35 of the Most Out-of-Touch Things Said by Rich People

‘Where do you keep your jewels, then?’
35 of the Most Out-of-Touch Things Said by Rich People

Rich people get a lot of flak for being obnoxious and out-of-touch, and for good reason — they are. But sometimes their disconnect from the rest of our reality (and bank accounts) is so severe that it can reach comical proportions. For example, one Redditor remembers a rich person asking them what bank they use for a safe deposit box. When the Redditor replied that they don’t have a safe deposit box, the reply was, “But where do you keep your jewels, then?” Sorry, but that would’ve earned a serious laugh from me. 

Other Redditors have recalled the times rich people were completely oblivious with them, and every one of these stories has the spirit of Lucille Bluth estimating the price of a banana.

Any_Isle . 2mo ago When our multimillionaire CEO made us say thank you for the napkins provided in our staff meeting bc someone else in the company bought us pizza and mgmt was kind enough to furnish the napkins. 223 Reply ...
redjessa 2mo ago How do you only have one dishwasher? Imagine their shock when I told them the apartment that I had just moved out of, that I lived in for 14 years, didn't have one at all. 400 Reply ...
DazzlingAmanda 1 2mo ago A rich person once said to me, Why don't you just buy a second house for your vacation getaways? As if owning one house wasn't already a huge financial stretch! 1K Reply ...
PunchBeard . 2mo ago How poor can someone really be if they have a refrigerator in heir home? 486 Reply ...
ZoharTheWise 1y ago How often do you go sailing? Said by the guy that knows I was struggling financially. 2.9K ...
Snoochey 1y ago My CEO's daughter was talking to me and she now lives in the UK. She bought a place in London. I mentioned I have some family over there that I've always been interested in visiting, and hoped to see it one day. Her response? Just go. Definitely, it's as easy as buying a plane ticket. She had no idea why I hadn't gone yet. 3K ...
fupasaursrex 1y ago My friend's family sold their company for 3-4 billion dollars. Yes, billion with a В. Не was obviously awarded a chunk of that money and of course was audited by the IRS because he moved to a state that has no income tax prior to the sale. Не asked me if everyone gets audited by the IRS when they submit their taxes... not when you're in my tax bracket, buddy! 205 ...
 2mo ago I love the Derry Girls and I asked my husband to watch it with me again cuz I found it really funny. After watching the 1st episode with him, he said It is funny but I can't relate to their problems with money and food. 1.7K Reply ...
CapitanGay 1y ago Edited 1y ago At the height of COVID, I was living in a small apartment in NYC making $50K (def NOT in DUMBO). I put this beautiful view from Brooklyn Heights m/DUMBO as my Zoom background. For those who don't know, one of the most expensive areas of NYC. I had a meeting with a SVP who asks: omg! Is that your view? Are we neighbors?! No lady, you don't pay me nearly enough to be your neighbor. 2.9K ...
dostoevsky4evah 1y ago I was going through a bad time financially and my mental state was very low. A woman said to me when I feel depressed I go to India for month and just chill that always cheers me up in a manner that I took as I ought to do it if i had any sense. 969 ...
max-peck . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago You've never been to Disney? Did your parents not love you or something Bitch my parents were raising three kids working two jobs on poverty wages. 6.2K ...
Waste_Coat_4506 e 1y ago Met a guy on a backpacking trip that said he couldn't understand why all these backpackers stayed in hostels when there are so many hotels around. I pointed out that most of us have budgets and hostels are cheaper. The thought had just never occurred to him that we can't all afford that. Same thing with restaurants. Не just never considered that nicer places aren't in everyone's budget. 2.7K ...
BrushYourTeethHoe D 1y ago It's only $1,000. Ok, bitch. Then give it to me! 3.8K ...
PM_ME_THEM_TOES_GURL . 1y ago Money has been tight so we have to wait a couple more weeks before we break ground on the new air conditioned stable for the horses 4K ...
SsurebreC 1y ago They lived in Boston and we were talking about how small condos are there. They were lamenting that they had no space and, as a result, they had to buy another condo (this was Beacon Hill) because they ran out of space to store their Persian rugs. 11K ...
tbh3900 1y ago I was working at a car dealership and saw the owner pull up in a $250k Porsche GT3. Told him how much I loved the car and dreamt of owning one someday. Owner looked at me confused and said what do you mean? We sell them right here you know? Totally blew my mind that he didn't realize his employees couldn't afford the cars they were selling. 21K ...
Open-Ad-189 1y ago . Edited 1y ago I have no hair on my body! You should have your husband take you to get laser hair removal! It only cost me $10,000 ...maybe in my dreams She was the Mayors daughter and I was catering her dogs birthday party 12K ...
