28 Petty Things People Are Still Holding a Grudge Over

‘I’ll never forget the girl who told me Santa wasn’t real’
28 Petty Things People Are Still Holding a Grudge Over

Holding a grudge is a basic human right, and the longer you hold one, the stronger you become. One Redditor has been holding a grudge against a girl since the fourth grade — when she told her that Santa wasn’t real. She holds this grudge so tightly that when she sees pictures of her “stupid baby” on Facebook, she fantasizes about dropping the same bomb on him. That means this grudge has the potential to extend across generations, which is beautiful. 

Other Redditors have spilled about the grudges they’ll never let go of, and I’ve decided to adopt some of them as my own — especially the Tetris one.

 10y ago When I was 6 me and my 7 year old sister were at my babysitters house about to go to school. My babysitter offers us a ride because it is raining. I start saying yes when my sister interjects to say no, we do not need a ride. We walked to school in the freezing rain and I told my sister I would never forgive her for this. She said I would not even remember the next day. I brought it up for years just to show her. + 1.4K ...
Spikeu 10y ago I had a friend that deleted my Super Mario World 96-star save file. I had a friend... + 973 ...
PerTerDerDer 10y ago I let Laura borrow my favourite pencil and she sharpened it like 3 times without asking. Then is was shorter than all my other Mulan pencils. Being 7 was tough. Laura's a bitch. + 494 ...
DirtBurglar . 10y ago In third grade, I went to a friend's birthday party at a Chuck Е. Cheese knock off. I was on my way to a really nice high score in ski ball when this other kid grabbed my last ball and carelessly lobbed it up the ramp. I'll never forgive you for that, Karl you fuck. 84 ...
sr_mojo_risin 10y ago I'll never forgive my ex-girlfriend for stealing my umbrella. It doesn't rain a lot where I live, but on a trip to Seattle several years ago I invested in a quality umbrella. It was the kind of purchase where you think this is a staple, I can check this off the list, I'll have this umbrella for years. Ex took it when we broke up, years ago, but every time it rains I still think bitch stole my umbrella 104 ...
 10y ago I was 9. Harry Potter was life, and the Half Blood Prince was about to be published. The day it comes out, Matt told me he had skipped to the end and that Dumbledore dies. Fuck Matt. + 657 ...
InfinitelyThirsting 10y ago We were walking down a beach in Florida and saw a turtle starting to dig out a nest to lay eggs. My mom got way overexcited and ran over, and scared her back into the sea. I COULD HAVE WATCHED A TURTLE LAY EGGS! Stupid mom not listening when I told her to stupid wait until the turtle went into the stupid trance. + 432 ...
SkyeStari e 10y ago My parents raided my apartment (I was on an extended business trip, needed someone to look after it for me), and only took the bag of limited edition Chocolate Chip Oreos I had placed in the freezer. My dad even took a selfie eating them. :'( + 711 ...
Scotchbotch 10y ago I went to Red Lobster for my sixth birthday dinner. The waiter came by and took our order, we waited for an hour. Apparently the waiter forgot to put our order in and we ended up leaving without eating. I cried the whole way home. I have not been back in 20 years. 482 ...
littlehunts 10y ago My house mate ate all of my thin mints. When I confronted her about it, her excuse was I didn't know whose they were. Well you knew they weren't yours, bitch. + 1.5K ...
lilyqs 10y ago I will never forget the girl who told me Santa wasn't real in 4th grade. Everytime I see a picture of her stupid baby on Facebook I fantasize about telling him the truth + 1.7K ...
shartmonger 7y ago When I was in third grade, we went to the Boston Science Museum and my group left me. It only took ten minutes to find them, but when we got to the bus stop the bus didn't show for an hour. Turns out the bus driver though 3 instead of 2 o'clock. Days later, I had to hand write a letter to every single parent of every student saying I left my group, and we came back an hour late because of this. Happened in 1983, still makes my blood boil. Burn in hell, Mrs. Danert. +
According_Mud9508 2mo ago o Edited 2mo ago The year was 2004. I had a kyocera phantom phone with a long standing game of tetris because the speed had capped out. We're talking somewhere around two years. I had a score in the bazillions (probably). While out to lunch, a friend picked up my phone and started a new game. Later she fucked my husband. I'm still mad about the tetris game. 275 Reply ...
MarchKick 7y ago My fourth grade teacher got mad at me for not being able to tell the blue and purple paint apart. Turns out, the teacher had given me two blobs of blue paint. + 1.1K ...
