28 Times Kids Amusingly Impressed Their Parents

‘Taught himself to read and write by playing Minecraft and Roblox’
28 Times Kids Amusingly Impressed Their Parents

A beautiful part of raising children is witnessing their trickster spirit evolve. One mom remembers when her 16-year-old son and his friends called their dodgeball team “SNIPE” so that they could “accidentally” scramble themselves around at games and spell out “PENIS.” She admitted that she was a proud mother that day. 

To that end, Redditors have cited the times their kids amused or impressed them, and this much is certain — they have a better handle on technology than most of us.

2DamnBig 7y ago My three year old wanted to take a bath the other day. But my wife told him no, it's not bath time. So Не asks for juice and my wife gets him juice. When she comes back he has rubbed mud in our 1 year olds hair, just covered. So guess what, it's bath time now. 70 ...
kornonnakob 7y ago My 3 year old loves her wardrobe changes. We recently got a google home. Now she asks google, what's the weather like today, to defend the notion that she NEEDS a wardrobe change and google said so. 90 ...
middleagenotdead 7y ago When my son was in pre-school (age 4) he was very good at putting things together. The classroom he was in had a marble game that the kids loved to play, but was very hard to put together before you could play. Most kids would spend the entire play time putting it together. My son could do it in about two minutes. His teacher told us during the parents night that she caught him putting it together for kids in exchange for their cookies, etc at snack time. Not a bad little hustle. 140 ...
Gotforgot 7y ago I told my 7 year old she could pick out some candy at the gas station. She came up with 2 small Kit Kat bars and I said no, you can have ONE. I watched her go put those back and grab the king sized one instead. Well played, kid. 235 ...
autism-throwaway85 . 6d ago Не taught himself to read and write by playing Roblox and Minecraft. 2 Reply ...
gambler328 8y ago When my oldest son was in around the 5th grade, his grades started slipping a little. Не was OK with making Cs because it wasn't flunking. I asked him,If you were going to hire someone, and one of them made all Cs and the other one made all As, who would you hire? Не doesn't miss a beat. Looks me straight in the eye and says, I'd hire the one with all Cs, the other one could get a job anywhere. I had to walk away so he wouldn't see me laughing. 2.3K ...
rogersimon10 9y ago I live with my dad and my 9 year old daughter. I sometimes go to the gym at night and tell my daughter to brush her teeth while I'm gone. When I get back she shows me a video on our tablet of her brushing her teeth as proof. A few days ago I realized that her hairstyle was slightly different in the video, and I figured out that she had simply prerecorded herself brushing her teeth in several different outfits. While I was fairly impressed at this, I kept a straight face and explained to her
Intestinal_Hurry 9y ago When my daughter was 6, a boy in school was bullying her. Не was confronting her one day, in front of his buddies, and said, I bet you don't have the nerve to kick me in the nuts. She did. We got a call from the school. My ex and I had to stifle laughter while making to the principal. We exploded once we were outside, then had to rein it in once we met up with our daughter. Heh. The kid who was bullying her left her alone after that. 5.2K ...
APett 11y ago My five-year old can fit all of his Thomas track sets together in very complex configurations so that the trains run completely around the track, and it takes up the entire dining room. I have trouble making an oval with the track pieces. 76 ...
very_large_ears 11y ago My youngest daughter was the most creative player of any kid I've ever seen. When she was about 4, I watched her in her bedroom as she sat cross-legged on one of those little inflatable rings you use in the swimming pool. Inside the ring were little round things - a couple of tennis balls, some golf balls and so on. And she was quietly saying reassuring things: You'll be so happy when you're born. I'll bring you lots of food. It turns out she was pretending to be a mommy bird sitting on her nest. 363 ...
exLudis 11y ago My oldest daughter, then an 8 year old, was coloring a drawing when it got crumpled and partly torn by mistake. We considered all sorts of solutions when she suggested we make a color copy using our printer/scanner. 30 seconds later: problem solved. Us parents were looking at each other in amazement. 57 ...
holybuntcakebatman 11y ago When my son was 7 he was watching my husband make scrambled eggs. Не was scrambling quite a few at a time so it got a little messy with the fork and bowl method. Не suggested putting the eggs in a protein shaker (cup with spring inside). That's how we always make scrambled eggs now :) 321 ...
