22 Times People Accidentally Broke the Law

‘I picked up a seagull’
22 Times People Accidentally Broke the Law

It’s only fun to break the law when you’re intentionally committing a worthwhile crime. There’s no joy in later finding out that something as useless as picking up a seagull is illegal — no one would actually consider that act worth the risk of going to jail

To that end, Redditors have recalled the times they accidentally broke the law, and it seems that we all agree that stores should have free treats.

Boar_Hat . 5mo ago Riding a bike drunk. Apparently that's a DUI. I was on private property tho 4.4K Reply ...
monkeyluvz 5mo ago When I was in college (and should have been old enough to know better), I sold my used car for another used car. I just swapped my old license plate to my new car thinking that the fees I pay for were attached to the plate, not the car. It wasn't until I went into the secretary of state months later to renew my tags that I found out that just switching the legal plate to a different vehicle was illegal. 117 Reply ...
SadAwkward... 5mo ago Edited 5mo ago Apparently it's illegal to transport weed over state lines even if it's legal in both states. I also used to check CDs out from the library and rip them onto my computer and then put it on my iPod. I didn't know that wasn't technically legal until I mentioned it to the librarian and he told me it's illegal, we had a laugh about it and he sent me on my merry way with a bountiful harvest of free music. Librarians are really cool.
Nuttonbutton . 5mo ago I picked up a seagull. Не was so chill. I couldn't believe it. Не just let me pick him up. Turns out, that's illegal. Do not pick up seagulls. Leave 'em alone. 312 Reply ...
leavewhilehavingfun e 5mo ago I ran 2 water hoses to give 3 manatees fresh water (not knowing it was illegal. ) The manatees drank for 1.5 hours so were obviously very thirsty. Poor things. Come lock me up. 395 Reply ...
hobbes8889 5mo ago Swimming across the Columbia River. Turns out you're not allowed to swim across major shipping lanes. 180 Reply ...
ottis270 5mo ago I found a 6 point deer skull in the woods, thought it was cool and took it home. Turns out legally I was supposed to call the games commission and pay $10 per point to keep it. 351 Reply ...
MaxCWebster 5mo ago I thought the postcards in the hotel lobby were free. When I showed my mom in the car, she said that it was stealing, and I had to give it back. On my way back out of the hotel, I walked through their plate glass window. I have scars all over my body now, including one right between my eyes. Lesson learned. Doing the right thing will try to kill you. 2.6K Reply ...
redditorial_comment 5mo ago I once built a 3 foot long blowgun for target shooting. ( It was winter i was bored ) is i got pretty good with it so i thought i might use it to hunt. So not being a total idiot i looked up the legalities of it aaaand it turns out you cant even own one here. So its back to being plumbing supplies again. 2.8K Reply ...
Ok-Room-7243 5mo ago Went trout fishing and kept about 5 illegally sized trout. The river I was on has multiple different zones W all different legal sizes that people can keep, and some zones you can't keep trout of any size, and I thought I was in a certain zone. Never got caught but if I did it probably would've been a 300-500 ticket and got the fish confiscated. 3K Reply ...
I_can_pun_anything 5mo ago Starting a small fire in some bushes behind an apartment when I was like 11 and putting copper, magnesium and just fucking around with it. It was actually a very small fire and much smaller than the typical camp fire but we rightfully got busted with a fire truck that came by Had to go to fire college and an anti pyro course 252 Reply ...
 5mo ago I scanned a dollar bill and printed it out in computer class in 7th grade. The substitute teacher called the cops. An officer showed up, took me in a small room, threw the actual book at me, and made me read the entries on counterfeiting aloud. I was super scared, but girls liked me a lot more after I got pulled out of class by the police. 12K Reply ...
mrbiggbrain . 5mo ago Pumped my own gas. New Jersey is an off place. 3.3K Reply ...
JayMan522 5mo ago Edited 5mo ago I took a fake knife to school for a magic show. Planned on stabbing myself and 'ta-da' no blood! Unfortunately I showed a friend early in the day and he ran around recess pretending to stab about 10 kids. Ended up in office with police and my mother. 3rd grade I believe. This was in 97'. I'm sure it would have been a hit at the talent show had it not caused complete panic during recess. It was very realistic. 5.2K Reply ...
SnooPears3006 5mo ago Almost every day in college, I'd stop at a gas station near my place to pick up a snack/drink/whatever, and on my way out I would grab a copy of the newspaper from the stand right next to the door. Without paying for it. Every time. Because my dumbass for some reason thought newspapers were free. I was oblivious until my college boyfriend finally saw me do it and pointed out I was stealing. Oopsies. 14K Reply ...
tenderourgh... 5mo ago Edited 5mo ago I took what I assumed was a free mint chocolate from a bowl at the pay station of a Mexican restaurant. After we had left, my then boyfriend kindly pointed out to me that those were 25 cents each and started laughing at how I just nonchalantly took a piece. I asked him to turn around so I could pay but he didn't, saying not to worry about it. I went back the next day to give them their quarter and the manager thought it was really funny, said it happens all the time
attempted-anonymity 5mo ago I bought some books to study up on Thailand before spending a summer there. Didn't finish the biography of the king I was reading, so I brought it with me on my trip. A bit into the trip, some Thai students saw me reading it and were very interested. Found out that the biography I was reading was banned in the country, I could get jail time if I was caught with it, and they really wanted to borrow it so they could copy it to read for themselves to see what the government didn't want them
Affectionate-Hat8483 . 5mo ago I helped myself to the candies that were in bins at grocery stores, the ones where you had to scoop into a bag. I was like 10 and thought those were candy samples 5K Reply ...
horticultured-harlot 5mo ago Paid $6 for $100 worth of fabric at Walmart self checkout. Was new to sewing and didn't realize you take the cloth to a counter to be cut and pay by the yard. Picked up the whole thing and put it in my cart. 240 Reply ...
DatBoilsSad 5mo ago Used to buy single cigarettes from a corner store all the time when I was in highschool. I went to a different store once, asked for 2 Newports, clerk sets down 2 packs and I set down 50ф.... We were both very confused! Turns out selling single ciggys is a big no-no!! 1.1K Reply ...
Th3RandomPanthr . 5mo ago Mom dragging us behind the SUV on sleds when it snowed... 296 Reply ...
nosmelc . 5mo ago I didn't know until recently it was illegal in my state for someone under 18 to play a pinball machine. 883 Reply ...


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