23 of the Wildest Ways Process Servers Tracked Someone Down

‘She delivers flowers and drives an old white van like she’s really a florist’
23 of the Wildest Ways Process Servers Tracked Someone Down

process server’s job is usually pretty straightforward, but it can reach unbelievable levels of hilarity when someone is dodging them. For instance, one Redditor remembers a guy who evaded being served for two months, and then made the mistake of listing a stereo for sale on Facebook Marketplace. Bam — they got him!

The process servers of Reddit have recalled the other wild ways they’ve tracked people down, including a coroner who probably wishes he were the one in the body bag. 

lostkarma4anonymity 1y ago One time someone was evading serving for 2 months. Не listed a stereo on Facebook market place and we had our process server pretend to want to buy the stereo lol. 3 Reply ...
johnxman 1y ago In New York, we had a special process server that specialized in things like this. I remember a model with a bottle of wine was used. Was very effective when someone was dodging service, but quite expensive. 6 Reply ...
sutsusame 1y ago I had a client who was dodging service by pretending not to be home when the doorbell rang. She got in her car one morning and the process server slapped the papers down on the windshield right in her face. 15 Reply ...
Mysterious_Ad_8105 1y ago Service usually isn't dramatic, but on rare occasions it's exactly like TV. A process server I work with was once trying to pin down a guy who kept evading service. Не eventually served him at a corporate awards dinner after the target's name was called and he went on stage to receive an award. 8 Reply ...
EastTXJosh 1y ago Years ago, I had a partner have me arrange to have a doctor who was dodging service served with a subpoena as he went on stage to speak at a conference. This is the exception to the rule. 11 Reply ...
Sadamae423 1y ago Happened to my aunt kinda. She was avoiding having her car repoed but was a life insurance agent and would leave her business card and flyers everywhere asking to contact her for insurance. She shows up for an appointment with a new potential client, she shows. Не shows. They hook up her car and then tell her. She had to walk home. It was pretty funny to me because she was always about status, and that car was her prized possession. 6 Reply ...
Alternative_Truck_86 1y ago In my area there is a process server in her mid-late 70's that delivers flowers and drives an old white van as if she were really a florist. 6 Reply ...
LunaMoth116 1y ago One of my coworkers once had to subpoena the owner of a body shop (MVA case). That in itself wasn't crazy, but when the process server called to let us know it was done, she told my coworker that when the owner kept ducking service, she brought her car into the shop, even though there was nothing wrong with it, and after confirming the owner's identity, she informed him, You've just been served and handed him the subpoena. (We got an irate phone call a day or so later - and no, he was a no-show. The case
5had0 1y ago I have only had to have our investigator do it once. They used flowers. The investigator then kept the flowers, which I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse. The woman had been actively dodging service for months. 43 Reply ...
p34ch3s_41r50f7 . 1y ago Coroner, while they were picking up a body. 3 Reply ...
amcdeezsqrlnuts D 1y ago OnlyFans. They were super responsive, too 21 Reply ...
Revwog1974 3y ago Not my story, but my dad's from a long time ago when he was a family law attorney. Не had a client who wanted child support from the father of her child, who was denying paternity. The genius thought he'd never be found. Не was a Major League Baseball player, with a baseball card, so super low- profile /s. Game schedules are are easy to find. My father went to a sports memorabilia store, bought the dude's card, and sent everything to a process server in the city of his next game. Не got served at the
BlackWidowwww 3y ago . Edited Зу ago I am a paralegal. I once had a client who was in her 70s and her husband had her served with divorce papers while she was recovering in the hospital from surgery. Brutal. 123 ...
SlowTheRain 3y ago This is not me, but a friend who served someone. The guy he was supposed to serve was hunkered down inside his house with a fenced in yard and a big Rottweiler outside. Friend decided to go for it. He'd been watching a lot of Dog Whisperer. Не calmly walked past the dog while ignoring it and made it to the front door. Guy actually answered the door and was shocked. Said others had tried, but nobody else made it past the dog. 12 ...
ZealousidealFunny895 3y ago Brazil: a process server (here is a public career) didn't serve because it was her husband that was meant to be served. It was a alimony case from his ex wife. She returned the papers cursing the former wife, it was amazing to read. 64 ...
Repulsive-Purple-133 3y ago I spent years as process server in Los Angeles. One time I served Rob Zombie in a dispute over a catering bill for a video shoot. Не went bonkers. Another time I served divorce papers on an 18 St shot caller. I found him in a bar at Pico and Bonnie Brae. Не cried like a baby and wanted to buy me a drink. Another was a witness in a murder trial who was living in a homeless camp in Long Beach. I was surrounded by hardcore hostile homeless folks. I'm not sure how I got out
TheLoneWolf210 3y ago I'm not a process server but My mom is, there was one day that she had to go serve a older lady at her condo. the guy at the front desk told her to give the older lady some time before serving her, because my mom likes to serve the papers like first thing and knock them out, so she waited a bit (like maybe 15 to 20 minutes) and she went up and knocked on the door of the condo, and the lady opened the door butt ass naked, the lady took the papers, but even
ggb123456 3y ago Finally something I can answer! I worked as a process server for a couple years during/after college. It was through a private investigation agency so it was a little more intense than the typical process server. Anyways...one time I was hired to serve a stripper, and since we couldn't find a valid address for her the PI had me go into her work and serve her there. I didn't want to cause a scene and get jumped by the bouncers so I purchased a private dance from her then served her in the back room. I even
coyotecantspell 3y ago When my mother was a Family Law attorney and I was in college, I used to do some process serving for her. She'd never give any that she felt would be dangerous, but In hindsight is probably another poor decision by my mother, and by me who just needed the money. It's ridiculously easy to get an about-to-be divorced man to open his door to an 18 year old girl. I once made an appointment and got my nails done. Paid and gave a tip, and the papers to the same tech. She was pissed. 69 ...
noorofmyeye24 3y ago Not me, but my boss hired a model, made a fake Facebook profile for her. Had her add the guy that needed to be served on FB, flirt via messages, and eventually ended up on a date at which she served him with papers. Basically honeypotted the guy lol. 1K ...
suitology e 3y ago I watched my little league coach get served by a guy selling hotdogs. Не owed like $75,000 for destroying a garage he didnt own behind his property. 452 ...
gloveonafoot 3y ago When I got a divorce, my lawyer recommended I hire a process server just in case my ex tried to dodge/deny service. She knew I was filing so it wasn't like it would be a surprise, but better safe than sorry. One problem: This was during a covid lockdown, so neither of us were leaving home. The process server comes, I let him into the building, he follows me to the apartment but then says he can't follow me into the apartment to serve her. So I have to shut the door on him then wait for
cute_but_lethal e 1y ago I had to serve the owner of a nail spa. I paid some girlfriends to go get pedicures. 1 Reply ...


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