28 Dumb Things People Were Punished for at School

‘Looking at the teacher’
28 Dumb Things People Were Punished for at School

It’s clear that some people become teachers for the express purpose of bullying students. How else do you explain the teacher who punished a kid for not wanting to read that part of Old Yeller aloud the day after their dog was put down? Or the teacher who gave a kid detention for laughing? You can’t! 

Redditors have remembered the times their educators ranged from “stupid” to “very stupid and also cruel,” and there are quite a few instances that support my theory of the school-bully-to-teacher pipeline.  

 7y ago Whistling in the bathroom in first grade + 388 ...
yodawasevil . 7y ago In first grade I did a page in my math book a day early and I got in trouble for it. Even as a 6 year old I could tell that was bullshit. + 13K ...
PianoManGidley 7y ago Falsely accused of stealing a ball at recess. Also, told I wasn't allowed to play solitaire with physical cards during lunch because playing cards=gambling. + 2.4K ...
DonHac 7y ago Edited 7y ago Around 5th grade I was shoved through a window by a playground bully. The school made me (well, my parents) pay for the window. ETA: was very lucky and only went part way through before I recovered my balance. The shoulder and arm of my shirt were shredded, the t-shirt underneath was sliced up, I was unharmed. Broken glass is scary sharp. The amount of money was small. I believe they demanded payment from the kid who shoved me as well. No idea on the percentages. The principal's theory was You shouldn't have been
NotMyRealJob_AMA 7y ago I was taking a test in a class taught by a teacher who was very paranoid about cheating. She would patrol the aisles between desks and angrily whisper at people if they looked anywhere besides their own paper. I was sitting by the window when something caught my eye outside. I couldn't help but stare for a few seconds. The teacher pulled me into the hallway and berated me without even giving me a chance to explain that I had seen a homeless person stroking his shaft in broad daylight. + 8.7K ...
ZOmbeyonce . 7y ago I farted in class once and the teacher made me stay after to call my father and tell him what I did... + 8K ...
onionbootyfan 7y ago Edited 7y ago I was at a bookfair in 1st grade, had some books picked out and was waiting on my dad to show up and get them for me. The bookfair was in the library and had windows all around. I saw my dad enter the school and walked out(probably 15ft from the entrance to the library still inside the school), with the books in hand to show him. Immediately the librarian came out and escorted me to the principal and accused me of trying to steal. The principal lectured me for 10 mins, and then
I_Pariah 7y ago I posted about this before as a long story so I will make it short here. In 5th grade a group of friends and I basically went into the boy's room to piss before going back to class. On the way in some kids were exiting. Inside we found a stink bomb. We went outside to tell an adult what we found. She took us to the principals office. The principal interrogated each of us individually. Apparently someone needed to be punished for the stink bomb. It made no sense since we only found it. We didn't
angrychinchillanoise 7y ago Edited 7y ago One time in class I got detention for (I swear to god) looking at the teacher. I had never had a detention before, so my best friend tried to get one with me because I was losing my mind over it. She threw papers, she yelled at inappropriate times, she went to the bathroom without asking.... nothing.
 7y ago Not wanting to use unnecessary accommodations. I have a mild physical disability, but I was perfectly capable of walking up/down stairs, carrying all my books, and taking regularly timed tests. But the school got sweet No Child Left Behind $$$ for providing accommodations, so I got pulled out of class into meetings where I was told to drop the whole 'independent' act and get my attitude together. They told me that they knew how much I was struggling, and that it was all for my own good. I didn't play along. They proceeded to pull me out
Eobard_McThawne 7y ago Refusing to read the part in old yeller the day after I had to put my dog down + 3.6K ...
 7y ago One time in elementary school, I got in trouble because a friend stole my homework paper and copied it... without my knowledge or permission. + 2.6K ...
luciana-vee 7y ago Filling in a worry sheet about a girl who had been bullying me in year 7, because she denied she did it and according to the teacher, was such a lovely girl. I hated my time at that school so much + 3.3K ...
BigArmsBigGut . 7y ago When I was 12, a girl at my table told a joke and I laughed. I got detention, she didn't. + 2.4K ...
LKAA 9 7y ago Teacher said: If anyone doesn't want to learn, feel free to leave, I left the class.... + 2K ...
Noctudeit 7y ago Selling candy to other kids. Used to go to Costco and buy bulk bags of candy and snacks then resell them for a small profit. School didn't like it because I was cheaper than their vending machines so they wrote me up for panhandling. 1.8K ...
Teapotsalty o 7y ago I threw a pinecone at a tree. Fuck you Sarah. 1.8K ...
ferrettt55 e 7y ago For putting my paper in the wrong place to turn it in. My third grade teacher hated me... 1.7K ...
a_not_clever_name 7y ago Bully in 6th grade put me into the trash can in the locker room. Gym teacher comes in and yells at me for being inside the trash can. Extra laps. Jokes on him I love running! 1.5K ...
My_Dogs_Are_Stupid - 7y ago . Edited 7y ago I said, oh my God this is stupid and got sent out of the classroom, but it wasn't for disrespecting the teacher. It was because I took the Lord's name in vain... I went to a public school. 1.4K ...
somedude456 7y ago Possession of paperclips. They became a weapon in 7th grade. Starting with the outermost part, unbend each bend until you're left with a only one bend, unbent. it will look like a J a candy cane, or a fish hook. Put a rubber band between your thumb, and index finger, and I'm sure you can figure out how to launch said paperclip. We were getting them stuck in the roofing, denting the blackboard, and then someone even shattered a glass picture frame on the wall. Best was Joey getting hit in the back of the neck during
Qwertybot66 e 7y ago I've been punished for getting beaten up. I didn't try to defend myself in the least and I got in just as much trouble as the kid that beat me up + 1.3K ...
eeeidna . 7y ago In 2nd grade, I got in trouble in math class for knowing that 3 - - 5 = -2. I got told that I wasn't supposed to know about negative numbers yet. 1.1K ...
thelittlegnome 7y ago e Edited 7y ago I went to a private Christian school, and in the first grade, I brought in my Pokemon card collection for show and tell. I got sent to the principal's office because my teacher said Pokemon cards supported evolution and magic. 1.2K ...
chill_chihuahua 1 7y ago I was extremely shy and awkward as a child and the principal threatened to suspend me if I didn't look people in the eye more + 1K ...
The_Magic 7y ago My English teacher was giving out handouts. I was the last one in my row and let her know she missed me. She then sent me to the Dean who didn't believe me when I told him why I was sent there. After he called her to confirm he just told me to sit tight for a few minutes then go back to class. I was later told by friends that when he called her her response was well he was so annoying. She also once sent a classmate to the Dean for blowing his nose. 715
50ShadesOfKrillin OP . 7y ago You know that Love Calculator game website where you put in two names, and it gives a percentage on how compatible they are? I was playing it in sixth grade with a few of my buddies, and I got in trouble for it because it promotes sexual behavior. + 692 ...
irrelev4nt 7y ago I wrote everyone a Christmas card in my class when I was like 5 it took me ages, I spelt one kids name wrong and he cried and I was the baddy? Fuck you lime + 9.9K ...


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