36 Things People Saw That They Definitely Weren’t Supposed to See

‘Human bones’
36 Things People Saw That They Definitely Weren’t Supposed to See

We’ve all seen things we wish we didn’t. Sometimes you can use it to your advantage, like the Redditor who stumbled upon a payroll spreadsheet at their job and leveraged it for a long-overdue raise. But there are other times that the things you see don’t benefit anyone at all, and the event locks itself away in your drawer of nightmares — such as with the Redditor who saw his dad meat-spinning for his mom. 

A number of other Redditors have revealed the things they can never unsee, including a grandfather’s porn collection, fare-evading nuns and a nasty bit of black-market plastic surgery.

MisteeLoo 3y ago A big pile of blow (like fist-sized) on the counter in the men's room at a corporate Christmas party. 4.4K Share ...
Trapitha . 3y ago My Grandpa sleeping sitting straight up with a remote control balanced on his head. 18K Share ...
 3y ago My sister discovered that someone had searched pregnant erect nipples on the home computer. My dad and I both denied it, and we were the only two males in the house. It wasn't me. Share 26K ...
Super_Weenie_Hut_Jr . 3y ago Human bones in the bottom of a cenote in the yucatan of Mexico. Dad told me to stfu and not swim in that area anymore. 25K Share ...
Bran_Solo e 6y ago A bunch of nuns were sitting across the aisle from us on a train from Florence to Venice. As the ticket inspector came by, all of the nuns scurried into a bathroom together to hide. 236 ...
jamesjoycethecat . 6y ago A book my mom had in her dresser about forgiving your spouse after infidelity. 560 ...
slimzimm 6y ago When I was a kid, I walked in on our house contractor taking a piss INSIDE the unfinished garage on the drywall. Не turned to me and put his finger on his lips and made the shhh sound. I think this is the first time I've ever told anyone. 947 ...
DaftDrummer 7y ago Caught someone eating a booger while sitting in his car. We made eye contact. Не had the thousand yard stare. Не knew what I had witnessed.. 718 ...
SaltieCaramel . 7y ago When I was younger, my family went to look round a house we were considering buying. Went into the owner's daughter's room and there was a blow up sex doll on the floor, it was really funny but we didn't end up buying the house. 1.2K ...
DtownAndOut 7y ago My boss forwarded me an email telling me to do something. I noticed the email chain had his bosses on it so I read through the chain. They had asked him to rate all my co-workers and I from best to worse earlier in the conversation. 3.8K ...
 3y ago naked men wrestling on my mom's laptop (not gay porn, it was actual wrestling in a ring, just with their soft dicks out) when i was like 9. she later came out as a lesbian, so i'm not sure what that was about. 2.8K Share ...
centre_red_line33 3y ago When I was a kid I had to pull one of my ferrets out from under my parents' bed and locked in his jaws was a bright red rubber dildo Share 1.4K ...
monkey_scandal 3y ago Was fixing an elderly neighbor's laptop that had nudes of his wife on the desktop with the thumbnails at maximum size. It's like he wanted me to see them. I will say though, she had a bangin' bod for a woman in her 70s. I think it's safe to say he thought the same. 9.1K Share ...
SheinOn 3y ago My company's entire payroll on a spreadsheet. Someone left it on the printer. Used the info to get a way past due raise. 2.8K Share ...
 . 3y ago Was working at a hotel during college and saw my lab partner get a room with the professor. Share 6.3K ...
tdotmiles 4y ago Just last week I gave one of my friend a ride to the grocery store and he was with his girl. They get in the back seat and my friend tells me his phone is dead and to put it on the charger for him. I plug it in and guess what? It's not dead. The screen lights up and it's a full frontal of his girlfriend completely naked. Her nipples are pierced and I'd imagine I wasn't supposed to see that. I immediately lock it and hand it back, playing it off like nothing happened at
quangtran 4y ago . Edited 4y ago My ex-boyfriend wanted to show me something online but accidentally opened a tab for a site selling engagement rings. Не was embarrassed and I thought it was sweet even if it was a bit soon.
lollzyax . 4y ago My boss steal money out of our cash register. 2.7K Share ...
Chewhuahuas . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago witnessed my father perform a helicopter dick at my mother through a mirror. meaning i witnessed his pasty fat white ass AND wrinkly gremlin penis
riverwater516w e 4y ago Definitely going to go with my grandmother's vibrator Share 4.7K ...
GrassGriller 0 4y ago A text from my wife to someone else, I can't wait to feel every inch of you deep inside me. Divorce is going okay. 6.9K Share ...
