24 Wild Reasons People Quit a Job on Their First Day

‘It was hundreds of roaches’
24 Wild Reasons People Quit a Job on Their First Day

There are plenty of undeniable red flags at a job that can set off your skedaddle alarm, and in some cases, they’re made clear more or less immediately. For example, if it’s your first shift at a restaurant and you happen to sweep up a pile of “hundreds of roaches,” it’s definitely time to go. 

Redditors have revealed the reasons they swiftly left a place of employment, and one story involves a cafe manager who had a very unique interpretation of what tips are for.

webz45 3y ago Answered an ad in the paper (this was the mid 90s) what seemed to be an office job making sales calls when I was in college. Did a phone interview and was called back for an in person interview. When I go to the interview I'm led into a room with about 50 other people and a small stage at the front of the room. We're all somewhat confused as to what is going on. Finally a guy gets on the stage and informs us that we've been selected for the opportunity to sell Cutco. Me and
teamfaysal Зу ago On the first day of working at Amazon warehouse the managers broke down to Everyone how a 15 minute break works there. Walking to the break room is 2 1/2 minutes. 10 minutes of actual break and then 2 1/2 minutes to go back to your stations. It took me 2 1/2 minutes to walk to my car and I took a forever break. 5.4K ...
Auto_Fac 3y ago I noped out of an interview one time. Thanked them at the end and said it wasn't for me. Those interviewing, management level folks, started arguing with each other in front of me during the interview. I figured, if this is the vibe at the management level then I sure as hell don't want to be your employee. 2K ...
csudebate Зу ago Summer job working for a landscape architect. Got to the job site and he asked me to dig a hole in some rocky dirt. I asked for a shovel. Не didn't have one. I asked for a hand spade. Не didn't have one. Не told me to just dig the hole with my bare hands and then he drove off to another site leaving me completely alone. I dug for a little bit and then said 'fuck this' and left. Had the job specified that I needed to supply my own tools I could've but it didn't
Chefdingo 3y ago Restaurant. Swept under my station when we were closing. Giant brown pile came out with broom from under low-boy fridge. Pile began to scatter. It was hundreds of roaches. Never returned 1.9K ...
battleangelred Зу ago I answered an ad for a baby sitting job. I was already working on a casual basis but it was sporadic so I thought some after hours baby sitting would be welcome extra cash. The couple were both in the military and proceeded to tell me that I would be staying in the spare room and looking after their 6 mth old child around the clock as well as doing the housework. I would have one day off every two weeks. They said it is cash in hand so I could sign onto the dole (unemployment benifit)
Scandal929 Зу ago Edited Зу ago Had an orientation for an alarm company. Next day manager calls and says don't worry about going into the office and to meet at Planet Hollywood they like to get to know the employees better over lunch. Next day I go into the office and another employee whom I had not met says You must be Scandal929. I was like ha? They responded Light skinned, pretty boy is how the manager described me. In same conversation I found out no one else had ever been invited for a get to know you lunch. I'm
yellowchaitea 3y ago I was hired to be a waitress, which has a lower hourly wage due to tips. The entire shift they had me wash dishes in the sink, but paid me waitress wages. A few months later the restaurant was investigated for a number of fraud activity. 17K ...
uno_the_duno 3y ago It was a small independent insurance agency in 2006. My first day there the owner (a true fossil) said email and fax were strictly forbidden as he only 'believed in' communication in person, by phone, or through mail. Left for lunch and never went back. I couldn't imagine the inefficiency I'd have dealt with had I stayed. They ultimately closed their doors so it was definitely the right decision. 5.9K ...
Pokestralian Зу ago 'Salesman' for Kirby vacuums. First sale call was to a single elderly woman who was supporting her son in hospital (they got us in the door by offering a free carpet clean as a demonstration). The supervisor training me pushed and pushed to make the sale until this old woman was in tears. Just as she was about to sign the paperwork I asked if she actually wanted to vacuum and she said it was lovely but she couldn't afford it. I took the paperwork away from her and said not to worry. Outside I told the
DrTardis89 Зу ago I wasn't the person but I was training a new guy at a movie theater. A customer asked for extra butter. She was nice and normal. Not a mean or rude customer. The kind I would pay to handle all day long. Не puts the popcorn tub down, says I'm going to the bathroom, takes off his apron and walks out the front door and never came back. 12K ...
