35 Things People Are Convinced Have Only Happened to Them

‘I once had a live fruit bat hooked in my braces’
35 Things People Are Convinced Have Only Happened to Them

Some situations have such a slim chance of occurring that they’re deemed “statistically unlikely.” There are others, however, that are so bizarre that no one could find them conceivable enough to apply a statistic of any kind to them. For instance: Have you ever thought about the chances of someone having a live bat fly into their face and get hooked onto their braces? Probably not. What about the likelihood of getting struck by lightning while masturbating? Never crossed your mind, right? 

And yet, those are exactly the kinds of things Redditors recalled when talking about situations they’re convinced have only happened to them — and in most of these cases, we really hope they’re right.

Rockdoctor9000 . 8y ago I had to swerve a vehicle to avoid hitting a dingo, a deer and a dugong on the same day. 113 Share ...
_Bubba_Ho-Tep_ R 8y ago My identical twin brother and I both married women with the same first and middle name. So now they have the same first, last and middle name. 1.2K Share ...
rangers79 8y ago When i was a kid and walked home from school during the winter I constantly ran into older people who fell and slipped on the ice. It was such a constant event i knew some on a first name basis 866 Share ...
kylekeck в 8y ago My father died getting teeth pulled. No he didnt have a heart attack. It was getting his teeth pulled that ended up killing him. Dentist was a dumb ass. 1.4K Share ...
positivenegativit... 8y ago . Edited 8y ago My next door neighbours (an aboriginal family) asked my parents if they could adopt me when I was about 3 because they thought I had special spirits. My mum politely declined.
 8y ago The first customer who I had to deal with on a new job was the last person I said goodbye to the day I quit that job. It was full circle and it blows my mind everytime I think about it. 12K Share ...
-eDgAR- 8y ago I've mentioned this before but it definitely fits. I was having sex with my girlfriend after showering together and I had water stuck in my ear. Then right as I came, my ear popped and water came out. The combination of an orgasm and an eargasm was the most bizarre but amazing sensation ever and I have never met anyone else that has had the same experience. 8.8K Share ...
098706 . 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Had surgery which corrected my inability to whistle
xenothaulus . 8y ago . Edited 8y ago I got struck by lightning while masturbating.
bos789 8y ago I dated a woman in high school who left me senior year because she discovered she was gay. After college, a different woman also left me because she said she was gay. Both those women left me for the same woman. 31K Share ...
XXVIIMAN 8y ago 9 Edited 8y ago When I was eleven and into magic so I could get all the ladies, I was holding a quarter in my left hand and tapped it with my right. When I opened my left hand, there was no quarter there. Nobody was in the house with me (I don't know why I wasn't masturbating), and I was freaking the fuck out for the next two hours. It was nowhere around me, and it couldn't have flown across the room.
ArtilleryCamel . 8y ago I had to repeat kindergarten because I didn't learn how to share 14K Share ...
 : 8y ago The umbilical cord was against my hand in the womb which caused the skin to not grow there so when I was born it was just bone and like one layer of skin, doctors treated it as a burn and it healed completely.
tazack 0 8y ago . Edited 8y ago I shot a fly out of the air with a blow gun from about 30 feet away. I think I may have lost my sanity due to no one believing me had my room mate not been there and witnessed it.
Tengil12 . 8y ago . Edited 8y ago I accidentally killed a seagull with my bike once. It jumped out of a ditch next to the road and threw itself inbetween the two tires. RIP suicidal seagull 4.4K Share ...
vitallyunplanned . 8y ago My trousers fell down in front of The Queen and Prince Phillip. 861 Share ...
ifuckinglovegingers 8y ago I went into anaphylactic shock at an S&M party and woke up 2 days later in the hospital, where they had to saw off/cut off (idk how they did it) the collar I was wearing, cause it was locked on and my throat had swelled up SO bad. I found out later that some rich dude in a sports car had nascar'd me all the way to the ER, since the ambulance probably wouldn't have gotten there in time. I have pretty much no recollection of it. All I remember is not being able to breathe, but
 e 8y ago . Edited 8y ago A live bird fell on my head while I was sleeping. Twice. In completely unrelated incidents. I was inside in both.
