31 of the Funniest Ways Someone Botched a Simple Task

‘Watched someone wash a car with no water’
31 of the Funniest Ways Someone Botched a Simple Task

What seems obvious to you isn’t always so obvious to someone else. Maybe it’s easy for you to bake a potato in the oven without burning your house down. Or maybe you think it’s clear that you need to use both soap and water when washing a car. Check your privilege, buddy. We can’t all be geniuses

To that end, Redditors have remembered the times they watched someone botch an incredibly simple task, and there’s a lot of impressively unimpressive stuff here. If you know how to put nuts on a plate with no problem, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back — there’s definitely one person out there who can’t say the same thing. 

SouthernJeb 10y ago Look for a left-handed hammer. 94 ... + More replies
rsgummybear 10y ago I used to work with this kid who couldn't take out the trash. Не literally couldn't figure out how to open the trash bags. 134 ...
fancieschmancie 10y ago Right click. Seriously. We had a computer component in high school where we had to follow this workbook and complete tasks. The girl next to me asks me how to right click and I told her to click the right button on her mouse. She looks at me exasperatedly, opens Word, types in right click, presses enter and then tells me that it's not working. I hope she married rich. 140 ...
 10y ago Cutting a small stack of paper in half. Не put almost the entire stack in a paper cutter and just pounded on the blade arm until the paper was torn apart. Had to re- copy the whole pile. 168 ...
 10y ago I saw a man try to put some mixed nuts on a plate. Не had the plate upside down which caused the nuts to roll off. Не did this 2 or 3 times before finally realizing that he needed to turn over the plate. This man was a PhD and a professor at a state university. 256 ...
Jadenlost . 10y ago Asked someone at work to get me a cucumber. Не came back with a lime. 427 ...
stuai 10y ago A girl in my class failed to show where Poland was on a map of the world. Yeah, it's not the biggest and most famous country in the world, but WE FUCKING LIVE THERE 249 ...
Cbarns88 10y ago Watched someone wash a car with no water. 128 ...
MotherfuckingMarie 10y ago The ballpark was getting low on hotdog buns so a girl was sent to pick up 60 buns. There's 8 in a pack. All we needed was 8 packs. That's 64 buns. She came back with 48 packs of hotdog buns because that's all the store had. She came back with over 300 hotdog buns. 413 ...
KINGKONinG 10y ago To change the creamer's at Tim Hortons you drop about a 10 litre bag of cream with a plastic hose into a teal insert that then gets put in the machine. you clamp the hose down and then cut below as close as possible so that you can now use the creamer bag. I worked with a girl who did all of these steps but when she got to cutting the hose, she cut it above the clamp. She then proceeded to be covered in 10 litres of cream because she is stupid. It looked like a
Flame_chick e 10y ago Breathing, my cousin chokes on air about 87% of the time. 3 ...
Durbee 10y ago Open a laptop. Seems dear user was confused about the orientation of the logo on the top and repeatedly tried opening it at the hinge. Frustrated, he pushed it away after a few minutes. I walked over, turned it around, and opened it for him. Well, why would they put the logo upside down? SMH. 3 ...
ThePhantomJames 10y ago Friend of mine nearly burned her house down trying to bake a potato. Like... how? 3 ...
noah03ark 10y ago Using a microwave. They put a METAL BOWL FROM A RICE COOKER in it. I wake up to smoke billowing from the microwave. I open the windows, put the bowl on the sill to vent, turn on the microwave air vent, let the room clear, and reset the breaker to turn off the alarm while this girl just stood there. I had to tell a 20 year old to not put metal in the microwave. 3 ...
SteveBro89 10y ago Scrambling eggs. I once watched my roommate add butter to a pan, and immediately burn it. Then he cracked an egg into the still burning butter. A few half- hearted stirs were all the scrambling he thought was necessary. In a few moments the eggs were a concerning brown and grey color and way overcooked. It was painful to watch. There are maybe 3 steps to making scrambled eggs and he mangled each one. The kicker? Homeboy thinks that's how scrambled eggs are supposed to look and taste. I don't like my eggs soggy that's gross I
