30 Wild Times People Narrowly Missed Injury, Illness or Death

‘At the exact time my mom planned to arrive, the building exploded’
30 Wild Times People Narrowly Missed Injury, Illness or Death

While no one can fully outrun the Grim Reaper, it’s possible to at least keep him at bay. Something these Redditors know better than anyone — one guy’s hangover kept him from being part of the Cave Creek Disaster in 1995, while another’s urge for tacos prevented him from being a victim of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. But the stories aren’t all coincidental; some people had a nagging intuition that something would go wrong and were totally right to listen to their gut. 

Whatever the case, a number of other Redditors have also narrowly missed serious injury, illness or death and have shared the chilling tales of what could have been.

CoachTakahashi 4y ago My family and I were gonna go to the route 91 harvest in 2017, which is where the Las Vegas shooting. The day of, my sister got really bad food poisoning so we had to stay behind to take care of her. When I heard what happened I felt relief that we weren't in that situation but also terrible because I could've been one of those people 13 ...
Nicecupoftea24 e 4y ago My Grandma was on the bus on the way to Marks and Spencer in Manchester in 1996. The IRA bombed the city about 20 minutes before she arrived. 13 ...
DestinationTirNaNog 4y ago A last minute project at work meant I was unable to take my pre-booked leave and had to reschedule my trip to London. I wasn't happy about it. If I'd have gone on my trip I'd have been there during 7/7 (2005) and staying near where that double decker bus was ripped in two. 29 ...
Pidge_The_Turtle 4y ago My mom was supposed to go to a marshmallow factory in kindergarten. They didn't have enough chaperones so it was canceled. Later that day it blew up, and they would've died if they were in it. 25 ...
depressed_jess 4y ago My husband and some of his friends had plans to go to Pulse Nightclub, in Orlando, the night of the shooting 4 years ago. But being the guys they are, they got caught up playing PS4 and ended up changing plans for the rest of the night. 26 ...
scamperthecat 4y ago I booked a heliski trip. All booked and paid for. There was a work emergency and I had to move my booking back a day. When we turned up the office was shut. Eventually got in touch with someone who said that they were shut because an enormous avalanche had killed the entire ski party the day before. That would have been us but for the work emergency. Think about it sometimes. Never gone heli since. 115 ...
adamolupin 4y ago I knew a guy who'd gone on a trip to Florida with his family in the mid-90s. Не and his family were late for their flight home by about half an hour so they took the next one. When they got home, they found out that the flight that they were supposed to have taken had crashed in the everglades. Не was shaken up for a few years after that. 218 ...
coalfueled 4y ago I always went to a certain gym class on Tuesday at 5.30 I was walking there. I had the day off from work so I decided to attend the earlier class which I never normal do. At 4.30. When I got home. I saw on news someone had been stabbed (random act of violence by a gang) at a spot that was on my normal route about 10 mins away from my gym at 5.15. If I'm being honest the scariest thing was that it was a safe route in broad daylight. The uncertainity of safe was
Liu1845 4y ago I had to cancel going to see my mom due to illness. I was originally scheduled on American Airlines Flight 191 on 05/25/79 out of O'Hare. 282 ...
pichufur 4y ago I skipped my morning classes in cegep (kinda like junior college in quebec). There was a school shooting in the cafeteria/lobby area that I usually hungout in between classes. I never really think about the what if and at the time the only thing i could think of was my girlfriend (now wife) and friends. The cell towers were all overloaded so I couldnt call anyone and it took hours before i found everyone. I felt helpless. 135 ...
notpercyjackson . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago This is only kinda relevant, but I left my class to go to the loo one day and when I came back I saw the fan had fallen on my desk. It would have fallen on my head if I hadn't left.
itsjusthop 4y ago 1996, the Olympics were held in Atlanta. Late one night, my fiance and her 2yo son were flying in to join me. Myself and two brother-in- laws were at Olympic park, when it was time to leave to pick them up the airport. 30 minutes later, Eric Rudolph detonated a bomb in the same place we were standing. 245 ...
johanjudai 4y ago At the end of a trip in Egypt around 15 years ago me and my father arrived late at the airport so we missed our airplane and took the next one. The first airplane crashed and all our family thought we died. When we arrived at the airport, nobody was here to greet us and we didn't know what happened. When I called my mum I heard her cry like never before. 1.4K ...
FriendlyFire_29 11y ago Went snowmobiling. At the right moment I needed to pee. I come back looking for my friends. Couldn't see them. Asked around and finally found them in a ditch. One of my friends broke her nose. It was a disaster. 29 ...
Storm-Shadow 11y ago I was supposed to get on Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney to Los Angeles but thank God at the last moment my girlfriend fell ill and I had to stay with her. The flight ended up crashing on a strange island due to a burst of electromagnetic energy... 280 ...
