22 of the Wildest Things People Revealed During a Game of Truth or Dare

‘She slept with all of our dads’
22 of the Wildest Things People Revealed During a Game of Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is the only game that gives you the option of kissing someone or starting an argument, which are two of the main reasons people keep playing it. For instance, one Redditor recalls the time that their friend revealed that she’d slept with the fathers of everyone present, which definitely raises a few questions, but it’s probably best we don’t go there. 

On that note, people not-so-fondly remembered the jaw-dropping things they discovered or revealed during a game of Truth or Dare, including someone who has a particular fondness for a particular scene in Team America: World Police

ninjasaiyan777 . 4y ago I overheard my son playing truth or dare and I found out that he has tried Peyote at the reservation our family comes from. It doesn't surprise me, given my own experiences but I am glad that he is more careful than I was at his age. 82 Share ...
seraphus2011 11y ago Worst thing I revealed is that I once masturbated to the sex scene in Team America, World Police. And now you all know. 219 ...
LotharLandru 11y ago A friend of mine was playing with some friends I was there but not participating and we found out her boyfriend at the time had been in a threesome, the people involved? Him, his dad and his moms best friend. 326 ...
smellthyscrote 11y ago When the girl I had been dating for over a month, when asked the last time she had sex responded, a week and a half. Her and I hadn't slept together yet... 942 ...
invsblthnk8 11y ago That my obese roommate had a Prince Albert piercing. Yep, he showed us, and he had to pull back a few rolls for us to see it. 733 ...
Elaborates_Too_Much 11y ago That my friend had randomly decided to wear my underwear one day, had sex in them with another man, and had calmly returned and folded them into a pile of my clean underwear. When I asked him which ones, he asked me why I cared. I did a lot of laundry that night. 1.9K ...
nonuniqueusername 5y ago I'm way late but the first day I met my wife we played a game of Truth or Dare. She asked me truth, what kind of clothes on a girl do you like? Then the next day she showed up to my house in those clothes. 10K Share ...
OneFinalEffort 5y ago NERD НЕ It was a girl's 19th birthday party and my buddy from high school was there. Everyone was being lame and awkward so I suggested Truth or Dare. The game went on for a while but people were getting progressively more naked and horny as most of them were drinking. I was the DD for another friend at the party and the people staying were getting raunchier so we split. The birthday girl and my high school buddy hooked up and they've been together for about 7 years now and have a daughter together! 1.7K Share
 . 11y ago That everybody at that moment had pissed in the pool except for me. 792 ...
ActionManNZ 11y ago That I could scratch a mate's balls (over the jeans) with a completely straight face while everyone else looked super uncomfortable. If you don't want to see it don't dare someone to do it. 1K ...
DazHawt 5y ago One of the funniest things I've ever seen. We were too old to be playing truth or dare, like 20 years old. My friend had only seen boobs in his dad's Playboys. Не hadn't even kissed a girl yet. Some woman was dared to show everyone her tits. My friend was silently stoked. Не didn't cheer out loud, but I knew he was fucking giddy. As the woman lifted her shirt and bra, some other goober leaned right in front of my friend and blocked his view. It was over before my friend could react. Не complained
 5y ago e Edited 5y ago My friend dared the girl I had a crush on to kiss me. She stared at me and said I can't do it, he's too ugly and the other girls said the same thing. I ended up being ignored for the rest of the game. Good times =)
Smokinghot19 5y ago I was playing truth or dare with my sisters friends and I dared one of them to do something and after one of them says you could have dared someone to kiss you and you would have gotten your first kiss. That immediately set a light off in my head and later in the night I asked if I could kiss her and I did. So I got to kiss a really pretty girl. 3.3K Share ...
Lundria13 4y ago Think we were 15/16, played during a free period. One girl kept saying truth. Someone asked her what was the thing she was most ashamed of. She responded with I drowned my brother because he wouldn't listen to me. She then said that she was just joking. But it's the smirk that she had and the fact that she got suspended for stabbing a teacher a few months after that still has me wondering if it wasn't a lie. 2.5K Share ...
 4y ago A girl I was crushing on really bad in high school admitted that she had given her older sisters boyfriend a BJer at their Christmas get together at her Grandma's. Не came in her eye and she spent the rest of the night with a red eye. 132 Share ...
HorsePlayingTheSax I 4y ago That one of my female friends, who to my knowledge was heterosexual, was the other woman to a grandmother 25 years her senior, who was cheating on her husband with her. 427 Share ...
phatneko 11y ago This asshole I knew regularly jacks off in the pool I swim in everyday. 2.1K ...
cannibal87 e 4y ago Found out one of my guy friends genuinely proposed to a stripper directly after basic training. Ring and everything. She politely declined. 2.2K Share ...
notinthepinkmydear e 4y ago One of my classmates had sex on a bicycle. I still wonder how she did it. Or maybe I'm just stupid. 1.6K Share ...
typewarrior1 11y ago I found out that my younger brother was willing to do anything to impress my friends. (Не was a freshman while I was a Junior) The dare that confirmed that was when he had to plop his balls onto a friend's head. Не was dubbed Potato Sac after that. 1K ...
 11y ago We played it at a family gathering once. It was my mom's turn, and being elderly she opted for a truth for fear of her dare being physically rigorous. I laughed and said okay, tell us a truth!! She responded you were a late term abortion that survived. We don't play truth or dare at family gatherings anymore. 361 ...
UwUSarah141 4y ago I found out that my best friend had slept with everyone's dad. Well everyone that was there. It was 5 of us 3 girls and 2 guys. She had slept with all of our dads Share 75 ...


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