ImNutUnoriginal 4y ago 9 Edited 4y ago In elementary, I saw my teacher peeing on a bucket in our class storage (don't ask why she didn't use the bathroom). And no she's not old I just came back in a few hours and this whole thread became an english class lol Share 11K ...
 4y ago The CFO left paperwork on the printer that indicated the director level employees were getting 100k bonuses and making 150k, 3times the managers at my company. We were laying people off while these sacks of shit were getting paid big time! 7.2K Share ...
PunkBxtch420 e 4y ago . Edited 4y ago A sext from my dad, clearly meant for my mom. Also unfortunately my dad's penis... thankfully not in person, he did NOT delete his photos before giving 12 year old me his old phone, rookie mistake.
spookysundae 4y ago My brother and I were very curious children.. One day he pulled me into our spare bathroom all excited because he had found a huge surprise in the garbage can beside the toilet. Inside the garbage can there was a tortilla chip bag with a whole bunch of rolled up things inside... We opened it up thinking that they were surprise toys (like kinder surprise) left inside the bag by accident. Nope, they were my mom's bloody pads. 15K Share ...
 4y ago My mom's old friend came over. She is a little crazy but sweet, too. She said I looked JUST like her daughter, and then spent about 10 minutes scrolling through her camera roll with me to find a picture of her. In the process I saw like 2-3 dick pics. She was a bit embarrassed but just said I'm sure you've seen a penis before... sorry. I assured her it was fine. Honestly by the looks of the dick I was more concerned for her. 17K Share ...
Solidfart85 4y ago My parents hooked the home camera up to the tv. I saw about 10 seconds of my mother reverse cowgirling my dad. Didnt feel like finishing my drawing at all. I just walked out the room and sighed with childhood hatred 24K Share ...
cream-of-cow 4y ago Grandpa's porn stash. After he passed away in the hospital, I went straight to his room and purged it. 23K Share ...
scienceboicowboy 4y ago . Edited 4y ago I walked in on a black market plastic surgery. Hanging out with a buddy from middle school. Was shady about only staying in his room and entering through his back door and being quiet. We were leaving and I turn down the wrong hall to his kitchen and there was a doctor and assistances in scrubs. Tubes, machines and plastic wrap everywhere. I was ushered out screamed at and told not to talk about it.
Thunder_dancer83 4y ago Nothing like I've read on this post so far. But one time, right after turning 21 my dad takes me to one of his friends new bar, and we're drinking having fun. I realize at one point I lost my dad so I go looking for him, and I find him in the back room. He's with one of my friends that works in the kitchen at the restaurant we all work at together and my dad is instantly get out of here, don't look! Just go. It took me a couple years to realize they were
Dagusiu 4y ago I needed a USB drive at work one day, and asked one of my coworkers if I could borrow one. It didn't work though, for some reason files wouldn't transfer to it. I started looking around for clues and found an absolute massive porn collection on there. The coworker was looking over my shoulder the whole time. The only thing I could think of to say was Hmm, interesting. 23K Share ...
Muthafuxajones 4y ago When I was around 10 years old my mom and I went to visit an aunt and uncle as my uncle, my moms brother, had just had a major surgery. During the visit my aunt and my mom cooked a big dinner and my aunt tells me to go call for my cousin to eat dinner. I go to his room and open the door to be greeted by the sight of guns lining the bed, and I vividly remember seeing, bricks of what I later learned were cocaine, and big burlap sacks of weed. I blurted
Inevitable_Profe... 4y ago . Edited 4y ago I have the same first name as the CFO of my former employer. The CEO was not very technically savvy, and emailed me confidential company documents more than once.
Ghsdkgb 4y ago I teach high school. While I was taking attendance at the beginning of a Zoom class a few months ago, one of the girls in the class was clearly video chatting with her boyfriend on the side, because she lifted up her shirt for him and flashed the whole class. That made for an awkward communication to her parents. 28K Share ...
yeeeeteeeereee . 4y ago My exes reddit where he was asking for relationship advice. 12K Share ...
dynamitechar . 3y ago i took my friend's phone to search something on twitter and saw gay tongue in his recent searches. promptly pretended i i didn't notice 1.4K Share ...


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