40 Random Bits of Trivia You Can Ingest Orally — Or the Hard Way

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40 Random Bits of Trivia You Can Ingest Orally — Or the Hard Way

Youve been training for years for this one high-stakes horse race. You strap in extra tight, and ride your faithful steed to victory. But also, you die along the way. Are you chalking this up as a good day or a bad day?

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Our sharpest memories are from early adulthood. As adults reflect on events of their lives, they remember more events from their twenties than from any other time in their lives, called the reminiscence bump. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW
The art of'Bambi' was inspired by Chinese landscape paintings. Led by the film's Chi- nese-born lead artist, Tyrus Wong, back- grounds in the film were inspired by land- scape paintings of the Song dynasty. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW
Janis Joplin's will set aside $2,500 of her estate for a post-funeral party. Article 11 of her will included the stipulation that the mon- ey goes towards a party at a suitable location as a final gesture of appreciation and farewell. 200 special guests attended the event at the Li- on's Share in San Anselmo, California. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Back to the Future

The time machine in Back To The Future was going to be a fridge. CRACKED.COM The time machine/refriger- ator was taken to the Ne- vada desert test site for the atomic bomb...and driven into the atomic ex- plosion in order to harness the power from the nuclear explosion.


The Warmest Day on Earth

The highest recorded temperature on Earth was 3.6 billion degrees Fahrenheit. °C °F 50 120 40 100 30 80 20 60 10 CRACKED.COM 40 0 Researchers at Sandia Na- tional Laboratories pro- duced the record-break- ing temperature in their lab using a superheated gas, reaching 15 million degrees kelvin.



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