30 Disturbing Things People Learned About Their House’s History

‘The previous tenant chopped up the landlord’
30 Disturbing Things People Learned About Their House’s History

When you buy or rent an already-existing house, you accept that the property probably has some baggage. You pray it’s “the pipes are a little old” kind of baggage and not “the previous owner died in the house and had 40 cats who started eating her decomposing body” kind of baggage. But unfortunately, sometimes, dem’s da breaks. 

On that note, Redditors recalled the most horrifying information they learned about otherwise unassuming homes, and quite a few of them have the makings of a new horror franchise.

lady_strudel 8y ago There is a house near me where in the history of multiple owners every woman has died of some type of lung disease! Something has to be wrong with that house! And now a really young nice couple has moved in and I feel like I should tell them but I don't know if its just a coincidence or not! 3 ...
MuffinMan12347 8y ago I may be late to this and I'm also not a realtor and this wasn't even my place. But moving into an apartment after moving to a new city. I was then told the apartment next to us (different building, but my bedroom window could see into the apartment across the roads) had an old lady murdered in it and the killer to everyone's knowledge in the place had yet to be caught. Didn't really change anything about my place I was at but just something to add. 3 ...
Dust45 8y ago Not a realtor. Supposedly, a double axe murder happened in the house next door about 70 years ago (these are 100+ houses). Funny thing is, several people around town claim it was our house. Newspaper article (small town, only document left) isn't specific enough to tell. Frankly I don't care. 3 ...
Pastel_plants 8y ago Edited 8y ago My MIL is a realtor, and was doing a tour for a young married couple. She was walking them through the house, opening the doors to each room as they passed by. Everything was going fine and dandy until they reached the master bedroom. She swung the door open and they were all immediately blown back by the smell, but couldn't tell what it was. They figured a cat had somehow gotten in and died in there. She flipped the light on and saw a rotten body in the bed. There were apparently towels
ihartmybike . 8y ago I found out that in the home I bought that the previous owner (an elderly lady) had a phone sex business she ran out of it... Apparently with her daughter too. 11 ...
annijack1978 8y ago I was a renter in a house where there had been a multiple murder. I live in a small town and knew about the murders but didn't realize the event happened in the home I was renting. (actually a basement suite and the murders happened in the basement) I moved out for reasons unrelated and the house had been on the market ever since. I moved almost 10 years ago now. The actual murders happened in the late 90s and this house has never not been on the market 9 ...
Bleazer607 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Not a realtor, but I did know some people who lived in a house where a serial killer had killed his girlfriend and her two sons. I remember that even though I didn't really believe in ghosts I was still afraid of going into the basement. This must have been only 2-5 years after it happened.
 8y ago Not a realtor, but my mom is. She was helping to flip an old house from the 1960s that was definitely haunted. Sinks and bathtubs would randomly start running, clocks would quickly spin, lights would turn on and off, and weird orbs would show up in photos. Stuff would disappear. She had me come and check out the house. As soon as I stepped in, I could hardly breathe and my head felt foggy and cold. I ended up having to help to rid the house of spirits. It was crazy 7 ...
 8y ago Old man died and rolled off his bed onto the wood floors here in Texas in the middle of the summer heat...He essentially melted into the floor after not being found for 2 weeks. I ended up stepping on the area after the city scraped what remained from what the rats hadn't eaten. The kids who inherited the property didn't care at all that he had passed and only cared about getting the money for the house. The probate judge didn't allow them to get a dime. Ended up rehabbing the property and the rest is history.
MutantMartian 8y ago Several mafia bosses retired to Tucson, AZ and supposedly their houses - still there -have secret get-aways in showers and closets in case they needed to escape. 11 ...
gamageeknerd 8y ago The house I grew up in has been in the family since it was built and one time I learned that my old bedroom was the master bedroom before the house was remodeled. One day my grandma told us the story of my mom was made... in the room I slept in for years. And the worst part is that my parents lived in my room when they just got married and couldn't afford a house yet and after doing a bit of math I realized in my horror that I was sleeping in the room not
Mundin 8y ago There is this 200ish year old house outside of town that backs up to a mountain that I have shown twice. It is a historical marker, so there is occasionally interest in it. The back half of the upstairs section is low-ceilinged attic. In front of one of the artic windows, there is an old, worn chair facing out. It may be that the previous resident liked staring out at the woods, but it is creepy as hell. 13 ...
Trace199112 8y ago I live in a duplex. One night I was cooking dinner and heard an incredibly loud bang. Went to the living room to see holes in my wall, turns out the neighbor next door shot himself with a shotgun. Instead of them completely redoing the walls, they painted over the walls. In red. Nobody will rent side of the duplex. I tell them that story and they book it. I realize I am no realtor, but I figured I'd share. 18 ...
lickmastrr 2y ago I lived in and owned a 1903 victorian in the upper Midwest for 25 years that had paranormal activity for a vast majority of the time I lived there. It started like it was angry (slamming doors) and over time became easy going and playful. I sold the house in 2019 and saw the current owner one day and she asked me if I ever had ghost issues. I just smiled and said yep! 14 Reply ...
