35 Strange Laws Enforced by Small-Town Police Officers

‘No gold painted living statues’
35 Strange Laws Enforced by Small-Town Police Officers

Laws don’t always make sense, but just like warning labels, you have to assume that one guy did something at some point to make them a real thing. And unfortunately, because our elected officials are often too busy trolling each other, the more bizarre laws never get taken out of legislation. This, of course, means that people with a lot of time on their hands perpetually keep those obscure laws in their back pocket, ready to whip them out whenever they have a grudge. 

Redditors have marveled at the strangest laws that they’ve heard be enforced — from a police officer who wrote a ticket for farting, to a busybody who knows the proper size for stop signs on New Jersey ice cream trucks.

Sabor-Explosivo 6y ago Park Ranger Law Enforcement here, I did a detail in Joshua Tree and asked about strange laws they had. I was told that possession of balloons was unlawful because tortoises like shiney things, try to eat them and die. 8.1K ...
brittany_horn_arrest 9y ago Honking your horn in the absence of danger! A motorcycle cop cut me off as I was entering the freeway once with no siren. I didn't recognize he was a cop as it was dark so I slammed on my horn and he immediately pulled me over. Не said that the horn was too late after the instance of danger. Got a ticket (AND to tack on to that, because he smelled weed, I was handcuffed on the side of the freeway while he waited for backup to help search my vehicle. Had to stand there for
MrBluntsworth 9y ago A cop in my small town wrote someone a ticket for farting. A guy farted in front of the cop in line at sonic. my friend works for the police department and the cop even showed her the ticket. 3.5K ...
jse803 . 9y ago . Edited 9y ago I once met a man in prison charged with and I shit you not.... Cattle rustling. Не stole 21 head of cattle and tried to sell them illegally.
 9y ago Edited 9y ago We have the High Hedges Act 2011 in this country, a guy phones up the council complaining that his neighbour's hedges were blocking light into his living room. Fun thing about this law is it only applies when the hedge is 2 metres (6'6) tall or over - we can't force anyone to trim the hedge below said height.
anoncop1 9y ago Lewdness. A guy was passing out porn in front of a mall. Не was only handing it to adults, so we couldn't get him with providing porn to a minor. I had to call the oldest supervisor we have (he's been on for 30 years) and he knew what to do. Не had a similar incident in the early 90s. 2.7K ...
heimdahl81 9y ago In Flossmoor, Illinois it is a ticketable offense to park a pickup truck in front of your house. This includes parking it in your own driveway. Yeah, it is a town full of rich snobs. One rich guy loved his truck and parked it in his driveway anyway. Не got a couple tickets a week, paid them anyway, and kept doing what he wanted. 4.4K ...
BigMrKitty 9y ago . Edited 9y ago One time my grandfather got a ticket for riding a horse without a lantern. Local cop and him weren't on good terms, and he was going to a friends to get drunk, so he rode his horse instead of driving. On his way home, at night, he said the cop stopped him and because he couldn't cite him for being drunk, he wrote him up for riding a horse without a lantern.
uieLouAy 9y ago Edited 9y ago In New Jersey there are very specific laws regulating the size of stop signs on ice cream trucks... I am not a law enforcement officer, but a legislative aide for a state representative. A few weeks ago a very angry middle aged man called the office complaining about the ice cream truck parked down the street from his house. At first I thought he was kidding, but then he started citing NJ Statute 39:4-128.5, laying out how big an ice cream truck's stop sign must be, and how far it must extend off of
 9y ago . Edited 9y ago Live in a small rural town. You'd be surprised how many DWI's while driving a tractor/lawnmower we give out. And no. We don't write these tickets if we see them mowing their yard with a beer. These people drive this stuff into town to the gas station, walmart, and other places with beer in hands because they think we can't write them a DWI. 381 ...
horse_you_rode_in_on . 10y ago Montreal, Canada: you may not park a car in such a way that it is blocking your own driveway. 32 ...
dirtymoney 10y ago blue laws. You cant buy liquor on sunday mornings. God doesnt want you drinking when you shoudl be praying. Не also doesnt want you buying a vehicle at a dealership on sunday. 14 ...
RadicalOptimist . 10y ago In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry an Icecream cone in your back pocket. 26 ...
harrypugger . 6y ago Not a cop, but, whale fishing is illegal here... in the middle of Nebraska. We also have a navy. 18K ...