Lvsucknuts69 1y ago I was talking to my manager about a mistake on a check. Me: This isn't even enough to cover my daughters day care for the month. Her: Well what did you do with the money you were just paid? Ma'am. Food, rent, electricity, and car payment. Boom, check gone. 6.7K ...
Jefe_Bezos 1y ago Me: Yeah I love flying. I have a nice flightsim setup at home. Wish I could do it for real. Owner of the company: Yeah the real thing is so much better. You should buy a plane. I love taking mine out for trips. Me: You sign my checks. 21K ...
nlights999321 1y ago Built a 3mil+ house for a couple. After the neighbors built their home, we're talking, and the wife says that little house is so dinky. We have a joke going that we call it 'the helps house'. Now this is still a 750k-1mil home no less. Just struck me as not very grounded 12K ...
 1y ago I was between jobs and a bunch of my friends told me that I should take the time to go travel the world. Like a) just because someone doesn't have a job doesn't mean they can just up & travel the world- in fact the opposite is more likely, but also b) you motherfuckers thought the reason I wasn't traveling the world because I hadn't thought of it? 5K ...
iast68 2mo ago Used to travel for a glamping company (glamour camping) where we would set up huge canvas tents for fancy weddings and parties. We woke up real early one morning to a bunch of calls from some rich LA socialite about how the tents were wet - no other explanation. We rushed over and it turns out she had no idea what the concept of condensation in the morning was. I can't control nature, sorry lady your not getting your deposit back. 3K Reply ...
Mesmerotic31 2mo ago Edited 2mo ago It's just so easy to just drop a grand at Target, y'know? -my Starbucks coworker in Calabasas (Kardashian-land), after he spent $983 on toys for his 4 yr old nephew's birthday. I don't know why he worked at Starbucks except maybe his rich family finally forced him to get a job? 1.9K Reply ...
mladyKarmaBitch 2mo ago I was an assistant making just over 50k a year and i i heard someone on the board of directors say, of course he  stole the money. You can't live on 90k a year!. 2.2K Reply ...
Monotonegent в 2mo ago When they tell me I should just take off and go somewhere for a week. Even if I made the money, I'd be eating the time itself from the no pto I get 8.9K Reply ...
Princess_Coldheart 2mo ago Back when I was in my early 20's my beat up old car broke down in my job's parking lot when I was about to drive home. I was getting paid $10 an hour as a pastry chef at a catering company. This was barely enough to cover my rent. I was obviously pretty distraught over my car dying. My boss (company owner) ended up saying to me- 'Why are you so upset? It's just a car! Just buy another one! I couldn't even respond, I just looked at her like she was crazy. 8.2K Reply ...
irrelevanttrumpeter . 2mo ago How could your family accountant let that happen? When talking about how growing up, we couldn't pay the bills and had our water/electricity shut off multiple times. 8.1K Reply ...
Boredom-Warrior 2mo ago My boss at the time made between 5-10x more than I did. We were talking about big purchases like a car or house and he says something along the lines of well you'll get a great deal since you'd all cash purchaser. I just kind of smile and nod, knowing that, on my salary that he was aware of, I was not even an all cash purchaser of groceries. 8K Reply ...
WoodedSpys . 2mo ago Why did you take your car to get 'looked at'? Just get a different one. I dont know why you waste your time with repair men like that. 4.7K Reply ...
the3secondrule e 2mo ago Living outside Jackson Hole, This sister of a friend told me how hard it is to live there. You have to fly in your help (cleaning, yard work) from Salt Lake. I had no words. 14K Reply ...
PckMan e 2mo ago Being told by a guy who has not worked a day in his life and living off of inherited money that poor people are poor because they don't invest their money right. 10K Reply ...
Key_Kong 2mo ago Edited 2mo ago I needed a bicycle to get to a new job. Found someone online selling a really nice bike for cheap so got in touch. Took two trains to their house to buy the bike and when I got there it was a mansion. The bike was in a garage full of super cars and classics. They asked me where my truck was to load the bike on, when I told them I was riding the bike home they laughed and before I knew it everyone in the house had been called to the garage
DryTown e 2mo ago If you can't afford childcare, just hire a nanny. We love ours! 5.7K Reply ...
DiscountArmag... 2mo ago . Edited 2mo ago A coworker asked me what bank I used for my safe deposit box. I said I didn't have a safe deposit box. She said But where do you keep your jewels, then?
khyron99 2mo ago Rich kid (who is a super nice guy) wanted to go drinking with my buddy. My buddy said he didn't have any money. The rich kid said No problem, we'll stop at a bank machine on the way there. The concept of having 'no money' didn't even register. The rich kid thought that my buddy just didn't have any money in his wallet. 240 Reply ...


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