30 Impressive Strategic Moves People Executed at the Office

Chess, not checkers moves abound
30 Impressive Strategic Moves People Executed at the Office

Some of us will spend our entire working lives trying to find a loophole at our place of employment. One Redditor, however, actually executed a chess, not checkers move by loopholing himself from one job into another. He was forced to be acting manager at a job he didn’t love, and had the responsibility of interviewing people for new managerial positions. And so, he had the brilliant idea of hiring someone from a company he actually wanted to work for. Then, he applied for that person’s old job and got it. Genius! 

Other Redditors have relished the times they pulled a fast one at work, and if you really hate your job right now, definitely take notes. 

 4y ago Worked as an entry level marketer and was overworked for 2 years. Believed that all the extra hours would be repaid with support for a promotion to a sales role (manager & his peers constantly told us we'd be supported to get into sales if that's what we want). Met with sales managers who told me they can't hire someone without sales experience and if I can get that experience at another company, they'd hire me back. Left to a competitor company for a sales role & never looked back. Someone on my team left the same
Lizerdman87 4y ago Male Worked making pizzas in a restaurant. Had a server who was constantly rude to the kitchen, acted like he was better than us, bragged about how much more money he made. The worst kind of server. I forget what he did to me this particular night, but I was furious. So I delayed on making every one of his pizzas all night long. Pizzas typically took 20 minutes to finish, his took 45+ all night long. Не made almost nothing in tips all night. Really changed his attitude toward the kitchen. I had an inch of
 4y ago I worked in aviation at basically a big call center for pilots. One policy management made up is that we would need to ask and get permission to use the bathroom since they deemed too many people were going at the same time which led to calls not being answered (which wasn't the case). So rather than raising our hands to draw attention we would simply use our fancy phones to call the managers directly. There were 50-70ish people working at a time with 2- 3 managers. So basically ones job was to just answer the potty
masterpososo 6y ago I had a better job offer but wouldn't start for two months, so I didn't put in notice yet. In the first month there was something of an insurrection of my co-workers complaining about desks, chairs, computers, monitors, just everything. It was all bad stuff. But in meetings I would say everything was great, and I became boss's pet and got an unexpected bonus for being such a go-along kind of guy. Then a month later I put in my notice. 3 ...
 6y ago I worked at a grocery store with a friend of mine and he wanted a long weekend because he had friends coming into town so I took over his days for him. Everything was fine, I was still under 40 hours and the days were covered. Although for some reason the store manager was upset about this and was lecturing us about switching days. My friend looked at him in the middle of his rant and said, Bob your beard looks great today. (We're both straight dudes). Не immediately started cracking up and walked away. That was
 6y ago When I got fired at my old job (I didn't know they were going to fire me then), they pulled me into a conference room. There was three people and me and the three were sitting around the table. One said to me have a seat I said no and stood while they all talked up at me. I'm glad I went out that way because apparently I was the talk of the company for a few days until the next person quit. It was a super shitty company. 389 ...
 6y ago I'll nominate myself. I was working at a job I hated, and I could tell that management was gearing up to get me fired. There was a pattern of harassment & singling me out. I was a lot younger then...and was more worried about having a termination in my employment record than trying to lodge a harassment complaint. Since I hadn't used any of my vacation time at that point....I submitted a request for all 14 days. I also, at the same time, typed up my letter of resignation...I just didn't turn it in. As soon as
dmukai 6y ago Edited 6y ago had a friend who worked as a fellow HVAC tech in Dallas. he had problems with this restaurant towing him while he was parked at his GF's place. she lived upstairs and she had 2 parking spaces with her condo. he got towed one too many times so he had a source for the odorant they use in Natural Gas and he put a few drops near the outdoor seating area and waited. sure enough the fire dept came and shut the restaurant down for a weekend while they investigated. then he started parking
