27 of the Wildest Things Hotel Workers Have Seen Guests Do

‘We had a guest we ended up calling ‘Pie Guy’
27 of the Wildest Things Hotel Workers Have Seen Guests Do

At some point, most hotels have opted for a slogan that encourages guests to “feel at home” in their establishments. But maybe they shouldn’t do that. That kind of framing only encourages people like the “Pie Guy,” a man who would leave remnants of “several expensive pies” in the bathtub every time he rented a room. It became such an issue that hotel staff added him to their “do not rent” list, which he evaded by providing fake names every time he returned. 

Other hotel workers have recalled the guests they had the displeasure of checking in, and, of course, Kid Rock is among them.

Sarnecka 9y ago I had a couple that brought their own friolater. They found the cheapest hotel room for a night out of town, bought some fries and snacks and proceeded to fry them in their own room. Due to fire regulations we told them they weren't allowed to do it anymore. Their reasoning was that food in the hotel was expensive and so was eating in town so their best option was to use the minibar as their storage for snacks and fry em themselves... 10 ...
psychotwilight в 9y ago I saw a white family with only one suitcase and a rotisserie on one of the carts. 48 ...
ranchochupacabrash 9y ago Not that crazy, but my co-worker and I had to physically restrain a naked drunk dude one time. Не wasn't really hurting anyone, just being naked and a little belligerent and scaring some of our other guests a little bit. We basically had to carry this poor dude up to his room. 52 ...
insidethetardis 9y ago A drunk man and his drunk lady were having a major argument about something by the pool. Security and I are walking over and we see the guy grab his girls tampon string pull it out and throw it in her face. 18 ...
NetflixandChillax 9y ago Edited 9y ago Two guests come to mind. A businessman from Japan would lay out like 20+ nude polaroid selfies on his bed before he went to work. Management didn't discover it until we had to evacuate everyone during a fire alarm. Housekeeping never said anything all the times he stayed at our hotel. Another guest was crazy. She would bring front desk long lists of approved people who could be transferred to her room or visit her. It was all celebrities. I could go on. 14 ...
pageandpetals 9y ago I had a lady ask me to go out and buy cat litter for her once. Actually, she asked multiple staff members on several occasions. I was like, shit, how fast is your cat going through litter??? A lot of people would ask you to do shit that was way above and beyond the scope of the job (front desk agent) like it was a four- star hotel. like... no, you're at the holiday inn. stop. 16 ...
Lobster-Nipples 9y ago I used to work as a janitor, but I would also help to clean rooms when staff was busy. I was asked to clean the room a guest had just recently checked out of. I go in, and in the bathroom, is a lady, clamping lobsters to her nipples. I excused myself, and let her to finish her deed 226 ...
metaphysics666 9y ago One. Hundred. Puppies. No, Mr. Puppyman, I am NOT caring for your fucking puppies. In fact, you're not even allowed ONE puppy in your hotel room, so you can fuck right off with your ONE HUNDRED PUPPIES. Thank god I quit. 382 ...
Poutinegravy 9y ago Had a guest come down at 4am telling me when he woke up to put his glasses on he noticed on the wall the words I'm watching you written. I went with him to take a look and it seemed someone had written it with some invisible glow in the dark pen. Не knew it was a joke but still wanted to switch rooms. 56 ...
powereddeath . 9y ago We had to kick some burger convention attendees out when they dumped mayo and relish into the hot tub... 1.1K ...
greenmouse19 9y ago Had a guy who was racists against white people (he was a old white man). Не would only be helped and served by Native Americans, Hispanics, and African Americans, telling us you can't trust white people 1.3K ...
greenmouse19 9y ago . Edited 9y ago This one lady came into the lobby around 11pm, asked for the workout room so I opened it back up for her figuring she was one of those 24hr workout people. I went back in around 3am to close it up again, and she has set up a bed for herself on the treadmill. Ended up giving her our last room after she had a fight with her husband and was refusing to sleep with him. 1.9K ...
