21 Times Restaurant Customers Tried to Cheat the System

A customer tried paying for a pretzel with napkin money
21 Times Restaurant Customers Tried to Cheat the System

There’s something very special about the kind of man who tries to scam a McDonald’s cashier in front of his children, only to fail miserably. A Redditor recalled the customer who, after receiving his order for two Happy Meals, claimed that one of the cheeseburgers had no meat in it. His child, having witnessed what actually happened, said, “Dad, you just ate it,” foiling the entire plan and probably ensuring that his father would use the drive-thru for future attempted scams. 

Successful or not, Reddit’s finest food-service workers have had to deal with many other people who have tried to cheat the system, including a couple of employees who had their own schemes going on.

diffdrumdave 8y ago I worked for Pizza Hut my senior year of high school. A guy came in and ordered a supreme with no green peppers. While putting the pizza together he tells me he changed his mind he wants the green peppers. After getting the pizza he shows my manager the pizza with green peppers and a receipt that says no green peppers. Не stared at me while eating the pizza as I was making him what he ordered. 7 ...
zeebow77 8y ago Used to work as a chef so I didn't deal with this customer directly, but he almost finished his meal, then he smashed his cup all over the table and said there's glass in my food. It was kind of like a yeah because you put it there sort of thing. 7 ...
GozerDaGozerian 8y ago A lady once put a piece of glass in her chicken sandwich. Not only do I not have clear glass in my kitchen, but I breaded her chicken fresh and the toppings and bread are prepared fresh every morning. That's an awfully big accusation that can have serious ramifications, and all for a free sandwich. 7 ...
nomnomnompizza 8y ago I was a patron at a restaurant. A lady complained that her chicken was undercooked and wanted her meal comped. After she ate the entire thing. 8 ...
 8y ago Subway employee. One time our microwave broke so we had no way of heating meatballs up so we did not serve them for the whole week. We had a guys come in telling us his son came in and found 2 hairs in his sub and demanded a new sub be made. Immediately we knew he was lying because we didn't serve them for the whole week. The look on his face was priceless 18 ...
000g 8y ago Back when I was in high school and working at Wendy's, I had a lady hand me a $10 bill to pay for her order. Only, it was really a $1 bill with the ends of a $10 bill on it (the left-most inch and the right- most inch). So, she basically had $11 invested in her attempt to fake a $10 bill. 30 ...
lostigre 8y ago The Red Lobster I work at has a policy where if you buy a $50 gift card with your meal you get $10 off of your NEXT meal. I was new and had a lady take advantage of the discount. She asked me about the discount, I confirmed it with the manager but nothing was said about when you could use it, I figured it was just common sense that you couldn't use it on the same meal. Never assume anything that should be common sense with a customer. She buys two more before I figure out
mynameissomethingels 8y ago Starbucks X employee. Customer orders drink. Barista makes drink, customer says...It doesn't taste right.... So we have to re make it, but they keep the first mistake drink as well and give it a friend who just happened to not order anything. Finally they now have a policy, to re make the drink you have to give up the first mistake drink. Also ordering just espresso shots over ice and then filling up the rest with creamer at the craft bar. There is a special circle in hell for you people. 172 ...
JokesOnYoulmIntoThat 8y ago Family of four orders one entrée for all four of them to share and keeps asking me for free bread baskets.
 . 8y ago I work in a fairly high end restaurant. Apparently it's extremely common for people to pull a piece of their own hair out and put it in their food so they don't have to pay the bill. 136 ...
 8y ago Back when I was in college and worked at 7-11, paper food stamps were still the norm (EBT wasn't around yet). We kept a stack of $1 food stamps in the register for making change on larger denominations, but any change less than a dollar was given back in coins. We sold some small candies for 5 or 10 cents a piece, and people would come in over and over, buy a candy with a $1 stamp, get their change, leave the store, rinse and repeat until they have enough change to buy alcohol. 126 ...
itsfoine 8y ago I once saw a woman at a Long Horns (chain steak house) walk out with the entire bowl of those small packaged mints. The hostess was in such shock that by the time she walked out to say something the woman already drove off. 500 ...
Booner999 8y ago One of my old jobs had an online order system with a special instructions box. You wouldn't believe how many times people typed in Add Bacon or  Double Meat, extra Cheese expecting to get these things for free. They ALWAYS got pissed if you added these things to their ticket and then they would be like Well, I don't want those things if they cost extra. They would always expect me to give them their already-made sandwich with the extras. NOPE. I remade them every time. 363 ...
EE_108 8y ago This was internal. I served at a Red Robin for a while, and you can sign up for these cards called Royalty Cards where every 10th burger is free. A couple servers at my restaurant got themselves all fired at the same time for trying to game the system. They would swipe the card for any table that didn't have one, and then apply the 10th burger to a table that paid in cash, so that they could pocket the extra $10 or so.. Red Robin monitors how often the cards are used. They were caught within
BigBlueBox12 . 8y ago Argue with me about the size of a free birthday scoop. Bitch, it says it right there.
SailorCheese 8y ago They wanted nachos, but the queso was $2 cheaper, so they tried to order queso with the meat on the side, explaining this reasoning to the server with straight faces. They threw a fit when the server and then the manager explained that the queso was already mixed in one big pot and we weren't going to pick out the solid bits for one order, especially since it's not like it would make a difference in how it tastes. Naturally, they complained about all the food they ate (they didn't end up ordering queso or nachos, apparently
Lord_of_the_Fries 8y ago We used to have free food for happy hour. Just some deep fried Sysco crap like chicken tenders or jalapeño poppers. So many people would come in, order a water, load up on free apps and leave. Wewould stagger bringing them out, a tray at a time, for the whole happy hour. The people who were not paying for any drinks often had the balls to get upset and complain when they weren't coming out in a timely manner. 841 ...
horses_in_the_sky 8y ago Had a lady call our Pizza Hut claiming that we gave her hard undercooked wings that sent her daughter to the hospital and wanted us to pay her medical bills. However, none of the 5 or 6 phone numbers she provided showed any orders for wings or anything else in our system or the nearest few stores'. I don't know if she just expected us to give her thousands of dollars on hearsay? 335 ...
ShiftyMcShift 8y ago A delightfully drunk man insisted that the mop he was carrying away was his. You brought it with you on a winery tour? ...yes... 1.7K ...
estrangier 8y ago At my McDonalds this guy came with his two young kids and got happy meals and then called me over and said this cheeseburger has no meat and demanded that he get another cheeseburger and then one of his kids said dad you just ate it referring to the meat in the cheeseburger. Congratulations sir, you played yourself. 3.2K ...
 8y ago I work in food service at an amusement park and someone once came up and tried buying a pretzel with napkins and said that they were hypnotized into thinking the napkins were money. 5 ...


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