24 Times Overthinkers Saved the Day With All of Their Overthinking

‘I get to use my shower gun!’
24 Times Overthinkers Saved the Day With All of Their Overthinking

Overthinkers everywhere are just waiting for their paranoia— I mean, preparation to pay off. Imagine the smug satisfaction one Redditor felt when he “finally” heard someone breaking into his house and got to whip out his “shower gun,” noting that seeing the “sheer look of terror” on the burglar’s face while he “charged at him naked and holding a glock” was priceless. I bet it was! 

Other Redditors have recounted the times their overthinking was vindicated, and although there isn’t any more bathroom-related weaponry involved, each story will encourage you to be more prepared — especially with bragging rights as an added bonus.

LeaveForNoRaisin 3y ago I slipped on the ice and shattered my femur. Luckily I stuck my phone in my pocket before I took the garbage out for the explicit reason of what if I slip on the ice and break my femur?. 16 ...
dopegope 3y ago My mom always carries bundles of small currency when we're on vacation in case there is some emergency, we never needed to use it,she continued to do it every time. In 2016, our government suddenly demonetised all the large currency notes with immediate effect while my family was on vacation. Family got through the entire vacation thanks to mom. 18 ...
Lunavixen15 3y ago I keep a change of clothes in my car at all times and a wool blanket in case my car breaks down or I'm stuck in undriveable conditions. Sure enough, about 11 years ago it snowed juuuust heavily enough that my pavement princess of a car couldn't drive safely in it and I was too far away from town to turn back, so I pulled over and waited out the snow in comfort (I had snacks and water remaining from the trip I was still on at the time) until the street sweepers came through. 218 ...
Glassesguy904 3y ago I'm the one dude in any scenario that has tampons on hand. I've been that dude since my middle school girlfriend recommended it. It only happens once a year, but I get a huge kick out of the look on people's faces when I get to offer one up. Fellas if you're dating someone with a vagoo, just keep a few. They don't take up much space and you'll be ready to help at a moments notice. 345 ...
 3y ago Edited 3y ago When the towers came down I was working at a company that markets builders. We saw a drastic decrease in new homes across the country. Combined with a lowering interest rate I expected a huge financial crisis. We moved from Michigan to Nebraska because corn and beef will always be in demand. Everyone laughed at us. The housing bubble hit Michigan starting in about 2006 or 7. By 2008 it was a depression. Michigan saw record unemployment Nebraska's was the second best in the country.
Jameshellyeah . 3y ago I always keep chocolate in my car and my dad happened to run low ( blood ( sugar level - diabetic) without having anything to help and no shops in the vicinity I saved him. 543 ...
yanguwu 3y ago Someone broke into my house while I was in the shower finally so I screamed fuck yeah I get to use my shower gun all I did really was charge the dude naked while holding a glock but the sheer look of terror on his face was priceless 4.1K ...
 3y ago I was in dorms my first year in uni and people always thought it was funny that I locked my door at night (we were all pretty close and I was insinuating people were thieves/untrustworthy.) One night I heard someone fiddle with my door and I peeked through the peephole and saw someone I did not recognize. Turned out he got drunk in the nearby bar, managed to sneak into the building, and tried to sneak into multiple other girls rooms (our names and pronouns were listed on the door) 4.3K ...
justme7601 o 3y ago My partner tells me I overthink and overbuy groceries because I have an intense fear of not being able to provide for my daughter. When Covid hit and the shops were out of stock of EVERYTHING, guess who was the one supplying food and toilet paper to said partner?? 9K ...
MorgainofAvalon 3y ago . Edited 3y ago I carry some of just about everything, in my purse. We were at a beach, during off season, and a kid wiped out. I had everything needed, to clean, and bandage him up. I carried that stuff, (renewing when it got old), for almost 20yrs before actually needing it.
boklenhle 3y ago I used to live out of my backpack, and I always thought I'd need to leave town, so I kept just about everything in there you could ever need. Often times I'd end up having to stay somewhere without much notice, and I'd have: a change of clothes, face wash, tooth brush, toothpaste, scissors, floss, phone charger, money, snacks, etc. Enough to cover me for at least two days without actually needing to go home. 1.7K ...
