30 Things People Were Caught Doing on a Nanny Cam

‘She stole a single puzzle piece’
30 Things People Were Caught Doing on a Nanny Cam

It seems obvious to double and triple check the strangers we allow into our home, but some things just wouldn’t come up during a routine investigation. Humanity is a rich tapestry, and there’s absolutely no way to know that one of your two nannies would lock the other in a bathroom and then rummage through the snack pantry while listening to the trapped one scream for 20 minutes. 

Redditors have giggled about the things they saw unfold on their nanny cams, and you can only laugh at the nanny who lost $50 while playing Blackjack with a kid.

-areyoudoneyet- в 4y ago Not our regular sitter, but a fill-in... she took a million selfies. All over the house. I don't even get it - our house is nothing special but I think she thought she was something special. 6 ...
kamikazeee123 4y ago Babysitter, here. I was watching a little girl who I had babysat before, only I had just recently gotten a septum piercing, but had it tucked up in my nose. After the girl went to bed, I pulled it out of my nose. Then, because I didn't know how the parents would feel about it, I put it up in my nose when they got home. The next time I saw them, they told me they liked it and it suited me and they didn't care if their daughter could see it or whatever. The daughter didn't
AustinR04 4y ago Not a nanny cam but our house sitter threw a party and didn't clean up and apparentely hey used my moms hoode to mop up beer, my bed had been slept in, and my sisters money stolen. Didn't hire her again 4 ...
 4y ago Our Nannycam is in our bedroom, Wife & daughter were out one afternoon visiting her family and I decided to knock one out. Our Nannycam has motion notifications. Wife was sent a 30 second video of me mid stroke 7 ...
 7y ago When my baby sister was going through a phase of not wanting to sleep at all, she was like 2, she went fucking King Kong in her room. The family and I watched it and laughed like crazy.
Antyok 7y ago When I was younger and my little brother was a baby (this would have been around 1993-4) my parents overheard an entire fight between a couple that lived down the street. We had the same brand and could pick up what happened at their house.
dinosaregaylikeme 7y ago My sister in law and her wife caught my husband and I making out while our nephew got trapped under the kitchen chairs. 2 ...
 . 7y ago My 9/o watching tv an inch away from the screen with her shirt pulled up over her head like cornholio. 6 ...
AbnerDoubledeal . 7y ago My two year old in his sleep, stood up in his bed and then just face planted onto the floor. 105 ...
 7y ago Baby monitor- I woke up to the sound of heavy breathing, to find a face close-up in the camera (two eyes and a nose). My son figured out how to pull himself up on the crib rails. I may have stopped breathing for a few seconds. Very freaky! Needless to say, we moved the camera to a more elevated location.
notthatshort 7y ago My girlfriend's (now fiancee's) parents have security cameras. I used to pretend to not care much for my girlfriend's cat around other people. Then when they were out of town we took care of the dog and brought the cat over. They saw me on camera holding the cat over my head and dancing softly in a circle while looking into his cat eyes. The jig was up. 6.5K ...
TooPrettyForJail 7y ago Using a baby monitor to care for aging parent. My sister comes in and tries to convince my dad to cut me out of the will and give everything to her. 12K ...
Flynn_lives 7y ago My old roommate has two kids of his own. The older kid(3) deactivates the baby monitor cam when he and his sister want to do something they'll get in trouble for. Kid even waves bye to the camera before he pulls the plug. 16K ...
ridethewood 7y ago Back when monitors intercepted phone discussions in the 90s, I was a toddler. We had lesbian neighbors, one of whom traveled frequently, so at night they'd call each other from afar. My devout Christian parents were privy to their conversations. 1.2K ...
crushing2013 7y ago Buddy of mine had a kid at the beginning of last year, discovered that both his cat and his beagle would climb into the crib with the baby occasionally during naps, cute right? Both animals made it a habit to climb in, kick/push the baby to the very side of the crib and curl up in the middle completely alone, you'd catch them glaring at the kid if he started to roll back over and invade their space 3K ...
_Iniquity_ 7y ago Our crib was under a window (shut and locked, don't worry). Every few days or so a hawk or some other kind of large bird would land on the outside of the window. The bird and my daughter would sit there for a good 10 minutes bobbing their heads at one another. It was adorable, despite the fact the bird probably wanted to eat her. 4.1K ...
afihavok 7y ago My Dad has cameras set up in the house as well as smart lights. (They used to live overseas but still had the house.) One time my brother and I were hanging out at their house while they went on a trip. They left for the airport and we started watching TV - it was after dark. Suddenly the lights started flickering in the house. Scared the piss outta me. A couple minutes later I get a text from mom... sorry, we're about to take off...your father is sitting here cackling watching you guys jump around as he turns
belumainma 4y ago Rolling around on my bed- not laying- like rolling as a pig would roll in mud. So weird. Sooooo weird. Locking the second nanny in a bathroom on purpose for 20 minutes listening to her scream while binge eating from my pantry. A few others... 250 ...
J-rizzler 4y ago Caught the babysitter masturbating on our couch. The babysitter was/still is my female cousin. I figured the best thing was to just say nothing, save the awkwardness. She did it a fair amount. I then mentioned our house cam by accident some months later and her face dropped. I realised what I'd said then casually threw in that I'd never checked it, again, to save the awkwardness. 1K ...
turnipheadstalk 4y ago I pay my neighbor to feed the stray cats in my garden when I'm away for days at a time, and the camera caught my neighbor trying to come in by pole (bamboo) vaulting one time. Не nailed it, amazingly. 3.3K ...
Kalidoscope98 4y ago She stole a single puzzle piece of what we were trying to solve. Saw her put it in her pocket. Final straw was one of our fucking potted plants. 15K ...
46from1971 . 4y ago She picked up our pug Doogie and was dancing around the living room with him while that Hey, I just met you song was playing. 16K ...
that1chick1730 4y ago The couple I sat for had a nanny cam in their living room, the kind that went in bears. They got me on video giving their 2 yo the Heimlich after he tried to eat a rock. 9.9K ...
 4y ago Friend caught hers rummaging through her closet and stealing a blouse. She confronted her about it when she returned home, and the woman played innocent. She was wearing the fucking blouse. 17K ...
MooseThings . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago This isn't a bad one. My parents caught the baby sitter carrying our 60lb golden retriever like he was a baby. 19K ...
dylanmg06 4y ago My aunt has a nanny cam and found my older cousin's babysitter playing blackjack with him......she lost $50 lol 10K ...
plasticimmunity E 4y ago We once caught the nanny putting charcoal to feed them as a snack. This woman claimed that she thought it was a snack. It was in a charcoal box. My brothers were 4... 8.3K ...
animasrapids 4y ago - Edited 4y ago A little late to the party but here goes.... My mom suspected our maid of stealing the silverware. And she's just fucking nosy. Anyway, the maid was indeed stealing the silverware. I think that ended up being overshadowed by my dad fucking her, though. Thanks for the gold! Who knew my dad's infidelity would one day pay off? 8.2K ...
MassacreNecro2 0 4y ago This was my (equivalent of) pre-k. All the kids were regressing in their movement ability and getting really fat so they set up spy equipment. Turns out one carer was doubling every baby's food portions and forcefully overfeeding them. 3.2K ...
Megzerrato 4y ago Caught my kids baby sitter making a fort with my kids and getting so into it that he put my son in time out because he wanted to make his own rules and didn't want to follow the rules the babysitter made. 8 ...


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