HER Gampfer 0 6y ago Hingham MA has a law against colored and / or flashing Christmas lights on any the exterior of any home on Main St. Solid White lights only. 417 ...
Zillionstel 9y ago My sister rode her bike with an other person. A police officer then stopped them. She had to pay 5€, because it's not allowed by law to drive a bike with more than one person on it. 32 ...
 9y ago I pulled over a guy for drunk riding a horse. I had his wife come pick him up rather than bringing him in. 31 ...
SlothOfDoom 9y ago My friends kid got a kite stuck in a tree at the park, so I climbed up to get it down for her. A cop charged with me for the illegal act of climbing a tree AND injuring or destroying a tree on municipal property. Total charges: $500. 27 ...
The_White_Django . 10y ago Over here in the UK, up until 1998, it was an act of treason to kill a Swan. The punishment? The Death Penalty. 34 ...
Banananonymity 6y ago I'm not a cop, but my township doesn't allow drive throughs to have deep fryers. The only food based drive through in my entire township of 65,000 people is one Tim Hortons. 6.1K ...
Toxic_Puddlefish 6y ago Until pennies went out of use in my country, you couldn't purchase anything over 25 cents all in pennies. Not a cop, just grew up poor and a few local shops were sticklers about the law, though some weren't aware it was a thing at all. 1.1K ...
Lohidenver . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Not a cop but I was reporter in a college town when our town council made it illegal to walk around in a turgid state. My friends and I made a bunch of Turgid State t-shirts and hoodies and paid for our tuition. 2.6K ...
ChristianPoPo 6y ago Cop in Australia. If i catch you with having more than 50kg of potatoes in your possession i WILL arrest you. Mostly because it would be hilarious.... then ill unarrest you because who really gives a shit. Still illegal in Western Australia though. 27K ...
katherinerose89 . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Head of household is supposed to own a gun. I mean they don't really enforce it but we get a lot of recognition for it.
unoriginal_user24 . 6y ago Mine has a thing against gold-painted living statues... 11K ...
prettyprincess93 6y ago Not a cop, but in my home state, if you ride your horse to school, it is the school's responsibility to feed and water it. Every year, people would get together and ride their horses to school and the horses would stay in the football field. 1.2K ...
VerbalJudoMaster21 6y ago Actually a law enforced in my town: if more than 3 people would like to live together, two of them must be related. This is a college town, so if 5 dudes wanted to live together, at least two of them would have to be related. It's not enforced as much my private renters, but property managers and such have to follow to law. 17K ...
TheVoiceOfHam 6y ago A town around here doesnt allow microwaves in restuarants (this prevents fast food chains and drive thrus from pushing out the mom and pop guys since the big guys all use microwaves). 919 ...
kvsnake 6y ago Am cop. This is a super old law but it never got taken away. Stealing someones livestock is punished by death. This one can be used too, spitting on a sidewalk is a mis 4.4K ...
Shnozztube . 6y ago Windshield wipers are mandatory on your car here, but there's no law that requires a windshield. 12K ...
eggsovereazy 6y ago The town I where I went to college houses were not allowed to have more than 10 bedrooms. Also every floor of the house had to have a functioning toilet. It was weird because you would go to a house party and there would be a toilet in the middle of the basement, not in its own room, out in the open. Usually they were next to the laundry machines because that's where the plumbing was. 662 ...
StoneRhino 6y ago Local law against swearing in public. I'd be the biggest hypocrite enforcing that law. 4.3K ...
winterlayers 6y ago Edited 6y ago There is a neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada where it is illegal to sell alcohol in an establishment with more than two arcade games. Not the whole city, just this one particular neighbourhood. A Pinball cafe opened in said neighbourhood, bringing in all sorts of retro and new pinball machines that would rotate through. Opened with quite a bit of hype. First few months they were busy & had great reviews. But there was a hold up with the liquor license which caused them to lose money. Eventually the license was denied based on this
thinkdeep . 6y ago Journalist who reports on cops here: motorcyclists must always have two feet on the ground when stopped. 3.9K ...
Im_Too_Canadian . 10y ago Its illegal to catch fish with your hands in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 7 ...


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