Hall5885 Зу ago I technically quit before my first day. I got hired at a well known gift store. I was hired with the understanding that I would work Saturdays, Sundays , and a grand total of 8 hours a week (so two 4 hour shifts). Also at minimum wage. Not a problem with me, done that before, I would just pick up a part time job for rest of the week. Nope, apparently that wasn't allowed. The manager thought that was a horrible thing and disrespectful to her. I should only work for them and only them and I should
imagisnarf2 . 3y ago It was a waitress gig for a local restaurant. I finished my first day, then was told that training would continue for six weeks. While I was in training, all of the tips I got had to be given to my trainer. I was being paid less than $2 an hour. I called the next day and said it wasn't gonna work out. 15K ...
tlr92 3y ago My very first job was at a little drive in restaurant close to my high school. I showed up to work the first day, they lady said I had to pay her $50 for training. She showed me around the place and said that my pay would be $4.50/hour as a carhop (this was in 2010), and all the tips I made went into a bucket with all the other girls' tips. At the end of the night, she counted up tips, kept 20% for herself and split the rest up evenly among EVERY employee. Also, part
CutCornersNot... 3y ago Edited 3y ago I was a cashier at this cafeteria for a large company in my town. The people that worked at the company would put their tips in a bucket and the people made a lot of money so there was like 10s and 20s. The manager of the cafe wouldn't let me have any of tips because she said that cashiers couldn't be trusted so she would ship the tip money to a church in El Paso. I immediately knew that this was a load of bullshit and I just never went back. It's also
NotForrestGump Зу ago It was a sandwich shop in college. I got the flu before my first day, told them I was sick, they said come in anyway it's just training. Then they had me making sandwiches, no gloves, runny nose, coughing and everything. I left in under an hour and didn't eat there again. Fuuuuuuuck that. 1.7K ...
pocketradish Зу ago I got a job at a Build A Bear knockoff at the end of a mall that wasn't very busy. My interview with the owners was interesting. They were an older couple who said that they had wanted to open a Chick Fil A, but you need about a million dollars to do that. My first day, one other girl was working, and she didn't really talk to me. I had basically no training and she disappeared into the back. I was standing at the register area, which was underneath a giant storybook mushroom. A mother and
donniehinck . Зу ago I worked in one jail and on my first day who ever runs the investigations of prisons busted my Sargent and 5 other CO's for bring in drugs and fucking male inmates. Didn't even wait til the end of my shift. 13K ...
Shutinneedout Зу ago Edited Зу ago My very first job was at a buffet restaurant that was popular with senior citizens and known for their desserts. I was asked to get another coconut cream pie from the back and as I was getting it out of the fridge, another employee bumped into me and I dropped it on the floor, pie side down. This employee's (someone who'd worked there for years) solution was to just scrape off all the whipped topping and replace it. I was horrified they served pie that had been on the extremely dirty floor and never
CaptainArsehole o 3y ago When the microwave in the lunch room was coin activated. 52K ...
gkemball Зу ago A long time ago, not long after getting my papers as a chef I had an interview at a hotel for a position in the kitchen. The Executive Chef and I chatted in his office for about 20 mins, at the time I remember him coming off as very arrogant which is quite common in this field, I didn't think much of it at the time as the pay was decent and the shift was what I wanted. As I was leaving his office I turned to leave through the dining room (the way I had come
FappyDilmore 3y ago I was a cashier at Lowe's during college for less than a full day. I made it through the multiple day training but there was so much stupid shit going on almost thought I was on a hidden camera show. All of the employees complained about how hard they had to work while simultaneously not getting enough hours. Nobody understood why they were hiring like 4 new people (I was one of those 4). Turns out it's because they were progressing through a sexual harassment complaint that required restructuring of the store and firing of some employees.
i_mormon_stuff 3y ago My first ever job. I was thirteen and I would be delivering phone books from the back of a van through peoples letterboxes. So I'd be in the back of the van with the phone books and there was an older guy driving slowly while I went back and forth to the van/houses with the books. At one point the van was getting quite empty so there was more space to move around and we had finished the delivery in the street we were paid to deliver to and he drove to another. While driving there he
ContributionRoutine Зу ago I was 17 and working Pre-cast concrete. Refused to use a rusted to shit ladder. Supervisor called me a pussy, got up about 7 rungs before his foot went through one, heard his foot snap as he fell. I called an ambulance and walked to my car in the parking lot 3.4K ...


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