35 Wild ‘I Don’t Get Paid Enough for This’ Moments

‘I had to clean vomit out of a urinal’
35 Wild ‘I Don’t Get Paid Enough for This’ Moments

There’s nothing like an incident so repulsive or insanely stupid that it reminds you of how little you get paid. For one Redditor, that moment came when they worked at a restaurant and had a customer who complained that the ice in her glass of water “melted too fast” and that the water became “too watered-down” for her liking. 

In that vein of stupidity, more Redditors have remembered the times they said, “I don’t get paid enough for this shit!” And sometimes, they meant it literally.

hrakkari . 4y ago Time I got stabbed (arm), and the other time I got stabbed (chest). 248 ...
Portarossa 4y ago Edited 4y ago I write erotica for a living, and every now and then I'll get a commission through. Commission work is generally pretty fun, because the pay is good; the flipside of it is that people often want things they can't get in mainstream erotica. That usually either means very specific fantasies, or very extreme fantasies. I have a bunch of examples of this, but my favourite is one time when I got an email from a very lovely guy, asking if I'd write him a story about him being sounded by a Hot Wheels car.
PhillyCheesesteakSub 4y ago . Edited 4y ago Working in a grocery store meat department during Thanksgiving, when every third customer asks if you have any larger turkeys in the back. And insists you go back to the walk-in freezer and sift through multiple pallets of frozen turkeys for the 80th time today.
Architect17 4y ago . Edited 4y ago I was working in a grocery store one time, and as I was checking people out, one lady came up to me and the very first thing out of her mouth was: You're a failure and an embarrassment to humanity. If you were my kid I'd beat your ass right here right now. I had done literally nothing but ask how she was. Like what. Then her card declined Imao.
CDC_ 4y ago WOULD I worked at walmart for less than a month in 2009. I scanned a big box fan for a guy and it didn't ring up, so I said I gotta do a price check on this, I apologize. The guy said It's $24.99 you fucking idiot. I stared at him for a moment, then reached up and turned my little register light off, turned around, walked out to my car, and went home. Fuck that shit. 13K ...
Historical-Foot99 4y ago Grocery store cashier. The customer was angry because her cereal had rung up wrong. I called a price check and this lady berated me the whole time. I recall that she accused me of trying to steal from her. Said she was going to get me fired. I looked at her and said, I make $7.25 per hour no matter how much you pay for this cereal, so I do not give a shit how this situation turns out. She stared at me in shock. The price check comes back saying the price scanned correctly. Silence. I
stickaforkimdone 4y ago Fish monger in a grocery store. We got a large number of lobsters in, soft-shelled and already dieing. So my manager decided we could at least sell their tails. Apparently lobsters don't really have a central nervous system, so when you sever the tails and put their tails on ice they freaking run away. So I had to chase these tails down because they've escaped into the rest of the display case, onto the floor, and hidden under our prep tables. Never again. 6.6K ...
Eternal_Optimist 4y ago Assistant manager at a movie theatre, fight breaks out between two teenage guests that we had to restrain, fill out police report etc. Police seized one of our garbage can lids as evidence (teen A hit teen в in the mouth with it - blood was all over it) Got in trouble for losing a can lid whilst on duty 259 ...
epaerl 4y ago Bartender here. Grown man threw a lit cigarette at my face and threatened me with physical violence. This was a year or so ago but a 45 (maybe older) year old man behaving that way towards a 24 year old female was definitely one of those moments. Plus the people getting handsy and occasional cleaning of vomit I do not get paid enough. 7.9K ...
 . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago Worked at a retail store. Fiends would come in occasionally looking to steal shit and the worst we could do legally was ask them to leave but my boss insisted we get physical with them, to which I obviously told her fuck no. I watched her chase one out of the store one day and she screams at me since I'm standing by the door like TACKLE HIM and I'm like uh no Imao
Skrivus 4y ago Edited 4y ago I worked at circuit city when I was 17. Heard a noise of packaging being opened in the movie section, found a guy crouched down cutting open dvd boxes & stealing the discs. Не looked at me, held his knife out and said Got a problem? I just replied I don't get paid enough for this shit & backed off. I went to the back room of the warehouse area to call a manager to tell them what happened. Never could get a hold of anyone so I just chilled in the warehouse area
insert_joke_here_pls в 4y ago While working as a student custodian on campus I had to clean vomit out of a urinal. There is no easy, not gross way of cleaning that. Not worth the minimum wage. 871 ...
Frgmn7669 4y ago Bagging groceries at a major supermarket. The manager came over to tell me that I needed to clean up the bathroom. An elderly gentleman fell off the toilet while pooping and it was a literal shitshow. Apparently I was the most qualified because I was 16. I was handed a broom and a dustpan. I shit you not (sorry had to.) My reward for going above and beyond the call of duty? Five dollars in store coupons. Sometimes dreams really do come true. 18K ...
Think-Anywhere-7751 4y ago I worked at a heating and air conditioning company doing bookkeeping. I was being trained by the companies accountant. If I made a mistake the owner would literally scream at me full voice. I overheard him talking to his brother and his brother had told him not to scream at me. The owner said, you have to tear them down to build them up. I decided I wasn't going to take another day of his screaming after that. 23K ...
delaneyk19 4y ago I ran the entire company's financials and general management for $14/hr. I had a meeting with the owner telling him I need a raise and to hire an assistant, he told me I wasn't business minded and should be a stay at home mom. I quit the next day. 20K ...
