started talking about dead people in her family. 528 ...
 4y ago A guy I went out with took me up on his roof where there was a bunch of road kill laying around. Не told me he was learning to do taxidermy... 558 ...
woodchuck125 e 5mo ago We went to a concert in the park. On the walk back to her house she just casually pointed to a house and said that's where I buy my meth. + 1.6K Reply ...


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