DeslsAMess 3y ago I had a feeling my entire pregnancy that my daughter would be early. She was due July 21 and I somehow felt like she would arrive before Father's Day. Bought my husband a pink tie to put her footprints on for his first Father's Day gift, had my hospital bag packed and carseat installed early. Had a boy jump from a bookcase onto my belly while I was teaching Pre-k, which tore an abdominal muscle, triggered early labor, and my daughter arrived June 9th via emergency с- section. No way I could have known, but I prepared.
caruul 3y ago I am basically blind without my glasses, and I've always taken a backup pair of glasses when I travel. It went untouched for years, taking up valuable space in my luggage. Lo and behold, one trip to Montreal a few years ago I just woke up one morning to find my glasses broken - no idea how it happened. And I finally got a chance to break out my backup pair 13K ...
Pyrox_Sodascake . 3y ago Getting lost in a foreign country. Relying on phone GPS to navigate, data stops working....had over prepared and memorized the map of the downtown area ahead of time. 7.2K ...
mwthread 3y ago I carry a fire extinguisher in my auto. I witnessed a car accident where the engine caught fire. I quickly put it out before it burned the inside of the car. Everyone survived. 18K ...
duck1914 3y ago In college on occasion upper classmen would randomly steal the under classmen towels from the shower stalls and then lock their room doors so they had to go to the RA bar assed. I had the idea to stash a towel in the drop cieling tiles for just that event. Maybe a week later I became the victim of a towel snatching. However, the upper classmen were very unhappy to see me strut out with a nice clean towel from my cieling stash. 30K ...
supes99 3y ago I was supposed to get married at the end of May last year. At the beginning of the year, before any of the pandemic stuff happened, I became obsessed with thinking about all the things that could go wrong and how we would lose our money spent on the event. As a result, I purchased a very high coverage insurance policy for the event. As luck would have it, this type of insurance had no clause that prevented collecting if there was a pandemic. We got all of our money back.
jinxmalloy 3y ago Went through a stage as a teenager where I thought I was psychic. I know, I know, stupid. A friend asked me jokingly to make a prediction. I told him to get a flashlight, because tomorrow would be dark. I grabbed one myself when I got home and put it in my purse. No idea why, just did it. The next day the Eastern seaboard blackouts happened. Не still asks for predictions to this day. 18K ...
CoachMatt314 3y ago I bought and learned to use a slim Jim( open locked cars) I carry one in my car and have been able to help no less than 10 people who have locked their keys in their car. My brother was visiting me from out of town and he need something from Target, he called me and said an elderly man had locked his keys in his car and I was able to drive over and help. Also have jumper cables that have helped start a few stranded drivers. 7.4K ...
natalie2202 3y ago When my son was still a baby, we had to take an 11 hour flight. As an overthinker, I brought at least 25 diapers for him to go through. Не didn't need that many, but the mom sitting close to us was very grateful when she ran out of diapers not even halfway through the flight and I gave her a few. 2.8K ...
Wishyouamerry Зу ago I didn't actually plan for this, it just worked out. But one day for some reason I put a suction cup in my pocket. I can't exactly remember why - it was from a shower hook that I think broke (?) and I put it in my pocket hoping to find a replacement or something. Later that day I was standing around with a few friends and one friend was lamenting that his bumper was dented. Не showed us and said, I bet I could pop it right out if I had like a suction cup or something. I
soufflegirl55 9 3y ago I always carry a small sewing kit whenever I go to a wedding. I have sewed two brides into their dresses so far! 2.3K ...
7bottlesofwine 3y ago I carry scissors in my glove compartment. They came in handy when a kid tightened a skinny zip tie around my 9 year olds finger at a park. Completely cut off the circulation. Also the other kids mom was a nurse so that was helpful too. Carry scissors and a nurse at all times. 23K ...
chrismingie - 3y ago Out of the blue, I asked my store manager what to do in the event that someone got sick or passed out in our shop. The next week, I was working (my manager was on break) and a woman fainted while I was serving her. I was able to keep my head and not panic. 11 ...


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