Skutter_ 10y ago My sister trying to sneak some vodka. The vodka was in the freezer. She must've poured some out, then topped it up with water so it looked like none was missing, then put in back in the freezer. Of course it froze and I almost died laughing and my sister's stupidity. 4 ...
RecyclableRaccoon . 10y ago My mom forgot the head when drawing a stick person once. And the arms. 5 ...
 10y ago I saw a girl use a pen on a Scantron at a school where we had used pencil-only Scantrons for 3 years (and we were reminded almost every time that they work with number 2 pencils only) 7 ...
 10y ago I thought it was impossible to fail at making instant noodles until my friend showed me. Microwavable noodles, just add water. My friend put the noodles in the microwave for the indicated time then when it was done, took it out then poured the water in. Не was perplexed at why it wasn't working. After that, he shrugged and just ate the noodles right then there without proper cooking. 7 ...
allthetimes 10y ago Working in IT you get a lot of these, like when you tell someone to turn off the computer and all they do is turn off the screen 8 ...
 10y ago Those little plastic bread bag ties. I saw a friend try and push the rolled plastic into the tie without lifting one end. Took him a good 30 seconds. 10 ...
SpartanZ18 10y ago Sweeping the aisle. Where I worked my bosses wanted us to wet it first. I told the girl she needed to do it (watching her roll her eyes was funny) and I handed her the watering can. I come back later and she has the hose out and is spraying the whole aisle... 21 ...
InspectorVII 10y ago I once had to help a stranger get into his hotel room because he could not for the life of him figure out the key card. I could here him fumbling for a good 5 minutes before I entered to hallway to see what all the fuss was about. Yep, just a guy not being able to figure out: Card In, Green Light, Open. 20 ...
O obsidian_butterfly 10y ago Being a Pall Bearer. At my great grandmother's funeral last Friday. My cousin just... stood there blocking the way for the rest of us. Seriously. Literally all you have to do is touch a coffin while the undertaker wheels it into the church, and then help lift it out of a Herse. How the Hell do you screw up moving a box? 29 ...
-rabid- 10y ago Fucking sweeping. Many years ago I was a shift supervisor for Pizza Hut. We had a 15 year old team member who was as dumb as a bag of rocks. I told him to sweep the floor, so he grabs a broom and just starts stabbing at the floor with it. 8 ...
yeah_no_maybe e 10y ago . Edited 10y ago Pouring water out of an electric kettle. Не didn't know to push the button and tilt the kettle, instead he used his finger to lift the flap where the water comes out and proceeded to pour hot water onto his finger.
 10y ago Put these address labels on these envelopes. Like this? Holds out envelope with address label on the back No... 42 ...
 10y ago When we were both teenagers and living at home, my brother tried to cook some ravioli. Не thought you put the ravioli in the water and heat it for 10 minutes, and then it was done. After ten minutes, he wanted to know why it wasn't done. I asked him to go through his process step-by-step so I'd know where he went wrong. That's when my brother learned that when you make pasta, you have to boil the water first. 55 ...
fastergun 10y ago Mopping. The guy had the strainer mounted backwards on the mop bucket and was squeezing all the mop water back onto the floor. And then he would keep mopping it up. This was in jail and the guy was an idiot. Ended up getting stabbed to death at a cafeteria. 50 ...
Okstate2039 10y ago . Edited 10y ago Friend is a dorm RA. She tells the story of one of her residents that lit their room on fire and had to get the fire department called...they were boiling kidney beans...
 10y ago Making a grilled cheese sandwich. I was a cook at Waffle House for a while, and we got a new guy in for me to train. I asked him to make a grilled cheese for an order, and he just kind of stared blankly at me. So I said take two pieces of bread, butter one side of each, put a slice of cheese on the other side, and put it on the grill. And he did - he buttered one side of each slice, put cheese on the other side, then put them on the grill. Separately. Cheese


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