AdorableCurve 5y ago Me: Look at the stars. Sometimes, you can play connect the dots with the stars and they make pictures. My 4 year old daughter: They're called constellations, dad. 9K ...
Midoriandmilk 0 5y ago My autistic child, picked up a keyboard for the first time, and in 2 min could play all the music he had ever heard from video games from memory. 18 ...
skwert99 11y ago My daughter, at 2 or so, wanted some candy. I was busy, so I told her to ask Mom. She goes to her in the living room, asks Mom. I didn't hear an answer, but I trust my wife's judgment and all. A while later, I come out and see the girl covered in chocolate, and my wife asleep on the couch. She looks up at me and says, You told me to ask Mom. Indeed, I didn't stipulate Mom had to answer. 509 ...
UptightSodomite 11y ago My niece peed her pants to get to change into the clothes that she wanted to wear. 927 ...
spaceshipinmypants e 11y ago When my brother was seven or so he took apart the VCR. Like, totally apart. This was in the 80s when electronics were huge and not cheap. My mom flipped out when she came in from gardening to find my brother and the VCR in bits. Не put it back together and it worked fine for ages. My brother now builds and fixes computers for a living. 77 ...
Meggie82461 9y ago . Edited 9y ago 4 year old wanted to go to the zoo. I didn't. I told him we would go to the park by the zoo, because that didn't cost any money. Then I told him I wanted to get coffee first. His response? Oh, so you have money for coffee? I was impressed with his very appropriate and timely response.
spinthesky 9y ago When my daughter learned cursive in second grade, she forged my name on a test paper. I made her write an apology to the teacher. The kick was she got 100 on the test, I had a good laugh. 6.8K ...
ytoast 9y ago My daughter accidentally said Shit it was just a combo of two words that smushed together to create this curse. I told her it was ok, I was there and I knew the context. She got so upset with herself, she punished herself by sending herself to bed. None of my assurances made her feel OK about what she had done. Edit: She was 7 4.2K ...
kriklesmaks 9y ago One night my wife and I were having a discussion with our 10 yr old daughter about the importance of homework, education and her future. The subject came up because she was busted lying about her grades. I asked, Don't you want to grow up and be successful like me? Her response was, Mom doesn't do anything and she's got it pretty good. 8.2K ...
 9y ago My nine year old son called me into his room because he had a monster in his closet. I tell him he's too old for that kind of thing and to go back to sleep. Не pleads with me to check. I open the door and turn on the light, staring back at me is some scruffy looking thing with angry eyes and I scream. It was a mirror. I'm trying to see if I'm having a heart attack and he's laughing his troll ass off. I'm proud of his cleverness but considered if he were too
AMHRangel e 9y ago My daughter got in trouble in kindergarten for selling pencils to other kids. She was charging kids a quarter, the school charged 50 cents. I was pretty impressed 7.2K ...
alwaysevolving1 9y ago My 3 year old dragged a chair from the lounge to the kitchen and climbed up to help herself to an icecream from the freezer, I caught her in the act and was prepared to be angry until I realized that before getting herself one, she had taken 2 out for her little brother and sister, unwrapped them and sent them out to the balcony to eat so they wouldn't make a mess. I decided she deserved the icecream. 633 ...
kriklesmaks 9y ago One night my wife and I were having a discussion with our 10 yr old daughter about the importance of homework, education and her future. The subject came up because she was busted lying about her grades. I asked, Don't you want to grow up and be successful like me? Her response was, Mom doesn't do anything and she's got it pretty good. 8.2K ...
 9y ago Edited 9y ago I blocked YouTube on the Ipad. I was a little worried my kid might see some stuff on YouTube not intended for a 5 year old. My 5 year old found a work-around by starting up Angry Birds, clicking on the Angry Birds Cartoons, then browsing to his favorite YouTuber using the Voice Search function. I have to say, that's brighter than most adults I've seen. Не dealt with bypassing Password protection and his own inability to write using the speech function. That's amazing!
TallyWhackerLacker 9y ago My 16 year old son and his buddies decided to call their dodgeball team Snipe so that they could accidentally stand in front of the whole school with their lettered t-shirts spelling out Penis. Such a proud mom, I was! 9.7K ...
IntrudingAlligator . 7y ago She used her tablet to secretly record me so she could figure out where in the kitchen I was hiding the candy. 81 ...


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