rawrrr817 11y ago My brother was at the finish line at the Boston Marathon this past year. Не left because he was hungry and met my cousin for some tacos. The bombs went off about 20 minutes after. 258 ...
 11y ago I live in Aurora, со and I was planning on going to the showing of the dark knight. Not that I opted out, but my car battery died that night and I couldn't drive there. I thank my lucky stars that I was not involved and I'm terrified that I could have possibly died.
 11y ago When I was a kid my family was supposed to take a bus trip to visit my aunt. My dad had a bad feeling the morning we were supposed to leave so we cancelled the trip. The bus was on a bridge that got hit by a ship and it went off into the water. I don't remember how many people died, but thank goodness my dad listened to his instinct. 1.8K ...
 11y ago Last year was my first year as a Northeastern student. The Boston Marathon was going on about a mile away and my friend messaged me asking if I was still planning on going to see the finish line with them because it was Patriots' Day and we had no class. Fortunately, I was a lazy fuck and decided I'd rather take a nap than follow through on my plans with friends. Turns out my friends ended up not going when I decided not to meet up with them. I woke up to the sound of dozens of
Nekomori 11y ago I'm very late to this party, but I have a story. In my senior year of highschool I had finally worked up the courage to ask out my crush. Amazingly, he accepted and I was thrilled. Two days later was a saturday, and we both had all-day band practice. The night before, my father asked if I wanted to skip practice and go diving with him and my brother (it was their first dive ever after being certified 2 years prior). I opted out because I wanted to spend time with my new boyfriend. My father drowned
 11y ago One of our family friends was booked to give a talk on the top floor of one of Word Trade Center towers on September 11th, 2001. Не got a call a week before telling him they didn't need him anymore, but that he was still invited. After some deliberation, he decided Screw them, I'm not going. 243 ...
BananaMartini 11y ago The year of the huge tsunamis (was it 2004?) my family was supposed to spend Christmas vacation in Thailand visiting my exchange sister and her family there. We couldn't go in the end because of my dad's work schedule, but the resort we would have been staying at had one of the highest dead and injured counts in the country. 256 ...
ladycowbell 11y ago One day I was supposed to take a trip with some friends of mine. That morning I ended up getting really sick and had to stay home. They ended up being robbed of every penny they had while at a gas station in a city they had never been to about a hundred miles out of town. 56 ...
 11y ago On a roadtrip, everyone stopped at a Sonic and got burgers. I didn't get anything because I didn't want to be too gassy in the car. Everyone got terrible food poisoning... except me! 2.1K ...
irequestnothing 11y ago Not me, but my parents. They had planned a trip to Virginia Beach with a close friend of theirs. They were to take a small plane down, spend a few days, then fly back. My uncle DJed for a local radio station at the time and was given a few tickets to see The Who. Не offered his spares to my mom and dad, who accepted even though it was the same weekend as the planned beach trip. Their friend ended up going, but the flight back never made it. The pilot was advised not to depart,
CasioKnight 11y ago Edited 11y ago The Cave Creek Disaster 14 people died when a viewing platform collapsed. It took two hours for the first responders to get there, which was no fault of theirs. It was simply rough terrain and isolated. Two of my mates died there, and I was meant to go, but was hungover as hell. I worked with the engineer who designed the platform about 3 years later, and the poor guy still believed it was his fault. Which it wasn't. Не designed it perfectly, the workers who constructed it used the wrong size bolts. 3.2K
DiscordianStooge 11y ago I was on a small elevator with about 15 other high-schoolers, and several more were getting on (we were all headed to a baseball game.) I decided I wanted no part of that crush of people and got off. The elevator ended up getting stuck between floors for over an hour and several kids threw up. 539 ...
 11y ago Not me, but back in the early 80's my dad was diagnosed with Leukemia. I don't have all details correct, but the gist of it is, him along with several other people with the same affliction were given the choice to undergo the traditional method of treatment involving bone marrow transplants and whatnot, or go through with some kind of newer, experimental version of chemotherapy. Out of the group of around 10 people, him and a catholic priest chose chemo, while the others chose the bone marrow transplants. My father and the priest were the only ones
Ciciero 11y ago Edited 11y ago A group of my friends were smoking synthetic marijuana at a party in the days where it was a new thing and hadn't made the news for the adverse effects it causes. I turned it down because I had college the next day and had to go home and rest up. I heard the next day that two of my buddies had ended up in hospital having suffered seizures and the third had suffered temporary heart problems. 1.4K ...
Stromboli_The_III 4y ago Not me but my mom and grandma when I was twelve they were going to a lab to get a blood test. They decided not to go because they were a little late. At the exact same time my mom planed to arrive at the building exploded. So she was thankful they stayed home instead 6 ...


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