24 of the Wildest Things People Found Out by Hiring a Private Investigator

‘She would take off her neck brace all the time, playing bingo’
24 of the Wildest Things People Found Out by Hiring a Private Investigator

Every now and then, private investigators get cases that are almost too bizarre to be believed. For instance, one Redditor told the story of the time their grandfather hired a P.I. to track their grandmother. While the investigator was spying on her, another investigator came up to his car and asked, “What are you doing here?” As it turned out, the grandmother was being investigated by the DEA for drug dealing. The Redditor goes on to say that their entire family is convinced that the whole drug debacle is “the reason why the old family barn burned down,” noting that this isn’t even the craziest story they’ve been told about good ol’ gran. 

While we hope they post more stories about their scheming matriarch, here are more wild tales from private investigators, their targets or the people who hired them — including a guy with more than the average amount of families.

 3y ago I was suspicious that my first husband was cheating on me so I hired a private investigator and what happened was it turned out that my husband had a secret second job that he would go to for three hours at a time every few days because he was going to surprise me with a new diamond necklace for my birthday and once I found that out I felt Super bad so I apologized to my husband and he got really upset that I didn't trust him and then he divorced me 652 ...
particle409 3y ago Another company was working on a job site. I had invested in a specific type of environmental clean up company. One of the company's partners was kicked out, and sued. Work stopped for a month. The client had hired another company to come and finish the job, but they used our expensive equipment that was left at the site. The PI had used a telescopic lens to take pictures of the new company using the equipment, so we could sue the client and the new company. 215 ...
heavenhelpyou 3y ago standard on mobile, please forgive the formatting I grew up on a close-knit council estate in the 80s/90s. A woman who was close friends with my mother suspected her husband was cheating on her and hired a PI. After a week or so of following her husband, the PI discovered that he WAS cheating on her... With my dad. My father was always a huge homophobe, so it was just delightful watching him squirm until he admitted the affair. 244 ...
pambamclam 3y ago e Edited 3y ago My dad was cheating on my mom with two different old men. Both of them don't know about the other one. Не says he isn't gay or anything, he's doing it for the money. Не told us that he's in their wills and everything and that they're just friends. I don't believe it. How do you end up in a friend's will? There's definitely something else going on but he won't admit it. My mom calls him el buitre as a code-word for him. It means the vulture in spanish
 3y ago In his twenties, my so hired a PI to find out what had become of the childhood bully who had made his life hell, and who had vowed to kill him. Actually, he did try by bringing a loaded gun to school, but some other kid ratted him out & the bully got expelled-but still lived in the neighborhood for a few more years & beat up my so every chance he got. The PI found the bully living in a town more than an hour outside the big city, in a dead- end job. He'd been
grzzlybr 3y ago Edited Зу ago My sister (mid 30s) is adopted and hired one to find her estranged biological father. They came back saying that not only was he still alive and nearby, but he had a daughter. Meaning she also had a biological sibling! Further digging from the PI uncovered that they weren't just similar ages either, they were exactly the same age. The evidence suggested that my sister had a twin and her birth father had taken the twin and vanished. Huge, life-changing news. Eventually, through more incredible detective work, the PI realised that the daughter was
Blondeinsideandout 3y ago I was the recipient of a PI. I came home from work one day and my bf asked to have my engagement ring as he wanted to take it to be professionally cleaned. The second he handed it over he accused me of cheating on him. The conversation went back and forth for ages. I was beside myself, I couldn't believe what he was saying and he would not believe I was innocent. Не then told me he'd had me followed for six weeks by a PI who had seen me get into a red mini. It
antisocialoctopus 3y ago My mother's dad walked out on mom, my aunt, and my grandmother when mom was just 5. A few years later, my grandmother died of a grand mal seizure. Mom was taken in by her grandparents, but she always wondered why her dad left and what became of him. In her 40's, she saved up a bit and hired a PI to track him down. Turns out he moved over time from Pittsburg to California where he wound up in prison for armed robbery and so e other violent crimes. Не died in San Quentin penitentiary. I
Particular-Mirror536 Зу ago We had a case 10 years back where we felt an employee was faking an injury. The P.I. got video footage of him getting very freaky with his wife with the curtains open. The acts that were witnessed would have been impossible since he was claiming he could not even walk without assistance. At the next court hearing we planned to show the video in hopes of the case being dismissed, yet when he arrived with his wife it became evident that the woman in the video actually was not his wife! We asked for a brief
Liberi_Fatali561 Зу ago Edited 3y ago I used to work for an insurance defense firm years ago. Best PI story I have is where we hired one to tail a guy who was suing our client for an injury that wasn't entirely our client's fault. The guy was refusing to settle, and was insisting on going to trial even though we offered a fair sum that would've paid his medical bills. The PI we hired got some good pics that showed the plaintiff was nowhere near as injured as he claimed, but the crown jewel of the photos was one
