15 Wild Situations Disney Theme Park Actors Remained in Character For

‘Keep that little droid in check’
15 Wild Situations Disney Theme Park Actors Remained in Character For

Disney theme park actors are stronger than the Marines. Combat is tough, but being in the middle of an earthquake and having to stay in character as Ariel from The Little Mermaid is tougher. 

Redditors have recalled the wildest times they saw Disney actors remain in character under the Mouse’s omniscient, watchful eye, and the Happiest Place on Earth truly sounds like anything but.

sbankss 5y ago Edited 5y ago I have a close friend who was Woody for a while at Disneyland. Не said that one time the a float caught on fire during a show and they had to play it off completely in character. They danced around it and had to quickly get it backstage to deal with the problem. Не said they played it off well enough that no one seemed to notice/there wasn't any panic. Не said he had never seen an instance of anyone breaking character because everyone was very well trained and there's always at least 6
TheRedAlexander 5y ago I know this will get buried but OP will like it. I chaperoned a gentleman with special needs to Disneyland as part of a group tour. When our group of special needs individuals met the characters, they were all absolutely incredible with our people. Minnie flirted with my friend I took, Merida flirted with me. But the best of all was Cruella De Ville. Normally she insults whoever she takes pictures with. With us she managed to stay in character but not say anything actually mean. She said to one guy with a cane, Ah, I like
Goyteamsix . 5y ago I watched Jack Sparrow talking to a kid when the kid started puking everywhere. Не said too much of the ol' apple juice eh? been there myself! even ran out once!. All the while, the kid is just projectile vomiting everywhere. 28K ...
 5y ago A few days ago, me, my sister and her friend went to the new galaxy's edge area. My sister's friend was around 6'1 and had never seen Star Wars. We were walking around and Chewbacca ran up to her (he was around her height) and hugged her. The he put his hand above his head (Showing they were both tall.) She was super embarrassed and while we were walking away, he did that fist pump thing. Since then we refer to her as Chewbacca's girlfriend. Seriously the cutest thing ever. 12K ...
DancingOnACounter 2y ago I asked a см who escorted us into the Millennium Falcon control room (in Smuggler's Run) how many of these rooms/rides they had in the building. Не acted dumb and said there's only one Millennium Falcon!!! As he let the kids in and I was the last to enter (I was an engineer he did like a secret pssst and under his breath, There's 10! Now you know. 38 Reply ...
zzephie 2y ago MY TIME HAS COME. I'm not a см, but my boyfriend and I were talking to the citizens of main street. A см walks over and he asks where we're from, and he says Oh, Albuquerque! Thats where that show about meth takes place (aka Breaking Bad). All of us, the characters included, were just SHOCKED. One of them goes, I don't know what that is... While the other starts talking with a lisp and is like Oh he meant mess, a huge mess of the place! It lives in my memory rent free. I felt so
ReallyNotACylon 9y ago My high school band performed at Magic Kingdom a few years back. We were taken in where the costumed characters go to change. Buzz Lightyear was coming in, he stayed in character the whole time and walked all the way until he was out of view without taking off the mask. 3 Reply ...
tekclash 5y ago I couldn't even get the zombies at Halloween Horror nights to break character. Asked one where the restroom was and he flung his arms in the proper direction and grunted. Pretty hilarious. 32K ...
MadGab712 1y ago I squeezed Goofy's nose when I was little and he pretended to cry and I still live with the shame. 1.5K Share ...
 11y ago I was a Disney employee for the summer. My two favorite memories: 1. Coming out of a bathroom stall and washing my hands next to a half dressed Mary Poppins. 2. I was sitting with a group of guys by where Mickey and Minnie get dressed. When they came out, the guys started cat-calling Minnie. The guy that was Mickey said, in a perfect Mickey voice, If you look at my girlfriend again I'm gonna pop ya! 1.9K ...
in_the_vortex 11y ago I worked at Club Disney for the brief time it was open. We had codes we used on the radio headsets that were coordinated with character names. For instance, code Baloo meant there was blood that needed to be cleaned up immediately. One day, I'm taking a stroll around the club to check on things when I spot a small boy about two years old taking a massive dump right in the middle of the play area. Не sees me, starts to cry, and runs away with no clothing on the lower half of his body. I
seegull12 1y ago Not an actor, but was at DisneyLand in 21 and walked past some Stormtroopers. One of them said to me keep that little droid in check (referring to my youngest daughter) So now every time she sees a stormtrooper she always says dad remember that time at Disneyland one of them talked to you 2.5K Share ...
WillCommentAndPost 5y ago Not a character but I frequently go to Disney in Orlando. My first time meeting Mulan I walk right up to her and say you know I once had to cross dress to join the military without skipping a beat she just said you must have brought honor to your family she was wrong...I am a disappointment 248 ...
bradgillap 5y ago They are pretty good. My son lifted buzz lightyears big foot and asked where his Andy signature was. My wife and I both shocked he'd do something like that. The handler looked super anxious and then he just started scraping his big foot on the pavement indicating it rubbed off. This satisfied my son. Little shit. The army men were the best though. My kids solluted them for a photo and they stopped everything and then repositioned both kids arms and stance to a more proper solute without saying a word. That cracked me up. 30 ...
CounsinLarry 5y ago A friend of the family was in Tokyo Disney during a major earthquake. She was Arial and she was suspended up in the air. The pullie broke during the quake and she was stuck. She couldn't break character till they all evacuated. 144 ...


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