 9y ago . Edited 9y ago Once, a stoned af guy walked into the lobby at midnight, picked up a decorative rock, walked around the perimeter of the lobby, and then put the rock back. I worked nights, so I got to see all of the drunks. The wildest drunks were the folks in town for a sheep farmer convention.
poodie234 9y ago Former hotel maid here - walked in (after being told to come in) on a older woman pegging a much younger man on a bed where they had replaced the hotel sheets their own Twilight inspired sheet set. 714 ...
Bebollboy E 9y ago We had a girl dressed/painted as mystique come back to the hotel and completely shat all over the seat and partly the wall in the women's lobby bathroom, the walls were also painted blue from her arms 296 ...
NukeTheNukes e 9y ago I used to work at the front desk, and a guy asked if he could use another room to store eleven life size sex dolls. 1K ...
paisleyplaid 0 13y ago My roommate works front desk at a Marriott... One night a guy comes back to the hotel, drunk, at 9pm. Around the elevators is a large mirror. Не kicks the thing with a running start and shatters it. Не saw it in a movie once and wanted to try it. The mirror costs $2,000 to replace. Не wasn't even upset. Не just said, Don't tell my wife. 1.4K ...
ladywug 9y ago Edited 9y ago We had a guest we ended up calling Pie Guy - he would come into the hotel without a reservation, pay in cash + the $100 cash deposit and the next day we would find his bathroom and bathtub full of the remains of several expensive pies. Не never came to the desk for his deposit, as he knew he wouldn't be getting it back. We added his name to our do not rent list but he kept coming back and using different names. One time we found a torn up list in his room with
blindaxmurderer 13y ago I had a guest come in with a white beard, wearing red, pretending to be Santa Clause...when I asked for his name he kept saying Clause. Eventually I got it out of him. Later on I caught him and his wife going around to children asking what they wanted for Christmas, while the parents were standing by freaked out...especially when they mentioned Santa's bathing suit. And I also had a midget guy trying to jump across the counter to get to the computers for employees because the internet was down and he had to watch his pornos.
Anne_Uumellmahaye 13y ago I used to work at club med, every year this japanese guy would show up. Не was covered from neck to toe in dragon tattoos and looked like he would snap your neck if you looked at him sideways. Не would put on a bright pink wig, a pink singlet and denim skirt, then he would head off to the golf course to play a few rounds dressed like that. I avoided his gaze like it was the fucking death star. 1K ...
farmgarcon 13y ago Two guests got into the basement and emptied the icemaker on to the floor. Then they had sex on the ice.. Then I showed up.. I went back upstairs and let them finish. The guests are always right.. 908 ...
Subs4life 9y ago We had this drunk cowboy come in on Halloween this year (It wasn't a costume). Не was extremely hammered and was belligerent. After he withdrew money from our atm he decided to start beating on the machine. Started kicking and punching it. Broke the wooden frame around the atm. Then when he went up to his room he got mad at the elevator buttons and smashed them into the wall. It wasn't that weird but the security tapes were hilarious. This guy could barely stand. 12 ...
 9y ago Had a guy walk up to me with bags for shoes and a hospital gown. Introduced himself as Nothing, Absolutely Nothing and that he needed a computer to spread the word of His return and coming retribution. Luckily my Loss Prevention guy was nearby. 25 ...
BigBobbert e 9y ago Not particularly scary, but one time while walking through the halls I heard a girl say from one of the rooms, I don't know why I'm laughing, I'm covered in shit! 14 ...
bobfootm 9y ago Police and detectives were called in for a horrible crime scene in a suite of a hotel for which I was Front Office Manager. There appeared to dried blood all over the suite; on the bed, the floor, the walls, lamps. Forensics fairly quickly determined that it was all chocolate. 45 ...
 7y ago When I got a call to let a locked out guest into their room and came across a disheveled looking Kid Rock waiting outside of his suite wearing a gold thong. 1.9K ...
tomparker . 9y ago Someone put Chicken Bouillon Cubes in the shower heads. 20 ...


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