34 Ridiculous Things People Feigned Interest in Because They Wanted to Date Someone

‘I pretended to be super into this guy’s collection of toenail clippings’
34 Ridiculous Things People Feigned Interest in Because They Wanted to Date Someone

Having a crush is humiliating enough, but for some reason, we add another layer of humiliation to the whole ordeal by pretending to be interested in stuff that they like. But as luck would have it, some people have discovered that they actually do enjoy the thing they started out pretending to like, whether it was learning guitar or playing Magic: The Gathering

Redditors have copped to the things they feigned interest in to varying results, and I pray that none of you have a crush that collects toenail clippings. We have to draw the line somewhere.

TalkaboutJoudy 0 1y ago Many years ago, School choir. I can't sing. My parents were bewildered at having to attend a recital to watch me lip sync. 1.2K ...
Mad3yez . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago I once went along with a girl who was wiccan and truly believed her pet rock was her familiar and she would talk to it.
pavlovsape 1y ago I said I could ride a horse, which I clearly couldn't. She booked a beach ride and after the initial slow walk to the beach she took off on her horse and mine decided that it would be cool to follow them at full speed. I remember praying to any god that would listen to help stop this creature, white knuckled it until the end. 931 ...
Pierson230 9mo ago I used to know a guy in college who pretended to be into Dawsons Creek so he could hang out at the sorority house and watch it with the girls Little did he know he was entering Ultimate Friendzone 426 ...
Mission_Astronaut_69 . 9mo ago We do a lot when we are young. You be amazed. I pretend I liked snow boarding to get in the pants. I did but I still hate snow boarding. 20 ...
TheEshOne 1y ago Negronis. I hate those bitter, disgusting drinks. But I'm half Italian and I was trying to impress a bartender so I offered to take her out to a local bar that had a Negroni night. Anyway, I came clean almost immediately as we arrived and we've been happily dating for over a year and a half now:) 852 ...
thing_m_bob_esquire 1y ago Does it count as dumb if I wound up enjoying it? Learned to play Magic the Gathering in middle school because I had a huge crush on one of the guys who played at lunch every day. We hung out a couple times, then he refused to talk to me after the first time I beat him. But I kept playing, still do, and it my late 20's it turned out to be one of the first things my husband and I connected over. 5K ...
Hoyle33 1y ago Going antiquing Now we're married, and we go every weekend Help 6.1K ...
SpiceLaw 1y ago Law. She was telling me about working for her dad's law firm during college and she was going to sign up for a Princeton Review LSAT course. I had good grades, a double major that had no career options other than professor in both, so I signed up for the LSAT class to study with her. Ended up getting a full ride to a school that rejected her and she broke up with me. This upcoming Monday I'm scheduled for maybe my 150th jury trial (if I had to guess how many I've done over 15 years).
Ukeiok 1y ago Was dating a runner who as reeeaallly into distance running. I've never ever felt compelled to run but talking about it with him all the time convinced me to try it ... ... I'm running my first half marathon in less than 2 months hahah 1.9K ...
Rude_Independence_14 . 1y ago Started playing guitar to impress a girl. Got into guitar and kind of lost interest in the girl. 7.3K ...
Starrydecises . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago Excel. Dude kept talking about how good he is at it. Wedding is in January. 682 ...
crusader86 . 1y ago The band The Plain White T's. To this day hearing Hey There Delilah makes me want to rip my ears off.
hanksalot . 11y ago . Edited 11y ago I found out what his favorite colors were and then got my braces changed to blue and red so that he'd wife me up
Country-girl0720 1y ago Started watching nascar racing. I couldn't understand 4-5 hours of watching cars go in a circle. The only time it was entertaining was when someone crashed. I do love me some Jimmy Johnson though. 8 ...
froge_on_a_leaf 1y ago Ska. Back in the early 2000's you just went on Facebook to see your crush's likes and dislikes and they really liked a ska band, so I started listening to their music. In the end, I fell in love with the band and realized the boy was a dick. 8 ...
Nockobserver 1y ago Golf. She was mad about it. Would have the golf channel on in the background on TV. Was a member of a golf club. I bought a new golf bag but used her old clubs. I secretly loathed the game and it's finicky peculiarities. I played several rounds and never got any better. She eventually stopped asking me to play with her. We lasted a while but other issues ended the relationship. 8 ...