BaconReceptacle 6y ago I supervised a team of maintenance men back in the 80's (I guess today you would have to call them maintenance persons). This one guy started working for us and in less than two weeks he had fallen off a ladder and injured his back. Fast forward a couple of months and he is still out on workers comp...said he couldnt even walk. I was calling bullshit on him the entire time. So I pull out his file and decide to drive by his house on the way home...just to see if his truck was there. Yes
Jackthastripper 4y ago Bane A very small power move. I used to work in finance sales. I absolutely hated it, and was working like mad behind the scenes applying to something where I wasn't a bloodsucking ghoul. While I was there I did my best, in my own small way, to resist the culture of parasitism and mediocrity that permeates the entire company. When I was finally in a position to quite my old job, I was given the opportunity to give feedback about the company via an exit interview. I explained the above in said exit interview, and gave
69bigstink69 4y ago ECOM UNPON Managed a gas station, some angry dude was yelling about the pump not working( he pulled the nozzle before paying which it says in bold letters not to do on the pump) wouldn't listen to me explain how to fix it and wants to see the manager. I walk in the back put on a hat and walk out and ask how I can help him, he says he's calling corporate and the corporate number is just the managers phone. So I again got to ask how I could help him. It was a small
 4y ago I work with a short chef who has a real attitude problem (imagine the fuck out of that). One night, he had tried to fuck me over on my station, but failed to take into account I'm an excellent employee. As revenge, I put literally everything on the shelf above the station, so that / can reach it without trouble, but he had to spend all day with a step ladder bringing everything down one by one. On a Saturday. 14 ...
 4y ago I have a co-worker who's been on our job for 3 years now and he still used to call me to ask about shit that he either should know by now or can read in our lists of methods, guidelines and FAQs on our online platform. I just stopped answering the phone the first time he rang, and then waited 15-20mins until I called him up with some bullshit oh I was caught up in a thing and couldn't talk-pleasantry and lo and fucking behold, he had figured it out by then 40 ...
TorontoRider 6y ago I was forced to be acting manager for a company I was likely less and less. I had all the responsibility but not the pay, and I was having to help interview actual managers. I hired someone away from a company down the street, then applied there and got his job. That job was the perfect blend of a thing I was good at, paid well for, liked doing, and filled a need. 179 ...
scoocum 6y ago Worked as a low level shift manager of a truck stop restaurant for a couple of years. My higher ups used to do monthly inspections for FM's and quarterly inspections from VP's to see if the facility was up to company standards. I used to have everything spotless prior to a visit except for something benign yet obvious thing left dirty, like top of the buffet was a little dusty (was easy to tell with dark stained wood) or left ice buildup in the freezer. I did this so upper management would be distracted by the small
Peoplemeatballs 6y ago I was a gm at a small vape shop for a while. I asked the owner for a significant raise about a week before he was leaving the country on vacation. I would be solely in charge of the shop while he was gone. I dropped a hint to a sort of friend of his that I would be gone before he got back if I didn't get the raise. I got the raise lol. 1.2K ...
phorbin99 4y ago We had two managers who were treating people who worked in my department like shit. So I unionized all of my coworkers. it was a lengthy process but once it was over, we started receiving overtime, better benefits, and better protections. Fuck you Maggie. 360 ...
WokeUp2 e 6y ago I dropped some BS on the office snitch who passed it up. After an official review my supervisor and manager were moved elsewhere. They were replaced by a wonderful person who I made sure looked good from then on. 313 ...
kennyfuckenpowerz 4y ago I work at a grocery store, and one day on my way to the back after my shift ended, a lady stopped to ask me if we had any more of these packaged doughnuts with a better date. I said sorry, those are delivered directly to the shelf. What's there is all we have. She asked me to check in the back, so I repeated what I had just said. She then rolled her eyes and said could you at least check? I said okay, went to the back, left out the the back door, got in
Wang_Fister 4y ago Lost out on a promotion to leading hand (construction) to nepotism. Nevertheless tried to give the guy some advice when seeing some rookie mistakes popping up, which he promptly pulled rank and told me to follow orders. So me and the team complied with instructions to the letter, resulting in $500k damage and the communications for a whole town cut off and the company nearly going under. 2.5K ...
