25 Times Kids Outsmarted Their Parents

‘I told really obvious lies so my mom thought I was a terrible liar’
25 Times Kids Outsmarted Their Parents

At some point between childhood and their teen years, kids figure out how to outwit their parents. For instance, one Redditor remembers planting the seeds of being bad at lying by telling lies that were so obvious that, by playing the long game, they allowed her to later get away with the actual lies she needed to tell. Another Redditor recalls blocking their school’s phone number on the family landline so that their parents couldn’t be notified when they didn’t show up for class. 

Numerous other Redditors have similarly regaled us with how they outsmarted their parents. And with any luck, the cycle has since repeated itself, and those Redditors now have children of their own who are on a different subreddit looking for ways to do the same.

Jackle13 11y ago When I wanted something, I would ask for something much bigger first. When they refused, I would ask for the thing I originally wanted, and my parents would compromise and agree. I found out later that this is an actual psychological trick people use, door in the face. 154 ...
Col-Kernel 11y ago When I was in hs my parents put a master lock between the two handles of our booze cabinet thinking they'd won...I just took the doors off. 113 ...
Lazt 11y ago when i was 15 i told my parents i was going to scout camp when really i went hitchhiking down the west coast with two friends. i coordinated the trip to match up with my troops backpacking schedule and was dropped off packed for hiking at our designated meetup spot. i checked in every couple of days to tell my mom how camp was going while me and my buddies hitched rides to the redwoods. 172 ...
 11y ago . Edited 11y ago I cracked the code on my computer timer by putting a layer of powder lubricant (what you'd use for Pinewood derbies) on the keypad. I asked for more time online one weekend, and then examined which keys were pressed. Then I just tried differet combinations until I cracked it.
Ima_audit_you . 11y ago Blocked my school's number so my parents couldn't be notified when I didn't show up for class. 468 ...
caedus8 11y ago At first I just wanted to stop at a rest stop to get some skittles and my parents said we weren't going to stop driving for that. Then I really had to pee and they didn't believe me, so I pissed myself. Subsequently pulled over at the next rest stop, I was relieved and I got my skittles. Jokes on them. 247 ...
textalchemist e 11y ago Found out Santa wasn't real when I inquired as to the purpose of there being bar codes on the presents. 261 ...
Tanrad 8y ago My mom would always make me plug my phone in in her room before I went to sleep since she didn't trust me so I would always just take the case off my phone and put the charger into the port of the case and she never found out after 2 years. 14 ...
SwissJ 11y ago When I was 12, my dad would come back from work late at night, and I was instructed to go to bed at 9pm the latest. I would stay up all night playing video games. Не caught me a couple of times and I realized how he did it is he felt that my blanket was still cold. What I started doing was leaving the blanket on my thermostat so when I heard the elevator turn on I would jump in bed, he came in my room for a kiss, felt the covers, and kiss me goodnight! :)
Lazt 11y ago when i was 15 i told my parents i was going to scout camp when really i went hitchhiking down the west coast with two friends. i coordinated the trip to match up with my troops backpacking schedule and was dropped off packed for hiking at our designated meetup spot. i checked in every couple of days to tell my mom how camp was going while me and my buddies hitched rides to the redwoods. 172 ...
CatherineObvious 11y ago High School: I was ditching school one day with my friends, hanging out at my house while my parents were at work. Someone knocked over the large (empty) glass vase on top of the entertainment center. Instead of cleaning it up and lying later when they asked my siblings and I where it went, I told everyone not to touch anything and to get out of the house. When I came home later that afternoon my parents were discussing if they should get rid of my sister's cat because it knocked the vase off the entertainment center.
taopqotd 11y ago I had to take a daily vitamin that tasted like ass. Over the course of god-knows- how-long, I would stick it in one of my mom's potted plants by our front door and cover them up with dirt. I did this every morning. It wasn't until my mom finally repotted the plant did she find hundreds of vitamins encased inside. 100 ...
J_Stacker 11y ago We had an actual cookie jar, and at night I would take a few and fill the bottom of the jar with other crappy treats I never eat. 79 ...
 11y ago My mom saw my friends and I playing Goldeneye and thought it was too violent for us 8 year olds, so she took my copy away. I enabled paintball mode via my gameshark and told my mom that it was really a paintball game and I turned the blood off and she gave it back to me. People were friggin naive in the early days of household technology. 35 ...
feral_philosopher 4y ago Catholic mom sent me to my room when I was 5 or 6. While I was sitting there the voice in my head told me to just go back downstairs and play with my toys. So I did. My mom sees me and gets pissed off and asks me who said it was ok to leave my room. I looked at her dead pan and said, God told me. She didn't say shit after that ha. 3 ...
 4y ago Not me, this is my friend's story, but is still funny. Whenever my friend would have to get spanked, he outsmarted his parents by pretending to like it. Не would even laugh and say it tickles or harder. And it worked. 2 ...
GrammatonYHWH 4y ago I was playing video games too much, so they took away the computer's power plug. I just bought a replacement plug with my allowance. It was like $2. 2 ...
DoomedWil13 4y ago My niece asked to go play outside with the ball while I was watching her. I opened the door to walk out and she dropped the ball which started to roll down the hill. I chased. I came back proudly holding the ball and realized she had locked me outside of the house. She went back to watching tv. She was about 3 at the time... The look on her face as I pulled out my keys and let myself back in was priceless. She managed manages do it again about a month later. So shame on
 4y ago Son was just shy of 2 years old at the time and would only get a bottle in the morning and at night. Не started getting my husbands beer out the fridge when he came home (routine post work beer). Husband thought it was amazing! The 3rd time he did it he grabbed his milk and asked for a baba. Husband was buttered up and gave in immediately. Sucker! 28 ...
courtchmoff 4y ago My less than 2 yr old has figured out that if she does something bad, but immediately kisses her baby sister or the dog, that I usually forget she's in trouble and tell her she's a good girl. I don't know if that's outsmarting me or just being a master manipulator. 19 ...
lethologica5 . 4y ago My son was taking nonsense the whole ride to the store. That car white like ours. Yup The sky is blue like Papa's houses yup etc. Not even a breath between sentences. Then are you going to buy me a new toy? Yup. Smart little bugger. 102 ...
Lethal_bizzle94 . 4y ago My toddler once purposely pushed her brother over so she could steal some sweets that were in my pocket when I bent down to pick him up! 81 ...
TunaFishy- . 8y ago I would figure out the days my parents worked both night shifts so I could be home alone and stay up later than usual. It worked for a while until I became reckless by staying awake past ЗАМ. My parents found me passed out on the sofa with the tv and a controller in my hands. 1 ...
Smdonaldson4 в 8y ago My parents would take my cellphone, remove the battery and hide them in separate places. The phone was easier to find so I purchased a new battery. By the time they realized I had my phone back they didn't care enough to take it back. 1 ...
665 Jux_ 11y ago I told really obvious lies so my mother thought I was a terrible liar. 716 ...


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