FluffyTeddybearxo 2mo ago 10 years ago my brother took my brownie that I had in the fridge. I don't even like brownies I just didn't want him to have it. Не ate it. Now everytime I go to his house I take one of his food items and eat it. + 373 Reply ...
The_time_it_takes 2mo ago I went to Florida in 5th grade and got a deck of playing cards from delta. I brought them to school to show my friends and they disappeared from my desk at lunch. I looked evrywhere, asked all my friends, etc. Two weeks later the teacher is playing a math probability game and she hands out playing cards to everyone. wouldn't you know it she had my delta playing cards. I was salty then and still am. I still remember your a filthy thief mrs. Smith. It was 40 years ago. 246 Reply ...
thether 2mo ago 15 years ago I had a pair of Sony headphones die. The Sony store wouldn't give me any warranty because I bought them from a Sony store in another country. They quoted me almost the same cost of a new pair to repair them. Haven't bought anything Sony since. 290 Reply ...
QuiteLady1993 2mo ago Look this didn't even happen to me but my mom told me about a thanksgiving where her aunt took the crispy skin off the turkey and threw it in the trash because it's not healthy for you. I already didn't like this aunt but now + 499 Reply ...
Birna77 2mo ago My SIL got married and had SOOOOO much sushi leftover from the party. I told her I can't wait to munch on some sushi later!. The husband threw it away. ALL OF IT. I am thinking of getting a sushi tattooed with the date under because of that. + 407 Reply ...
apathetic_revolution 2mo ago When I was a kid and my cousin's son was a toddler, he got into my Ninja Turtles action figures and chewed on their weapons. It's been at least 30 years. Не lives in another country so I've only seen him once since. I will always remember him as the little bastard who ruined my Ninja Turtles. + 385 Reply ...
GypsylnAHotMessDress 2mo ago I had a barbecue for friends. Whilst inside preparing a feast, my friend's children picked off all my green baby passion fruit, and unripe baby lemons, to throw at each other. Literally 100s of fruit wasted. When I came outside and nearly cried and told the kids off, their parents told me they were only playing, and just children, and to get over it. I am still not over it. They weren't great friends or parents in hindsight. + 883 Reply ...
Friendlygirl04x 2mo ago I had cheesecake in my fridge at home from the Cheesecake Factory. I absolutely love cheesecake from there, more specifically the Godiva chocolate one. | was saving it for when I was done with my finals that week because I deserved that fucking cheesecake. My dad was home for whatever reason, saw my cheesecake in the fridge and ate every bit of it. That was almost four years ago & I'm still mad. + 942 Reply ...
terribletoiny2 2mo ago My best friend and I were going skiing post a night out. Hungover we decided to get McDonald's breakfast. Both got a combo and he ordered an extra hashbrown as well. The bag only came with 2 hash browns. Не ate both and said they forgot mine. NO MAX THEY FORGOT YOUR EXTRA HASHBROWN. ITS BEEN 7 YEARS AND I STILL GET MAD ABOUT IT. + 5.2K Reply ...
FizzlePop13 2mo ago My sister lied to my parents saying I ate the last two cookies and I got in trouble for lying to them. This happened when I was 7.....I'm 28 now...and I still tell her and my parents every chance I get that I'm still mad about that. + 1.4K Reply ...
expandandincludeit 2mo ago In 5th grade our teacher only gave homework on Wednesdays. One Wednesday the end-of-school bell was going to ring soon and we all realized the teacher had forgotten. With maybe 30 seconds left before the bell would free us, a twatty suck-up girl named Sabina raised her hand and reminded the teacher it was homework day. I'm still pissed off about it. Fuck you, Sabina for denying us our small victory. I'm 68-years old, btw, and it still chaps my ass. + 1.2K Reply ...
SwaySapphire 2mo ago One time my buddy shot a straw wrapper right into my eye. This was 2 years ago. Ever since, I take a shot at him anytime he is in my vicinity and I have a straw. However, my aim is terrible. And after 2 years he is still unaware of my grudge, and has not noticed a single one of my attempts... but I will get him. + 1.1K Reply ...
itsyaboisknnypen1s 2mo ago My brothers got to sit in my barbie blow up chair before me as a kid, and then it popped almost immediately. Still hurts. + 758 Reply ...
emac555 10y ago When I was in Elementary School, I refused to eat at AppleBee's solely on the fact that I thought that Eating Good in the Neighborhood was a terrible slogan. + 1.4K ...


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