Fr1dge Зу ago I have a story about private investigators doing a hilariously shit job. So, years ago, my brother injured his back at work because of his employer's unsafe work practices. During the ensuing suit, my brother's lawyer was given a folder full of documents from the employer's team. Turns out, they had hired a PI to investigate my brother to prove that his injury was faked. Well, unfortunately, the PI had been taking pictures of ME, operating an ATV mounted leaf hopper. My brother walked into the court hearing and watched the color drain from the opposing lawyers'
barcodez1 3y ago Edited 3y ago When I met my wife, she seemed to have a normal modern family. Two moms, two dads. Over time it became apparent her step-dad wasn't around much. Holidays, birthdays, you name it, he'd pop in to say hi, grab a nap, whatever, then take off again. My wife's family thought this was normal, just the way it had always been since they were teenagers. Не claimed to have a job following FedEx trucks around the state to prevent theft and drug trafficking. But I thought it strange and started making jokes about him having
Jack_Cade e 10y ago My uncle was a PI for awhile. Не mostly worked for insurance groups and lawyers to make sure the correct person was being served or prosecuted. Не would have to figure out stuff like who burned the farm down, John Smith jr or John Smith sr. Was Jan Doe the divorcee or the 3rd wife. One time this kid wrecked his Ferrari. Kid ended up posting his version of the wreck on MySpace. Не told how he intentionally wrecked it because his parents didn't get him the Ferrari he wanted. It was very Tom Havaford from
SimonSaysx Зу ago My grandmothers first boyfriend after my grandfather died said he was a retired cop and a veteran. They enjoyed dancing to country music together, and bought a new car, in her name though, even though she can't drive anymore. My uncles hired a PI. Turns out, that old bastard had a habit of shacking up with widows and bleeding them dry. (The boyfriend not the PI). 28K ...
Opiboble 10y ago I have not hired one, but my now Father- In-Law hired one when I first started dating his daughter. Funny part is I working in the Port (you know with ships) and when I stopped at the guard shack told them that I was being followed by some strange person. The PI pulled up next and had three port police officers pull guns on him and tell him to get out of the car. I think he ended up going to jail. Laughed my ass off, but I did sorta feel bad. 1K Share ...
KenComeslnABox Зу ago I was a private investigator for a little bit. Most work Pls do is searching financial/court records and serving documents. But one time I was paid by wealthy parents to stake out their college senior who had stopped returning their calls. They were worried about her. These parents paid like $40k for round the clock monitoring just to find out their daughter dropped out of school and was a full time ski bum. Btw stakeouts are mostly just sitting in your car reading all day 19K ...
MaethrilliansFate 3y ago My grandfather once hired a PI to investigate my grandmother. While spying on her from his car another investigator he knew came up frantically to his window and was like what are you doing here!? To which his response was obviously What are YOU doing here? Turns out my grandmother was being investigated by the DEA for drug dealing. I don't think anything came of it that I know of but we're all pretty certain it's the reason the old family barn was burned down. That woman if batshit crazy and this isn't even the worst/wackiest story
hm_ellie . 3y ago II My parents hired a private investigator to find out who my online bf was when I was 13. The PI came back and told us he was just a fat ass 13 yo... Imfao 23K ...
badassmum 3y ago Edited 3y ago My story is a little different, I had a PI investigate me! About 6 years ago I became very ill with a variety of issues, that left me really quite poorly. I was an optician and so using my hands with arthritis was just never going to be a plan. So I applied for (U.K.) disability support. I sailed through, and started receiving a monthly amount. Now, fast forward a few years. I then start getting restless at home so I retrain into a job that doesn't involve my hands. I stop receiving money,
 Зу ago My dad hired a PI in the mid 90s in Eastern Europe to find out if one of his business partners was stealing from him. Instead he found out his own brother was stealing from him. Не refused to believ the PI and his brother robbed him blind. Took a huuuuuge amount of money and left him with gigantic debt. Не still forgave him. 4.7K ...
Curious-Unicorn Зу ago I know somebody who was like an assistant to the actual PI. She basically went to bingo with a camera in her purse to capture video of a woman. The woman claimed that a car accident had completely immobilized her. But she would take off the neck brace all the time, playing bingo hours on end. Nothing exciting, just capturing fraud. 17K ...
Dchung0217 Зу ago Not me, but a friend hired one because he was suspicious his stepdad was being unfaithful to his mom. So, he asked me, and I put him in contact with a guy I knew. Bit of a backstory, the stepdad is 5'10, 160ish pounds. My friend is 6'2 235 pounds, ripped. At 15, when my friend's mom and stepdad started dating, my friend gave the the typical you hurt her, you're dead speech. Also his bio dad walked out on him and his sister when my friend was like 4. It took a while, but my friend
Trainwreck071302 3y ago My little brother hired one to find his dog. Не was living in L.A. and his complex let the dog out on accident. Small dog some mutt of toy breeds. Не looked on his own for two weeks and was devastated. My folks found this guy in Indiana who was like $3k to hire but he guaranteed he'd find the dog or he wouldn't get paid. My folks and I chipped in as my brother couldn't afford that. The guy found my brothers dog inside of a day. Shit was wild. 3.1K ...
dewayneestes 6y ago We had a babysitter who we were pretty sure had been ripping us off, after we parted ways we had our neighbor who was a PI do a background check, turns out every time things went missing the babysitter had either a court appearance or other fine for their multiple DUI offenses. Note to self, run the background check FIRST. 3 ...


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