herpty_derpty 4y ago Edited 4y ago Manager at a grocery store I worked in my teens refused to pay the waste management bill for several months. When they finally came and emptied the dumpster, there were still mounds of trash laying about around the area. Не had me go out and clean all of it up alone. I didn't have any protective gear or supplies whatsoever, and was out in 100+ degree weather. I was only given a bunch of trash bags to put it into, and when I went in to ask for help, I was just given a
apparentchild 9y ago I recently had to climb into a 7ft deep pit that was covered by a grate to remove lead paint from a window. The pit was obviously breeding ground for spiders. There were thousands of them... Thousands.. 234 ...
walnut_of_doom 9y ago I was a rookie wild land fire fighter making ten/eleven bucks an hour, and I seriously questioned why I only got paid that much, particularly that one time that I had to hold two hundred yards of road with nothing but a tool, and two other rookies who were pissing their pants, when a wall of flame hit our line and started throwing spots into the tall grass we were standing in. Luckily a brush truck arrived before we lost most of our facial hair, and we made it out alright. 1.5K ...
Marzelsloth 9y ago I had to stand there while some lady told me I was incompetent for not being able to make her steak sandwich medium rare. I was working at Subway. 7.7K ...
RangerSequoia1 9y ago . Edited 9y ago Me and 3 others got the shit kicked out of us in a small horse stall by 5 emus we were trying to de worm. Not worth $8 an hour. Edit: Thank you for the gold kind sir! It's kinda worth it now! 5.6K ...
chillypyo I 4y ago Being told that a ruined a woman's christmas because the supermarket I worked at was out of brandy infused marmalade 1.4K ...
 9y ago When the lady at the table I was serving complained because the ice in her glass of ice water had melted and the water was too watered down for her liking. 2.3K ...
heybudno 4y ago When I was 18 and working at a retail store, a baby in his mother's arms took a shit so massive that his diaper couldn't contain it. A bunch ended up on the floor, and the mother ran away. I was not paid enough for that literal shit. 1K ...
Annester 9y ago While working at an adult video store, I discovered a bucket of dehydrated piss in the broom closet. For a moment, I tried to summon a normal reaction of disgust or anger, but I felt nothing but indifference. The piss bucket wasn't what broke my spirit.. it was what made me realize I had no more spirit to break. 3.1K ...
dryerfuzz 9y ago When a thick stream of sweat drained out of this girls cell phone case. I had to explain to her that her phone had water damage and that she shouldn't work out with her phone in her bra, all the while trying to be professional and not gag while cleaning the mess. (I sold phones at Sprint). 5.6K ...
 5y ago My boss insisted that everybody be at their desks at 8:30 sharp. She made me take roll on an attendance sheet and hand it into her everyday. She also made me do it at lunch time (when everybody left and came back) and when they left at night. Took roll for a bunch of adults three times a day. I don't work there anymore. 18K ...
Bangbangsmashsmash 5y ago I walked into the bathroom, and someone had smeared poop on literally every single surface, wall, everything except one small part of the ceiling they couldn't reach. Poocasso almost made me quit, but luckily my boss told me to lock it, not let anyone else use it, and he got someone to come with a pressure washer 25K ...
Mitchyrex . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Got change thrown in my face at work because a man was upset we didn't have meatballs. Now if I'm working he'll come in, see me, and walk out
krys678 5y ago I work in childcare. There was one time we had one kid who had a diaper blowout and one kid who puked everywhere. There's only two teachers so one has to handle the blowout and one the vomit, while also keeping the rest of the kids away from it all. 8.7K ...
kadno 5y ago When I worked at McDonald's, I found out we didn't get paid for closing. We got paid until the store closed, so if it took us an extra hour or two to close, that was unpaid. I wish I knew what I know now, because that is an open and shut case, but at the time, I was young and dumb. My first paycheck, I noticed I had a ton of missing hours. So when I asked my boss about it, she told me we only get paid until the store closed.... So that night, I walked
CityoftheMoon17 5y ago Used to work as a dental nurse. First patient of the friggen day, bloke said he felt sick after having a local anaesthetic. Не looked it. I grabbed the bin and told him if he needed to vomit, take the bin. Не held it in his lap and turned, vomiting down the side of the chair and all over my pants and shoes. Of course I had to clean it up and of course they wouldn't let me go home to change. 4.9K ...
Im_a_mouse_duh 5y ago Worked at a fast food place about 13 years ago. This lady in the drive thru claimed she was missing a sandwich. Our policy was to ask for the bags back to verify. I asked to see the bags (3 or 4, decent sized order) and instead of handing them back like a civilized human being she instantly started raging and throwing the food into the window while cussing me out! Guess what one of the items that she threw at me was? Yep, said missing sandwich. 29K ...
MeatSpace2000 5y ago I was working late, like 2am in the office. My manager, said let's go to the convenience store to buy some snacks and smokes. She sits in the back and we drive there. After we get our shit, she says can we swing by (this street intersection) real quick. When we get to that intersection, I guess she see's a car that belongs to someone she knows, parked infront of her boyfriends house. She starts to wail, cry and kick around in the backseat. While my bewildered ass just holds the steering wheel, with a stupid look
Pixelfrog41 5y ago When I walked in to the room of a confused patient on blood thinners who had ripped out his IV and catheter, and had shit and blood on every surface of his room. It looked like a murder had been committed. I've been through a lot as a nurse, but that was like going into a war zone. 855 ...
Worried-Smile . 4y ago I work in a shop. Someone called to ask if they could return USED TAMPONS. I politely said no, but they kept asking why not.


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