Bagman1212 1y ago I actually told a girl that I LOVE going to garage sales when I was 25. Do I need to tell you how f-ing hot she was for a 25yr old dickhead guy (like me) to utter that humiliating declaration? Of course I don't. Fast forward a week after selling out my soul and I'm flipping thru a box of stranger's filth and asking if they'll take $1 instead of $2 for a VHS copy of Caddyshack even though I owned it on DVD and didn't own a VCR. I am all dead inside. 24 ...
Codems 1y ago I bought 2 ears of corn every day trying to flirt with a girl at a farm stand. It was the cheapest thing there and i needed an excuse to stop and see if she was working. It also took me some time to work up the courage to ask her out. A bushel of corn later we had 1 date and didn't even remotely click and now we're both married to different people. 34 ...
IndependentLower8967 1y ago Oh man, let me tell you about this time I pretended to be super into this guy's collection of toenail clippings... Yup, it was as weird as it sounds. But hey, love makes us do crazy things, right? 40 ...
deermouse711 1y ago Drag racing and classical muscle cars. I eventually ditched the guy and just had a great time in my all black, all original '67 mustang gt that nobody was allowed to drive until I sold it. I miss you, Black Betty!!! 64 ...
MultiFaceHank 1y ago Veganism- I have nothing against it, but I do have a very heavy meat diet, and enjoy it. Anyway, I got caught thinking with my dick, because this gorgeous lady was a hardcore vegan, and I convinced her I was too. A few of the driest lunch dates I've ever had later, I feel like my body is literally going into shock, it wants meat that badly. She also was a bit of a headache to be around, because surprise surprise, we had nothing in common. 69 ...
BisexualCaveman 1y ago 31 years ago, girlfriend said she was bisexual. I decided to try dudes. Girlfriend is long-gone and 5 states away now. Still dating men. Bisexuality isn't dumb, but my girlfriend likes girls is not a reason to become REALLY close friends with the short goth boy from English class. 118 ...
neednintendo 1y ago Jazz. We were in HS and she played in the jazz band. She also really loved listening to jazz. I had to pretend to be interested and really tried to like her likes. But I just couldn't, I do not like jazz. Still, there I was at her jazz concerts. Dating a girl who played trumpet had its perks though... 165 ...
SarcasticGamer 1y ago e Edited 1y ago Art. I met a girl in community college some 20 years ago and I decided to take all the same classes as her that I was terrible in. However, she revealed she was a lesbian so I wasted a whole year pursuing her. We ended up being really good friends until a few years ago when she turned out to be a Trump supporter. I wonder how that turned out.
 1y ago Rush. At the risk of getting flambéed alive, they're a band I respect more than I enjoy. But they were my 10th grade crush's favorite band so of course I got into them. No use, he had a girlfriend who wasn't me. 141 ...
danilosaur . 1y ago Getting pegged. Turns out I'm bi. 526 ...
agentofkaos117 1y ago . Edited 1y ago I became a cowboy. And by that all I did was dress in Western wear and pretend to know the trade. I was really interested in this girl who lives and breathes horses for a living. I had pretty much pulled it off but I gave up. It was too much work. 239 ...
MacedWiindu 1y ago Napoleon Dynamite. The girls in my high school LOVED that movie when it came out. I was the first person in my school to wear a vote for Pedro shirt and I got head twice just for wearing it. 694 ...
stumpytoesisking . 1y ago I went to the movies to see Beaches. Nearly killed me but I ended up marrying that girl. 257 ...
United_Energy_7... 1y ago Edited 1y ago My now wife is a doctor. I was trying to hold my own with medical stuff, even though I generally pass out when needles or blood are involved. So my smart ass decided, yeah let's give blood at the local blood drive with her. She is very involved with that. I can do it! I fainted when I walked into the blood drive bus, fainted again trying to donate, etc. 206 ...
xXSmexyJesusXx . 1y ago Maybe not dumbest but in middle school I had a crush on this girl that could really play the violin. So I figured I would learn violin to impress her and eventually ask her out. Well I never asked her out but got pretty darn good at playing violin back in the day xD 128 ...
 e 1y ago . Edited 1y ago His deep conspiracy theory level fixation with alien coverups... I told him I'm open to the idea of extraterrestrial life and then unwisely agreed to an Ancient Aliens marathon. It lasted about three weeks. 655 ...
will_you_b_my... 11y ago . Edited 11y ago Wore a black fedora. One time i tried it on and she said Oh that looks alright on you. I proceeded to wear that fedora everyday for like a year. Even when she wasn't around. I recently saw a picture of myself wearing it and I cringed so hard i almost broke a rib.


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