25 Reasons Why People’s Worst Jobs Sucked So Hard

‘I was a cashew flicker at a candy factory’
25 Reasons Why People’s Worst Jobs Sucked So Hard

It’s pointless to say that your job sucks. Every job sucks, that’s why it’s called “work” and not “fun.” But there’s a spectrum of suckage. One Redditor had a job where he had to bring his own soap to wash his hands in the restroom due to “lack of budget” while the manager sold stolen international goods in front of the store. That’s a job that sucks. 

Other Redditors have recalled the times they had a job higher on the suckage spectrum, including a gig that will make you look at chickens a lot differently. 

aishanonoa 1y ago Selling shoes in a store where I had to run up and down 2- 3 Floors for every shoe I needed. Pay? Almost zilch. I got fired after a month because: 'I didn't run fast enough' + 52 ...
doglks 8y ago Worked at a call center in the 2012 election, basically my job was to call people and try to get them to vote for Obama. During dinner time. In Kansas. + 355 ...
 8y ago Delivering ice in west Texas / eastern New Mexico. I was making $6.25/hr and working upwards of 70 hrs/week. I was a helper and basically lumped ice bags all day in the middle of what amounts to be a barren desert. My hands were absolutely destroyed from being wet/cold/hot/dry. The ice bags had a metal tie at the end that would shred through my fingers. That job is what motivated me to go back to school. 320 ...
mickbrew 8y ago I was the Fat Man in a ham processing plant. My job was to take the fat that the de- boners and trimmers had cut off the pig hind quarters. I took the buckets to the front of the room and emptied them into boxes, which I then weighed and sealed up. When I was needed again the supervisor would yell Fat Man and I would do it over again. I was a little overweight at the time. + 401 ...
 8y ago I was a cashew flicker at a candy factory. Literally. I flicked the bad cashews off a conveyor belt. 583 ...
WhenWhyHowOhGodWhy 8y ago . Edited 8y ago I collected semen from chickens for artifical insemination. You have to 'jerk' them off... not my job. Walk into the room and the f**kers immediately begin to ejaculate... we had to rush them and get the collection vial in place quickly or the day's worth of semen was lost. So much semen on my gloves... ugh.
Leatherneck55 8y ago I was a furnace helper in steel factory. We made bumper mounts and hinges for trucks hoods and other heavy steel parts. I unloaded red hot parts from the furnace with a pair of tongs, I used to catch fire two or three times a day. I hated that. + 703 ...
juiceboxheero 8y ago Door to Door solar panel salesman for a corrupt home energy company. Nothing better than knocking on someones front door right in the middle of a Patriots game. + 3.6K ...
krumplestiltskin 8y ago I worked at a slaughterhouse for a little while. They killed steers there but got pork shipped in. The hams came in a gigantic cardboard vat, probably 5' wide and 4' deep. They were heavily waxed on the inside to make them waterproof and had steel banding running around the outside kindof like an old keg or barrel. Once we fished out most of the hams and trimmed them there was always a couple feet of blood at the bottom. As the new guy it was my job to dangle over the edge with a meat hook
ajstrange1 8y ago Edited 8y ago Picking Mangoes in Australia, many people are unaware that if you snap off the stalk on a Mango, poisonous sap flys out which makes you blister quite dramtically. Also the best job because of the beautiful scenery. + 1.5K ...
Nessiethenoo . 8y ago . Edited 8y ago I sprinkled mud onto potatoes that had already been washed so that they would look freshly dug when they hit the supermarket. Most depressing holiday job I've had.
ComradePomp 1y ago I did landscaping for a woman who would spend the whole day smashed on box wine talking about Jimmy Buffet. She would have me pick through boxes of half rotted produce she picked up from local stores to feed her cow. She drove us to jobs in a Ford pickup from the 50s that had no padding on the inside, much less seatbelts. After I stopped working for her she broke into my house to leave a note about why she couldn't pay me my last check. + 34 ...
ShitFistingPissBulge 1y ago Was once told the marketing job I applied for was bridging the gap between client and consumers for fortune 500 companies  Wanna know what the job actually was? Standing in a Suit in a BJs for 10 hours trying to sell people AT&T I lasted 4 days + 62 ...
Minnie-Chuu-4062 1y ago Had to engage with people's YouTube content and watch their videos fully including ads and send them proof. A 100 videos a day. + 190 ...
HopeDeferred . 1y ago Anti drug costumed bird for DARE at the Illinois State Fair during a heat wave. + 170 ...
Dependent-Prune-7714 1y ago Concert security. I was a huge fan of the artist and couldn't turn around to watch. It was so tempting and an overall bad time. + 506 ...
PlanktonSharp879 1y ago Edited 1y ago I worked at a daycare center, and the building was so old and run down. My classroom carpet was disgusting, it had pee and vomit spots all over. Broken toys, ripped up books. No supplies. Just horrible! Mice would run around the children, while they slept on their cots at nap time. I ended up quitting, and calling the state on them. + 229 ...
slappy_mcslapenstein 1y ago Silverado Plumbing in Tucson. It was a bunch of 40 year old women who acted like they were the mean girls in high school. + 325 ...
smartlypretty 6y ago Everyone there was a Scientologist. They have their own Scientology business model (it was a doctor's practice, large). I had nightmares about them breaking into my house and auditing me. + 1.1K ...
hard_caulk 6y ago They didn't have soap in any of the bathrooms. I was told to bring my own as there was no budget. Manager was also using the company as a front for selling stolen goods from out of the country. Coworkers confirmed all of this. I lasted 1 and 1/2 days + 1.8K ...
twinfyre 6y ago I took the job because they were understaffed and needed more people. Well... They were understaffed and needed more people. + 7.3K ...
SniperPoro 6y ago McDonald's. They wouldn't really train you properly, but they would get mad at you for not knowing how to do things. One of the managers was also the type who would yell at crew members. She was rude to both crew members and customers. + 1.8K ...
HermoingoBoingo 6y ago 2 1/2 hour commute. So 5 hours commuting each day. And it was so fast-paced that we never had a minute to rest. And we would get yelled at if we needed to go to the bathroom. + 2.3K ...
vinegarballs 6y ago I had to pick tomatoes. It was so hot in the greenhouses and the wasps were everywhere. Seriously, do wasps bring anything to the table or are they useless, angry dicks? + 5.1K ...
Sambasscles 1y ago Working for travel insurance claims in March 2020 onwards. I would create claims for cancelled flights, hotels, traveling car centers, etc. Except after COVID really hit, the companies were only offering vouchers for future use and we could not issue any refunds. Telling people who just lost their jobs we can't get them their money back was awful. It was 8 hours every day for months of endless verbal abuse from customers. I completely understand where they were coming from, but man that job sucked. 15 ...


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