35 Incredibly Cool, Very Rare Items That People Possess

‘A disk drive made for Nintendo 64 that was never released outside of Japan’
35 Incredibly Cool, Very Rare Items That People Possess

It’s always cool to learn of rare items you didn’t know existed. Like, did you know that Nintendo made something called a 64DD — a disc drive for the Nintendo 64 that was only released in Japan? Well, now you do. 

What’s also cool is learning about rare items that ultimately serve no purpose, but are just bizarre enough to be interesting — like a ukulele that was autographed “Aloha!” by William Shatner

To that end, Reddit’s most discerning collectors have gotten together and bragged about their rarest wares, including a gigantic dime and an ashtray that’s a real conversation starter.

goldbeater 5mo ago I have a porcelain hand that's used to make gloves by dipping into latex. I've inscribed occult symbols and the lines of palmistry in it. I have a antique floating gauge used to determine alcohol content, still in its custom mahogany box with an ivory plaque on the front. I have a brass clock that's made to go on the end of a cane. I have a plaster ear that I gilded in real gold. There's more but this is a good start. 2 Reply ...
culman13 5mo ago A vintage, 2001, Lord of the Rings Gandalf glass goblet from Burger King.
1Lc3 5mo ago An anvil. Have no use for it other than a yard decoration. 2 Reply ...
AmbitiousNatural7227 5mo ago Book signed in a Black Metal musician's blood. 5 Reply ...
Frugalista1 . 5y ago I got a bread toaster from the 1800s. I got it from my grandfather, it can be used on top of the gas stove or over an open fire. 805 ...
DropDeadArtemus 5y ago A gold(fake, obviously) can of Mountain Dew with Yoda's face on it that was part of promotion for The Phantom Menace. It is still sealed. 304 ...
caca_milis_ 5y ago My fellow stitchers will know what's up: Needle minders. It's a magnet that you use while you're stitching, when you're done stitching or if you're changing out the colour of your thread etc, you drop your needle on the minder and it keeps it in place. Bonus use --if I drop/lose a needle I just scan the vicinity with the needle minder and it usually finds it. 1K ...
Flacker77 5y ago A large dime. Seriously it's like 3.5 inches diameter and 1/4 inch thick. I use it for making big decisions. 320 ...
SonicBrick в 5y ago A 1971 MINE detector that the US made for Germany military, comes with a German manual and everything, although, I'm not German, I still have it, lol 694 ...
schnit123 5y ago A Vectrex: a very rare home console from the early 80's that used vector instead of raster graphics (ie: lines instead of pixels). The system had to come with its own TV screen in order to be able to display its graphics correctly. It was actually a pretty good system but was expensive for its time and had the misfortune to release right before the great video game market crash of the early eighties so very few people bought one, but it remains a compelling little curio in the history of gaming. 2K ...
aquaphobic_goldfish 5y ago I have what looks like an oval brass pill box, but when you open it there is a chain inside that is connected to the bottom part. The chain is about 18 long and has a hook on the end. It was made for a woman to pull up the zipper on the back of her dress after she put the dress on. The hook on the end of the chain goes in the hole on the zipper tab, and then you pull the chain to pull the zipper up. 4.1K ...
RepostsDefended 5y ago Gonna hijack this as it's kinda related, but I have a plastic box on my shelf that looks like someone made a knock off N64. It's actually a 64DD, a disk drive for the Nintendo 64 that was never released outside of Japan and was a holy grail for me since I was about 12. Finally found one last year. 172 ...
TheOdinOfReddit 5y ago My grandfather owned this wooden globe. It was a huge globe like I mean HUGE. My father inherited it when he passed but I always spun the globe when I was little. My father recently found it again and put it in his study and one day when my parents weren't home I was working on an assignment in his study and I got bored so I spun the globe and noticed a very very small hinge on the equator. So I spun it to the opposite side and tried to open it and BOOM! THE GLOBE
NerdManTheNerd . 5y ago I've got a digital camera that shoots pictures directly to floppy disks. 359 ...
Trazomm - 5mo ago a French revolutionary pike, and a scale model of a guillotine 1 Reply ...
 1y ago Mountain Dew limited edition body wash 446 ...
JysanhaEva 1y ago Someone in my family (we think it's one of our great aunts) has a plate off the titanic, because my family is exactly that type where in the midst of a gigantic disaster, they would grab the nearest pricey thing and hold onto it for dear life. 1.1K ...
Ogradrak . 1y ago A piece of the berlin wall my grandpa took when it fell 436 ...
hotbutteredsole 0 1y ago I have a ukulele autographed Aloha! by William Shatner 587 ...
SecretReaper f 5y ago I have a Meteor shotgun owned by Doc Holiday with a loop on top, was kept under a poker table on a hook ready for use. I also have dozens of the working prop guns used in old westerns, and I do mean dozens, closing in on 100. 81 ...
Zamunda12345 5y ago I have a Russian RAKETA watch that's left from my grandfather. It doesn't run on batteries and it still works normally. I think it's manufactured in the 1960s or something. Close to 60 years old watch and still going strong. 76 ...
CookieBusiness 8y ago A towel that belonged to Sean Paul. 32 ...
spartanburt o 8y ago A 48 star US flag. 23 ...
 8y ago I own a cane I made out of a forged Damascus gun barrel Circe 1600-1750, with a handle of deer antler. I was also informed that it has a small chance of still being loaded, and a very very small chance of it going off randomly. 8 ...
snortingdietcoke . 5y ago U i own a ball (slightly larger than a golf ball) of pure zinc. It has no true functional purpose, but I hold it when i i drive. 154 ...
Sir_Cannot_Decide 5y ago A pocket knife my grandfather was given during WWII taken off a japanese soldier. It was modified to also be able to fire a small lead ball. Really cool artifact. The thought being you run up and stab an enemy and then fire the ball at point blank. The trigger mechanism still works but I don't dare actually fire it 43 ...
Vani11aGori11a7 . 8y ago I have an ash tray that is 7 people standing in a circle all connected by their dicks to a bowl in the middle 264 ...
-eDgAR- e 8y ago My old timey phone I really wish it worked, but it doesn't, still cool to have on my desk though. 86 ...
BlackSheepHere 5y ago I have something called a head puller which sounds like either a sex toy or a torture device, but it's just a very specialized hook for removing and replacing the heads of ball jointed dolls. 77 ...
thatsnotchocolatebro 8y ago A complete nsync bobblehead set. Im 25 and male 68 ...
crunchone . 8y ago I have a can of buzz cola from when the simpsons movie turned some 7/11s into quickie marts. 90 ...
14UR3N 8y ago A t-shirt from China with cartoon versions of Ronald McDonald, Adolf Hitler, and Charles Manson on it. It was mailed to me by mistake and I've never worn it... but I just can't bring myself to get rid of it. 137 ...
SewnVagina . 8y ago vagina costume for a Ken doll 738 ...
NotPatrickSmoak420 e 8y ago A book from the 1830's of Benjamin Franklin's writings, also I have some school textbooks from the 1820's. It is a very different perspective on America 173 ...
shastabh 1y ago I have an original bob ross painting. It was one of three used for an episode of the television show. This one was off-camera but on set and he used it as a reference for the one he painted on the episode. I attended the taping by shear happenstance and he gave it to me after the taping was complete. Не autographed the back with date/episode info and I have a bunch of letters we wrote to each other afterwards where he explained his inspiration for that particular painting, others related to it in the series and


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