Footballp09 8y ago When I was 8 years old i witnessed a common mouse commit suicide. I was just walking through my garage when I saw him dart out from behind something and throw his poor little body under my foot. It happened so fast I couldn't stop my foot. I imagine he probably did it because he got behind on bills, or maybe life was just to hard for him. Share 3.5K ...
KieferBlackbeard . 8y ago I got an inguinal hernia from moving my dad's box of porn mags when I was ten. 5.8K Share ...
jwpeddle 8y ago The first person I served while working at an adult video/toy store was my great aunt. She burst in, started yammering on about how she was trying to use this remote control vibrator and couldn't get it to work, before she finally looked up, said oh, jesus, I'll come back. We never spoke of it again. 164 Share ...
IReallyLikeHairyMen 8y ago I was riding my Razor scooter around my front yard as a kid. There was a notorious bit of uneven sidewalk that I forgot about and the tiny, incapable wheels made impact and I flipped over the front. I was shaken but generally ok. I go to wipe a tear from my face and as I open my hand a butterfly flew out of it. Share 5.2K ...
BeerTodayGoneTomorro 8y ago I was eating spinach dip on a patio with my girlfriend and her family when I realized I had dropped a glob on my shirt. Naturally, I scooped the mess off my shirt with another pita and ate it only to realize it was not spinach dip at all. A bird had shat on me. To this day I only use napkins to wipe messes off myself, even if I'm indoors. 3.1K Share ...
innosins 8y ago I killed a car with a McDonald's cup laying in the road. I ran over it, it somehow got sucked up into the fan belt or something, snapped it. My husband said I had to be the only one that had ever happened to. I try not to run over anything in the road anymore thinking it's harmless. If I do have to, I check the mirror to make sure it's still there. 1.5K Share ...
ShuckleYouUp 0 8y ago I once had a live fruit bat hooked in my braces. 2.1K Share ...
Laisanalgaib 8y ago When I was seven I fell off the ladder on the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea's boat. I landed on a Giant Clam his bodyguard had fished from 20 meters below, cutting a giant gash into my foot. I am allergic to shellfish. His bodyguard carried me five kilometers (barefoot) to the nearest aid post. By the time we arrived my eyes had swollen and I was unable to see while simultaneously having a minor asthma attack. I was then held down on a table by my father as the local nurse sewed me up without
TreyWait 8y ago As a kid, like 10 or 12, on a school trip to Washington DC I was walking along the mall and found a puffy envelope laying on the ground. I picked it up, it had a Congressman's letterhead. Though maybe it was cash. I looked around, but no one was anywhere near me. Opened it up... It was full of weed. Share 3.3K ...
GTBlues . 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Was reading a book about a serial killer. Turned over the page to see a picture of MY house. The serial killer was my former landlord.
 8y ago At University in NZ in 1970s - big party at my flat and I get a girl in my room. She notes my North American accent. Where are you from? Oregon in the U.S. Do you know where that is? Ah yis, I dated a guy from there. Maybe you know him. It's a big country, the U.S-what was his name My younger brother who was in the Navy at the time. 251 Share ...
Grimesy2 8y ago distinctly remember one morning when I was about five, I woke up and couldn't walk. I could still feel my legs, but I couldn't make them move like I wanted. My parents found me in the middle of my bedroom sobbing and apologizing for not being dressed for school, because my legs didn't work. They assumed I was messing around at first, picked me up and tried to set me on my legs, but each time they did I just collapsed. That's when they realized they needed to take me to the ER. My dad ran to
 0 8y ago A zebra bit my fingers and wouldn't let go, so my dad punched it in the face. Share 5.9K ...
jelbee 8y ago I went to school for Fine Arts. We did a (nude) life drawing of a late-middle aged gentleman who was always very well- spray-tanned orange. A week later our landlord had his real estate agent come to our house to prepare to sell it. The real estate agent was orange-model guy and I had a giant naked drawing of him on my wall. 1K Share ...
sthetic . 8y ago I opened my wallet and a moth flew out. Like in cartoons when a person is broke. 7K Share ...
Codeworks 8y ago I found a duck in a nightclub toilet once. Took it out, and then was barred for having a duck. 301 Share ...
Michaelwrong57 8y ago I tried to catch a porta potty door as it was closing and the spring on the inside cut my finger to the bone. I was at a cross country meet (high school) and didn't want to miss it so I ran with just a bandaid over it bleeding all the way. I got stitches after the race 814 Share ...


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