27 Well-Intentioned Gifts That Were Completely Absurd

‘A beard trimmer. I was 10’
27 Well-Intentioned Gifts That Were Completely Absurd

When it comes to gift giving, it’s supposedly the thought that counts. But some gifts really make you wonder about the thought process. In college, for instance, a Redditor received two gifts from his grandfather: windshield wiper fluid and a case of .22 shells. He didn’t own a car or a gun, but it provided insight into what his grandpa considered important in life. 

Other Redditors have detailed the gifts they’ve been simultaneously grateful for and confused by, including one from someone who has no idea how small a dorm room is.

acydetchx 12y ago My mom sent me a perfect meatloaf pan...this item from like home shopping TV. No idea why....it's now arunning joke between my gf and i 9 ...
JustKaren13 1y ago Woman 30 to 40 One pound bag of the Lucky Charms Marshmallows 30 ...
Msinochan1 1y ago female 27 - 30 Got a light up Shaq T shirt. Batteries not included. 10 ...
sodarnclever 1y ago Toilet paper- the enormous Costco size pack. 7 ...
PurpSnail . 1y ago Restaurant size can of pickles 2 ...
No_Guava_5764 . 1y ago A plunger 2 ...
VividLotus 12y ago My ex's grandmother bought me a book about how to be a good Christian housewife. I'm neither a Christian (which she knew full well) nor will I ever be a housewife. My aunt bought me this ridiculous designer dog collar that would have fit my dog perfectly...if he wore it as a bracelet. 71 ...
 e 12y ago 0 Edited 12y ago I asked for a boom box for xmas one year when I was about 11-12 (this was the mid-nineties). for Xmas I got a small tape recorder like this and a Mariah Carey Christmas cassette. I told them it was exactly what I wanted. It was not exactly what I wanted. 83 ...
datboigucci 12y ago A gun rack. What am I gonna do with a gun rack? 79 ...
 12y ago I live in a part of the world that has a great supply of salmon. A business partner of my father's, once sent us a case of canned salmon. Не lived in the prairies and to him, it was a very expensive treat. We, of course, were very grateful for the thought and the expense, but ended up sending it to family in Denmark who were excited to taste Canadian salmon. 63 ...
punkwalrus 12y ago My wife got a stick of deodorant for her 16th birthday because her grandmother said you are now a woman, and now are the age where you are allowed to use this. My older niece got a book about periods, breasts, and sexual changes at her birthday party from her grandmother while at a Lazer Tag party with her friends and younger sister and younger brothers. She was 9, and mortified. 44 ...
 12y ago My mother bought me a mortar and pestle for Christmas when I was 11. I mostly used it to smash up lipstick and Vaseline to make homemade lip glosses, so at least it went to use, but it was a strange gift nonetheless. 90 ...
TMLFAN11 12y ago One Christmas a couple years ago, I asked my grandmother for Age of Empires III for my PC. She bought me the game along with a CD player to play it on 106 ...
bushel_and_a_peck . 12y ago My grandfather gave me a piano for my 17th birthday. I was incredibly grateful until I realized I was 17 and what was I going to do with a piano right now? Не told me it was for my dorm room. 233 ...
 e 12y ago When I was maybe eight or nine and I hadn't gone through puberty yet and was still very skinny, a friend in the family gave me a bra. A huge, lacy, D-sized bra. No one could figure out how she thought that was an appropriate present... come five or so years later it fit me perfectly. Was pretty weird. 57 ...
 12y ago Every year, my grandma gifts me harmonicas. Unfortunately, I'm not a blues singer. 103 ...
 12y ago When I was 18, my grandfather sent me windshield wiper fluid and a case of .22 shells for my birthday. I lived in the dorms at the time. Definitely didn't own a car, and I definitely didn't have a gun. 126 ...
catalot 12y ago When I was 11, my parents got me an answering machine for my birthday... and good news, the whole family can use it! Also, we were in no sense poor. 252 ...
 12y ago My great uncle gave me a briefcase for my high school graduation. I was a 17 year old girl, enrolled in community college, and he thought a briefcase might be necessary. God, it was sweet. 130 ...
Fenrai 12y ago My mother bought me a full-size onesie (I'm 22), that had a devil theme, complete with horns and a tail. I thought it was somewhat amusing until I realised that it said Horny Devil on the feet. 109 ...
barristonsmellme 12y ago My nan got my deaf cousin an mp3 player because maybe the headphones will put the sound right in his ear. I don't even know if there's any accidental logic to that. 290 ...
TheGreenShepherd 12y ago For Christmas, my grandmother gave me an enormous red velvet bow that was motion-activated to play It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas. I'm a guy and I was 17 years old at the time. 79 ...
ArrenPawk 12y ago Beard trimmer. I was 10. 774 ...
titsmfmcgee e 12y ago Chicken soup for the teenage soul, I was thirteen when first received. Then got the same copy for christmas, 23 days after my birthday. and went on to get eight more copies from the same grandma. 416 ...
dannyr 12y ago I am one of 14 grandchildren. In 1991 (this is important) all grandchildren (ranging from 4 - 21) got Boy George Action Figures. It didn't if you were a boy or a girl to my grandparents (or to Boy George either, for that matter), we all got one. I don't know where they found them, five years after he stopped being famous, but it was a rather odd Christmas morning to have us all unwrapping the dolls going Great....thanks...as a 9 year old boy this is EXACTLY what I want! 173 ...
Enux 12y ago . Edited 12y ago When I was 12, my uncle bought me a Christmas present, he lives on the other side of the planet so I never really meet him but he always sends me presents and cards etc. So I opened my present this one Christmas and it was a box full of XL condoms and there was a note inside that said Big Johnnys for big Johnny! (my name's john) 557 ...
dukya 0 12y ago A Garmin GPS, from my mother. I have no car, have never had a car, and have no intention to buy a car in the near future. 24 ...


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