third-try 2y ago Italianate Didn't buy it, but a modest house was advertised for sale with a chest freezer included. The previous tenant had chopped up the landlord and stuffed him in it. 13 Reply ...
Soil-Play 2y ago Our house is a late Victorian that served as a parsonage and had quite a few bodies sitting in the parlor in the old days. Interestingly the previous owner died on a couch located right where the coffins were placed. Not too many problems with paranormal stuff but somehow one particular basement light keeps getting turned on at night which happens to be the one closest to where the old bar was located. A previous alcoholic owner spent a lot of time down there drinking and i guess doesn't like the dark? 12 Reply ...
 2y ago When they built our home in 1926, they also built two apartments over the garage. A former tenant passed away in one of the apartments and I guess he wasn't found for quite some time. I don't know if that counts as creepy but it is rather sad. We don't know his name but we've nicknamed him Bob. 14 Reply ...
 2y ago Our house was built in 1913. There's been some weird sounds at night that's most likely the house settling, but any time we heard it, we would just yell pay some rent or get out!. We taught our toddler son to yell that whenever he is scared of the house. 11 Reply ...
MoXY_Jellyfish 7y ago Not me. But a friend of mine used to babysit for this family. And apparently a homeless man had lived in their attic for about six months, and would come down at night to get food. The only reason he was found out was because a repairman went into the attic to fix something. 388 ...
Kitch00000 2y ago My husband and I owned a building built in 1870. The first and second floors were leased to coffee shop and a consignment store. The owner and staff of the store whenever I visit them to chat they often mention and complain about cold spots, always have this feeling of being watched, things being moved around. I will never mention that multiple murders has taken place there in the 40s and 60s. In the early part of the 1900s this building was turned into a transient home for tourists so a lot of things happened here . We
dwright1542 2y ago We have a secret room under some removable floorboards in between our second a third floors above some adjacent closets. The second owner of our home found 2 skeletons in that room. They were interred in a cemetery in state. Presumably part of the underground railroad. 36 Reply ...
PM_ME_MASTECTOMY . 2y ago My 1901 home was listed as witch proof because there are no 90° angles in the basement, where witches like to hide 39 Reply ...
Belmontlives 8y ago My uncle bought a caravan down the coast on a well known beach, just prior to selling it police detectives turn up and turn the place upside down and inside out looking for some sort of information. Turns out the family of one of Australia's most notorious serial killers used to own the caravan many years ago. 203 ...
tieberion 8y ago The lady next door to me died, and wasn't found until she was....more liquid than solid on her living room carpet. The family couldn't pay something about back taxes or something, and the house went to HUD to auction. Hud paid for some cleanup, but not to replace the carpet, only steam clean it. So it finally sold, and was talking to the guy who is flipping it, before I could mention the death, he asked if the house had a water leak under the foundation...... Because when they ripped up the carpet and pad to put
Grandmastrgusto 8y ago An old friend of mine bought a nice house in a quiet neighborhood. The place is beautiful and has a really nice deck outback with a hot tub. About 3 weeks after closing he was cleaning out some previously owner junk in one of the closets and found an old DVD. It was a Bridget the Midget porno with a hot tub scene on the cover. His hot tub. It was epic. 119 ...
Yup4545 8y ago When I was looking for my last house, I went with my wife and realtor to look at several houses. We went to look at one house in particular because it didn't seem like the price they were asking for could be real... huge house sitting on tons of land with outbuildings, going for millions under market value. We got there, and the realtor said oh, I should mention, a serial killer lived here and when he was put away cops found 11 bodies on the property. Source. Oh, well that'll do it. 3.4K ...
stuisthebest 8y ago My aunt is a realtor and was selling a house that a lady owned but was renting out to her college age son and a few of his friends. When they went to do the first walk through so my aunt could take pictures and such, it was apparent the lady hadn't been in the house in ages. EVERY SINGLE ROOM had a tv, a chair, a box of Kleenex, and a bottle of lotion. They were literally just jacking it with each other all over the house all the time. The lady was so embarrassed. 1.8K
 8y ago My grandma sells/rents houses in the Denver area. A few weeks ago I had to help her evict a few college bros from one of her properties. This is a cottage style home, no second floor, no basement. These guys literally dug a hole in the wood floor and made a basement where they've been throwing trash away for the last year. Like it's a living room... with a tv... and a couple arm chairs... and a giant hole in the ground filled with ice cream wrappers, pizza boxes, and cigarette butts. 3.8K ...
CubbieBlue66 8y ago I've been doing this job for a while now. The thing that scares me most is how often I find the locks reversed on bedroom/basement doors. There's lots of shitty parents out there. 1.2K ...
Allofherhart 8y ago The house we are remodeling & selling now - the previous tenant legit owned almost 40 cats. They completely destroyed the house. She was found dead after seven days, and yes, they ate some of her. Some of the cats just roam the neighborhood now. 3 ...


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