31 Things About People’s Homes That Would Freak Out Visitors

‘Bathroom machete’
31 Things About People’s Homes That Would Freak Out Visitors

While you’re entitled to decorate your home however you see fit, you have to know when something is going to freak a guest out. For example, a George W. Bush cardboard cutout in the bathroom is sure to startle even the most rock-ribbed Republican, especially if it’s hovering over them as they do their business.

Redditors have revealed the cherished items that may serve as nightmare fuel for anyone who pops over to their place for a visit, including one family that just keeps a coffin around — for their inevitable deaths, I guess?

brooklynbotz . 10y ago I had a friend in high school whose family used a GI Joe aircraft carrier as a coffee table. 3.1K ...
 10y ago . Edited 10y ago Girl from my previous work invited some of us over for dinner. As it turns out, she had removed the toilet seating from her toilet, because it doesn't look good enough with it on. You actually had to sit on the thin ceramic rim.
rickscarf 10y ago We had a human skull in a glass case in our living room growing up, it was years before I figured out that was really weird. My mom got it from a doctor friend or something, just some random head, not like a relative or anything. We called him Freddy and had to superglue his jaw back on every few years when it fell off. I guess I had repressed the memories but just typing this now I recall touching it and playfully tossing it around gently at times. 2.9K ...
PeterBernsteinSucks 10y ago I went to a friends house and they had their halls lined with grandfather clocks. This was a little weird but nothing major. The weird part came when his dad told me and my friend don't you kids go around telling anybody about my clocks. Now III never forget about his precious clocks. 3.6K ...
duckduckpony 10y ago Bathroom machete. Because, you know, Just in case, man. It's literally nothing more than a real machete that hangs in their bathroom, so if someone breaks in while you're fighting dirt dragons, you aren't at a total disadvantage. Everyone there was surprised when I said I'd never heard of it. I now keep a bathroom hammer handy, because goddammit, it's a great idea. 2K ...
SardaSis 3y ago My father who was a general contractor built our house in Southern California. There was a rock he needed to shovel where our living room was supposed to go. Не didn't realize how big it was (underground) until after the framing started and so he just built the house AROUND the rock. Our living room has 4'x4' rock exposed. 12 ...
maggot_brain79 8y ago I found a latex Richard Nixon mask in my closet. No idea where it came from. Now I use it to make impressions and scare the shit out of drunk friends. Sometimes I mow the yard with it on to make my neighbors wonder what the hell is wrong with me. 4.5K ...
Mojorna ОР . 6mo ago Personally I own a piece of hair from Abraham Lincoln. I actually bought the one that was featured on Cajun Pawn Stars. 3 ...
SewnVagina . 8y ago vagina costume for a Ken doll 738 ...
ghost_bunny 10y ago When my brother and I were kids, we would often comment that our next door neighbor's house smelled like pee. One day my brother was playing video games with the kid from next door (at his house) and asked to use the restroom. The kid said, We just pee here, and started peeing in the closet. My brother peed in there too. When in Rome... 3.7K ...
pgr5150 e 3y ago Received as a gift a porcelain figurine of a naked woman with removable breasts that can be used as salt and pepper shakers. 26 ...
 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Ovary embedded in parafin Jewelery made out of my baby teeth
Psychological_Eye556 . 3y ago My brothers freeze dried chihuahua Princess lives in my closet. 20 ...
Dreadheadjon 3y ago I have my dog's balls in a jar on a table that you see right as you enter my home. After I got him neutered 3 years ago, I thought it be something funny to have and cool to see up close. Now it would be weird to not see a pair of balls as I come home from work. 123 ...
kingsizeslim420 . 3y ago A mid-late 19th century child's skull. I've got an adult one as well, from a slightly later period - late 19th century/early 20th... But the child's one, I assume, would be slightly more, what the fuck...? 185 ...
awkwardexorcism o Зу ago Probably my mummified animal collection lol 34 ...
RadiumGirl 10y ago I collect uranium glass, radium tchotchkes, and atomicana. People are always convinced they're going to die of radiation poisoning the minute they set foot in my house. Also, this clown creeps people out. 749 ...
felesroo 10y ago A cat skull. I found it. Not my cat. I dunno. It's cool. We also used a cow vertebra for a soap holder. This is what happens when you have an archaeologist for a mother. 170 ...
wjl2000 3y ago My dad collects masks (not in an overly weird way but we go on a lot of holidays and he likes to get a traditional one from each country) and hangs them on the wall going up the stairs in our house. I never give them a second thought but everyone who comes to visit finds them pretty strange the first time. There's probably around 20 masks just staring at you as you walk up the stairs. 41 ...
AuraEllis - 10y ago I have a car bed. I'm a 25 year old woman with a big girl job. Most people think it's funny. Two guys have been freaked out and one said I was wierd to want to have sex in what was obviously my sons bed...I don't have any kids 97 ...
clem145 10y ago My mum has a full sized mannequin which she has dressed up in a bunch of her old coats and hats. She conveniently leaves it in a dark corner which if you catch it out of the corner of your eye looks like some menacing figure lurking in the shadows. On more than one occasion I have metaphorically shat my pants whilst home alone. 189 ...
Ishen . 10y ago One of my rooms has a combination lock and as I've not yet found a use for it, it might look like a serial killer's haven. 102 ...
americancrank . 10y ago . Edited 10y ago Our living room floor is actually varnished book pages. Most people find it fascinating
MOSh_EISLEY 10y ago A cardboard cutout of George W. Bush watches you poop. 423 ...
zeeker1985 10y ago Large double ended dildo as a door stop for my front door. Was a gag gift and that's where it gets used the most. 716 ...
mermaid_soup 10y ago My father is a retired chiropractor and he has a real human spine that he has owned for 40+ years hanging on the wall. I used to dare my friends to touch it. 469 ...
megan_foxxx 10y ago . Edited 10y ago At the house we have a painting of a guy who looks like a Hispanic old man who is dressed like Santa stirring chocolate milk(?). We found it at the thrift store and bought it because it was ridiculous. We've grown to love him and call him Pablo Claus and he will watch over the children.
 10y ago My dad gave my mother a coffin on her 50th birthday. Until it's needed it's being used as a closet in the spare bedroom. We don't tell people they're sleeping beside a coffin. To answer some questions before they get asked: no, it doesn't really look like a coffin. It's just a plain pine box. My dad's jimmy-rigged some shelves into it so it can store extra sheets/blankets that type of thing. 969 ...
cwriv 10y ago My family breeds fish. Of all things, they decided to go with fish. Our entire garage and dining room is just one giant breeding system. 553 ...
 10y ago . Edited 10y ago My bathroom door doesn't open or shut so there is a hole you climb through. Some people don't seem to like that.
knittedfleecesweater 10y ago I knew a girl who would get glasses of water and whenever she couldn't finish the whole thing, she would dump the rest on the carpet because it just absorbs it 487 ...


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