15 Tips for Beating the Rigged Games at Carnivals, According to Carnies

Keep your eyes on those ducks
15 Tips for Beating the Rigged Games at Carnivals, According to Carnies

Children shouldn’t be the only ones walking around with life-size stuffed animals. Adults pay bills and experience the horrors of everyday life — we’ve more than earned the right, too. 

Thankfully, carnival workers and people with a basic knowledge of physics have relayed their tips and tricks for defeating the obviously rigged games carnivals trot out every summer. From a method for popping those balloons to a last-ditch effort to knock over those bottles, here are the best tactics for beating carnivals at their own games. 

Good luck out there, soldiers.

addictedtoshowers 12y ago at hershey park i was with a bunch of friends doing the ring toss on bottles when the guy who was running it was facing the other way my friend climbed up and placed the ring on the bottle and we went nuts...the guy believed us and we got an enormous stuffed animal 6 ...
choddos 12y ago The game where you put in a quarter and it rolls onto a board with a thing that pushes the coins to a certain distance... Just shake the machine! 31 ...
 9y ago Late to the party but I worked at an amusement park. None of the games are rigged per se, but built to very tight specifications. Games like basketball toss, ring toss, and quarter toss all require a perfect arch so that it will fall exactly on top. If the hoop, bottle, or plates are under stuffed animals, your best bet is to throw the ball/ring/quarter so it hits the stuffed animals and falls right down. 10 ...
5ft11flip 12y ago For the dart game that you have to pop the balloons with 3 darts, the first 2 darts you are given will be heavier than the 3rd dart. Make sure you throw the 3rd dart extra hard. If the carnie gives you all three darts, compare the weigh of all of them. 2 ...
GoodLuckLetsFuck 12y ago Won $200 dollars on the bottle breaking game a couple years ago. They tape the balls....just find the balls with the least tape, and throw like a man. 3 balls for 5 bucks....broke 2 wine bottles and a beer bottle for the money. 34 ...
THECapedCaper 9y ago There are two games that I almost always win at. First is the Guess Your Weight game. Play it some time after going in a water ride, all that extra water you got from being soaked is going to add like 4 pounds to your clothes and the people running the games are usually bad at it anyway.
OMNIPHILIAC 12y ago For the dart balloon pop, heat up the tip of the dart with a lighter. 51 ...
jdizzle367 12y ago not a carnie but these two are pretty common in the balloon pop the dart does not have enough weight behind it to pop the balloons strait on so you have to throw it in an arch and for any water shoot game the aim on the gun is always off so aim the stream not the gun 2 ...
PippyLongSox e 12y ago For any shooting games (shoot the duck or cup etc...) check how straight the barrel of the rifle is, normally in Ireland they bend them to the right so your shot will off, so check the straightness and then adjust your shot!! 2 ...
Smedleycoyote 9y ago I ran an electronic drag racing game. Basically, lights move across a board, when they get to a certain point, the player shifts (real racing shifters and seats) to move the light to the next point, and shifts again, and so on. Since 2-5 people race against each other, we had no stake in who was the eventual winner. But every day someone would complain that the game was fixed, or try to slip me a buck to make sure my kid wins. The only advantage we ever found was that if someone sat in the white
TheGodDoctor 12y ago For the test your strength game where you swing the big hammer, don't just swing it over your head. Unless you are actually very strong, you'll need to use a longer swing. You can do this by starting with the hammer in front of you, swinging it UP in front of you, then reversing direction and swinging it in a full arc behind you, over your head, and finally straight down onto the target. It can also help to start with one hand at the top and another at the bottom of the handle, and in the
ClearingFlags 9y ago I only play two carnival games: Balloon Dart Tosses and the Duck Pond. With the darts generally you can miss once and still get a small prize that is worth. I tend to look for two balloons right next to each other that are overinflated. If you do miss there's a chance of popping the one next to it. With the duck pond I sit back and watch surreptitiously. When someone picks up a duck that gives a large prize I watch where it is placed and don't take my eyes off of it. I pay while
BigMonkeyNewsstand 12y ago Star shoot-out, use the majority of your shots to perforate the paper around the star. Final burst knocks the perforated section out, taking the star with it. Не wouldn't let me play again. :( 398 ...
Saijar 12y ago The games where you shoot water at a target and blow up the balloon, go for the one with the new balloon because it hasn't been stretched a bunch of times and pops easier. 126 ...
LaughWithTheSinners5 9y ago I worked at Six Flags for a few summers and got to know the games pretty quickly. For ladder climbs, the more you weigh, the easier it is. It also depends on if they've tightened the ladders recently, which they'll do if too many people win. On race games, always ask what prize you get the first time you win...you often have to play twice and trade up. Anything that involves throwing a ball against something and into a bucket you have to put a backspin on the ball, otherwise it won't work at all. For basketball


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