Draconus83 4y ago I worked in a call center that had a Keycard security entry at all outside doors. My team supervisor was a tool who would penalize the smallest deviation from any rules yet he ignored them when it suited him. One day when entering I realized too late that I had forgotten my Keycard at home. A friend swiped me in. I was ripped a new one and told everyone had to swipe their own card or they weren't allowed entry. Under any circumstances. Fast forward about three weeks later. Supervisor went outside to smoke on break, and
 4y ago When I worked at a grocery store I was in the meat dept. We closed the counter at 8 and cleaned until 9. My dept manager said if we finished cleaning early we could head out. But he was 9-5 so he wasn't around. I worked there for some years, and as the years went on one of the front end managers that did closing didn't like us leaving early. It wasn't up to them. They were not my boss. At some point they implemented a policy where we had to call the front desk and they
Artifex75 4y ago Our assistant manager has changed the schedule several times without notice, then happily tries to get us written up for being late, not showing up. I religiously document the schedule by photographing the screen, since we can't access it at home. After having to come in to HR twice on my day off to prove the schedule had changed, I began writing her up for every single time change without notification. She is let off the hook because I'm just a peon, but she still had to walk to HR to dispute them. A few other people
rival2reality 6y ago Edited 6y ago A German hacker once hacked the source code for half life 2 (a video game developed a by Valve corp.) before it was released and valve was in total panic mode. Gabe Newell(Owner of valve) however had a brilliant plan. Не messaged the hacker's anonymous profile and told him that he was really impressed by his software genius and wanted to hire him for a new project. Gaben even sent flight tickets to Seattle to him and got a resume from him. Unfortunately for the hacker, GabeN passed his resume on to the FBI
Dreamself 6y ago I dont know if I personally would consider it a smart move but my boss has been having heart problems for a while (he has a quadruple bypass). Не basically knew it was only a matter of time till his next heart attack. Не told me he was gonna make damn sure it happened on company propriety when it came. Sure enough a couple of weeks ago he punched in at 6:00 am(he normally comes in around 9:30- 10:00) and less than 20 minutes later he was in an ambulance. Haven't seen him since but my buddy
extrobe 6y ago I work as retail analyst/consultant, and have seen all the tricks in the book. My favourite involved 2 large US retailers, and iPhones - this was a good few years ago, at peak iPhone hype levels Store A got a very small allocation from Apple - store в got a huge allocation, and flaunted the fact they had a huge amount of stock available compared to store A So store A took advantage of this. They set the price for their (limited) supply of iPhones at a loss leading price - a real bargain. But they didn't do this to be kind. They
Hoju64 6y ago Don't know the exact details but I read a story once about a guy who bought a full fare first class ticket on an airline. Не would go to the airport, hang out in the lounge to get free food/drink, then go down to the desk and 're- schedule' his flight to the next day. Since it was the top tier first class rate, the airline re- scheduled with no fee. Kept doing this for something like a year until the airline caught on and told him they wouldn't re-schedule any more. At this point he went
Stinkster-king 6y ago My old boss created a new job, basically his dream with ridiculous pay. And he made sure he was the only one qualified. 9 ...
TigLyon 6y ago Edited 6y ago I have been around a lot of manipulation and politicking at various workplaces. I can't stand it so I don't delve in to it. So suffice to say, probably the most genius stuff was happening around me and I failed to notice it. However, something I was particularly proud of was when compiling reports, spreadsheets, ad copy, etc...I always typed my name in the lower right hand corner but set the text color to white. No one sees it, it doesn't print, but when someone coughcoughmanagercough sends off your files as his own work
Impressive-Ad-5440 2y ago Got hold of highly confidential presentation laying out a re-org where my role was supposed to change. The file was in a VPs outlook calendar appointment that was open to everybody. Boomers and IT don't match. , had about 2 weeks until the announcement and used the time to do some scenario planning around my options. So when the announcement came walked into the room, listened to their explanation for why the change has to happen and how much they appreciate my contribution in my new role. They then handed me the print out of the details


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