20 Innocent Things People Did as Kids That Destroyed Someone Else’s Life

‘She still has spinal problems’
20 Innocent Things People Did as Kids That Destroyed Someone Else’s Life

How are you, as a child, supposed to understand that you ruined Thanksgiving by admitting that you saw your uncle cheating on your aunt? Or that you likely cost a farmer hundreds — if not thousands — of dollars in damage when you created a maze in his corn crops without permission? That’s what being young and blissfully unaware is all about.

Redditors have looked back on the times they almost certainly messed up an adult’s life with their whimsically childish ways, and hindsight really is a cruel mistress.

jna204 e 11y ago Accidentally burned down my house, the house being built next door and scorched the side of our other neighbor's house. For those who are wondering yes plastic can reignite after you put it out. 45 ...
hillard429 11y ago I said no to the first boy who asked me out in middle school. Не was good friends with me, and my other close friends, who were mostly smart, well behaved and involved students. After I said no, he stopped hanging out with us, started hanging out with the bad kids, and now (10 years later) has a kid and is in jail. I still feel like if I had said yes, he probably wouldn't have gone down the road he did. 236 ...
tvp6987 11y ago In 3rd grade me and a friend used to pull chairs out under each other. Well one time I pulled his chair and his hand was impaled with a pencil. Which caused him to stay back a grade. Later he dropped out of High School and is now working as a cashier for a local market. 228 ...
raen89 11y ago Not their whole life, but when I was in middle school I was super stick thin, I then coined the term the raen89 diet, don't eat, don't get fat. (I never liked school lunches so I rarely ate at school, and I was in no way giving advice) My friend took me literally, and after he went to high school he became anorexic & bulimic. I never knew until 2 or 3 years after he graduated, since we went to different high schools. He's at a healthy weight & mind set now. 412 ...
joshgadosh 11y ago Not me, but my sister kicked my brother so hard in the nuts when he was 8 that he had to go to the hospital, now he has only one working testicle. 736 ...
Bearbats 11y ago Once, as a prank, I put bleach in the shampoo. Ha-ha, someone's hair is gonna turn a weird lighter color, it'll be hilarious! Blinded my brother in one eye. 2.2K ...
nowgetbacktowork 6y ago I had chicken pox as a kid and hugged my grandma before I had any visible symptoms. She got shingles, was severely effected and nearly died. No one told me this until a year or so ago. I'm almost 40. 15 ...
 11y ago I stabbed my cousin in the thigh now he runs funny 1.3K ...
 0 6y ago In grade 3 or 4 my friend had a crush on the student teacher. I thought it would be funny to write a love note to my friend pretending to be the student teacher. She thought it was real and showed everyone the love note, including the real teacher. The student teacher ended up having an investigation against him. :( 27 ...
chezwazza 6y ago When I was very young my mother put me in my booster seat in the back of the car and then proceeded to the rear to load stuff into the boot. I being a mischievous little asshole got myself out of my seat and took the hand brake off. The car then rolled backwards over my poor mother and broke both of her legs. Screwed her life up for a good while there. 37 ...
Lettuce-b-lovely 6y ago My cousin and I were trying to surf, which we had never done before. I couldn't paddle out past the waves because I was too small and weak. Не stood behind me in waist deep water with the intention of pushing me over the wave. The board dug into the water and it's buoyancy made it shoot back into his face. Не can't see out of one eye properly now. 649 ...
TheWayfaringDreamer 6y ago When I was younger, my best friend's parents were a gay couple and I spent a lot of time with them. One time, we were like 7 or 8 years old and I was with my friend and his parents, and they took us to an event at a restaurant and beach club. I don't remember exactly what the event was, but it was specifically meant for the gay community so there were a lot of gay couples there. Anyway, the next week I went into school and said that my friend's parents took me to a
ScaryLamp 6y ago Can't remember the whole thing, but apparently when my sister and I were young we told our bus driver that the guy she was dating was also dating our mom. She told us his name and we said Oh, we know someone who's named that to! And began to tell her about him. I don't think we ruined her life, but at least we stopped him from cheating on anyone else! My mom still likes to bring that story up today though about how we talked to much as kids lol. 107 ...
Alottathots 6y ago For whatever reason I took a big dirty dump on the bathroom floor at school when I was 7. The teachers asked me later what was up and I blamed it on my best friend. For some reason he admitted it was him. The administrators sent him to be mentally evaluated and he ended up on ritalin for the next 15 years. 970 ...
 6y ago I accidently caught my uncle cheating on my aunt and apparently fessed up at the dinner table on Thanksgiving. I was about 6 and I don't remember the event. I remember everyone being in a rush to leave and ultimately not seeing my uncle again. 1.3K ...
MLZHR 6y ago I was like 8-9 years old and I found my cousin's porn since I didn't knew what it was I asked my aunt, she ask where did I find it and if I could find more she would give a surprise, I found like 9 magazines, the surprise was ice cream and money for the arcade. 1.2K ...
lostbane 6y ago I was about 5 and my aunt was driving us somewhere late at night on the highway. I remember seeing a full moon through the window on my side and I urged my aunt to look out the window saying look look look look it's so big and pretty look look look. She turned her head for a split second to look where I was so frantically pointing at and in that short moment her eyes were off the road, a car slid into her lane with very little room to spare and she ended up rear
thudly 6y ago When I was around 8 or 9, me and some friends decided to make a corn maze in some random farmer's field. We didn't ask him. Didn't know him. Didn't think about the fact that he didn't want a corn maze in his field. We just thought it would be awesome fun. Poor guy. We probably did hundreds of dollars of damage. 149 ...
SeeYouOn16 6y ago When I was 14 I was at my friends house. His dad had a really nice late 60's early 70's Chevelle (I think). My friend and I were sitting there looking at it and talking about it and being at that age when cars just seemed so cool I wanted to see the engine. We popped the hood and looked for a while and then slammed the hood and moved on. Well the hood didn't latch properly and the next time he drove it the hood flew up and he crashed the car. It was a 30+
justintimewhoknew 6y ago Called my mom when she worked at a hospital as a child just returning from vacation. I was so excited to tell her about my trip and wouldn't let her go. A man she was in charge of watching went to the bathroom on his own and fell. Не died .... .. 11 ...


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